Chapter 44

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-Sabre's POV-

I was down in my Basement in the new Server. Well "New". It's been a few days since I've been here. And since I've kept dealing with that Virus. I was running lowkey out on food and wanted to go out there and fight the Virus. Someone gave the suggestion to me to eat the golden apple for when I'm fighting the Virus. I've also started feeling like I was... Always being watched by someone. Someone who wasn't the Virus. I sighed and digged up, secretly getting out my Basement and already saw the Virus... It was ruining my crops! Aw c'mon Man! Not cool! But well... At leat it was just doing that... I sighed and ran to get a better vantage point... And started thinking...  And getting the feeling of getting watched again... Was the other Virus watching me...? I shook my head and got ready to fight that thing- No wait! I ran back to my basement to make a iron sword... That's when I, once again, got the feeling of being watched... I tried to stay calm as I also made some armor before going back out and then going to get inside the fire wall to fight the virus! "They may take our lifes... But they shall never take OUR FREEDOOOOOOOOOMMM!" I yelled as I ran into my base and attacked the virus! I was able to make damage! But it was so fast... I was missing a lot... But I think I almost defeated it as it ran off. That must've been the copy and not the original... Well at lest I got my bade back! Woohoo!! I was rather happy about that... But I heard a rather angry growl from somewhere... Which caused me to look around.

"Useless COPY of that Virus!! Can't even defeat a Simple PLAYER! A SIMPLE CHICKEN!!" A angry female voice screamed as lightning almost struck me! Holy shit! And... I wasn't able to move. Why wasn't I able to move?! AND WHY WAS I SUDDENLY DEALING DAMAGE?! As soon as I was on one heart... It stopped. Instead of the angry yelling... The female voice started to chuckle. It was... Creepily calm. "I swear... I will get rid of you. I will take over everyone you call friend!" Who...?! "Who are you?! Where are you?!" I yelled and looked around... No one there. "Oh... Oh you will find out soon enough~" and then... Everything went quiet and I could move again. What had just happened...

-Lucy's POV-

I was sure that... I was about to die... I wouldn't survive this fall... I just closed my eyes... And accepted my fate... 'It was over...' That's what I thought... Before I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and hold me close. I opened my eyes and looked down... I almost fell into the sea... But... I now looked at the arms that held me... I couldn't see if it was an one familiar by jut the arms... So I decided to see who had caught me... And saw a young man that... Looked strangely a lot like a Drake Galaxy Steve... But it couldn't be him. Right? ...Right...?

"I got you" ...Wrong. It WAS him. The same voice.  I felt... Weird. Why did he look like that? "I finally saved you..." He hums, got me back onto the cliff and sat me down by the tree... "Why do you look like that...?" I needed to know. "I took a deal... Set you free... And let them keep me as a helper."...
Them? The Yoosung person? And his sister? Why...? Why? "WHY?!" I started to yell, causing him to jump back. He is so... Stupid! Stupid stupid STUPID!

felt my tears run down my cheeks as I kept yelling "YOU'RE STUPID! JUST STUPID!! I COULD'VE GOTTEN OUT OF HERE MYSELF!!"... This caused him to whine... I got up and walked away... But soon passed out... Well... This is... Bullshit. Ugh...

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