Chapter 40

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-YingYan's POV-

I sat Orange down on the ground and looked at Lucy who just seemed worried...  Before looking surprised as she saw LovelyMoon and Light as they had the statue hold off the darkness and quickly lead us to... Red Steve and Blue Steve. Orange looked... Happy but also sad... "Red Steve." I bowed to red Steve who seemed surprised to see me. We then heard that our time was starting to run out... Red had to tell Orange one last thing before he goes. These last words. My last moments... No I cannot accept this. Anyway... Red knew about Orange's past. I looked over at the statue, LovelyMoon and Light. Those two... Also tried their best. My eyes widened at Red explaining that Orange Steve was... Part of the orange crystal. How... Interesting. I took Orange Steve's Hand and dragged him away. "Come." I simply said, as Sabre and the others yelled at us to come back. No. I refused. "You know what to do. Don't you?" I asked him. "...Yes... I... Have to use myself as the crystal... So that the hero can be created..." Orange gripped my hand tightly...
He obviously didn't want to go... But knew... This was the only way. "Did you drag me away because you didn't want the others to know...?" He was trembling... He didn't want to leave his friends... His family... "Yes. We have to do this... Without them knowing about our plan. So... Are you ready?" I looked at Orange Steve... He slowly nodded and teared up. I clapped and a machine appeared... The crystals all in their places. And orange Steve in a glass chamber. I heard the others all sprint over and only beard Lucy cry out "NO!!!! ORANGE DON'T DO THIS!!!" Im sorry Lucy.
Me and orange are sharing the same thoughts... We are sorry, Lucy. But this has to happen. I activated the machine and a lot of lightning happened... The skies were normal again... The threat has retreated. "The power is at 1%. Shutting down." Thank your Statue. The other ran over to me and Rainbow Steve, Lucy crying... As she finally saw Rainbow Steve... "...WHY?! WHY DID YOU JUST DO THIS?!" She cried and punched me in the chest, causing me to stumble back... I could feel the hatred filled glares on me... They at least wanted to say goodbye, I know... But I couldn't. They would've probably tried to stop it all... "I'm sorry." I coughed out my apologies...

"It was the only way." LovelyMoon walked over to my side and held my hand "You all would've probably tried to stop Orange Steve... So... YingYan had to do this."... "He did the right thing." Even light Steve... "He created the hero." He stood by my other side and held my hand. "You..." Sabre quietly mumbles something and turned to the machine to let Rainbow Steve out...

-Raven's POV-

NO!!! We were so close to our victory.. We almost destroyed them...! I clenched my fist and punched a wall so hard... I punched a hole in it. "Now they created the hero. Now I won't have a single chance to win..." I quietly growled to myself... "Oh Raven." Dark Steve. I turned to Dark Steve and crossed my arms in front of my chest "What do you want, Dark Steve?" I was so angry... Those pieces of shit... "It's not over yet. They might have the hero... But we... We have you, my... Queen~" Ohoho~ Is he trying to be a charmer? "Well Well well Dark Steve... Trying to be a charmer, are you?~" I laughed and walked towards him "Well... You're quiet right. Just because they have Rainbow Steve... It does not mean a single thing. I can still... Win against them~ Destroy them~ And make the hero... One of MY People~" I laughed and walked out to the balcony. This world... Every world. They will all be...

Ours, Your Majesty.

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