Chapter 11

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-Lucy's POV-

My eyes slowly opened and my sight was immediately greeted by Sabre staring at... THE GUARDIAN?! AND A DEMON STEVE AND ALEX IN A MACHINE?! WHAT?!
"He is gonna make this Illusion a Reality?! That's.. That's just not cool dude...!" Sabre hissed and pretty much already gave me a completely explanation of what is gonna happen...
I wanted to say something... Lightning happened telling me that Illusion Steve was gonna appear... I am still confused on why I blacked out... But didn't think too much about it. He told Sabre that, Yes Indeed he will make this Illusion... Reality. And he thought it would be EXCITING?! Wow...

Hell naw Bruh. Sabre yelled at him and told him how AWFUL It would be.
"WHAT IS WITH ALL OF THESE VILLAINS- ALEX WHAT IF WITH ALL THESE VILLAINS- ALWAYS THINKING" Sabre turned to Alex, still Yelling and now talking in a mocking voice, Pretty much explaining what ALL Villains think... Which made me Giggle and made Sabre aware that I was awake... But... I gave him a look that should tell him to act like I was still out... Maybe Illusion Steve was gonna say something about me...
So I quickly closed my eyes again and just listened to what I going on and listened to how Pissed off Sabre is.

Illusion thought Sabre still didn't make no sense... And Said taht he will keep an eye on us very closely in here... His lair... "You two are pretty much useless now but... I'll make even you two part of this Illusion Soon." I heard illusion Steve Chuckle... Which made me worry...
He also said some Stuff about more Demon Steve's... There are MORE?!
Oh no...
I tried to keep calm and act like I was still out...
Soon Illusion Steve called the guardian... NOT very Smart which made me Laugh so much I fell out of Sabre's Arms.

"I See the little Girl is awake." I heard Illusion Steve hiss, causing me to shut up and get up.
"PLEASE... Really keep an eye on those Two, Guardian." Illusion Steve looked back at the Guardian as I just... Looked to Alex and then back to Illusion Steve. The Guardian Said he'd  "Appreciate if he wouldn't insult him like that and if I would please not laugh about it." Dude... What did you expect. To call you beautiful and perfect and me to be like 'Awww please leave the Baby Boi alone'? YOU are Working for HIM, a Bad Guy, so HE can Call YOU whatever tf he wants to! Geez... "Damn. That is just not cool. He is being disrespectful towards you Guardian and you are just still working for him... That's so not cool." Sabre said what probably almost all of us think but.. Illusion Steve yelled at him telling him to 'Quiet down'. R u d e.

"Guardian! I will speak to you HOWEVER I like! You Understand?! This world is under My Control! And if You don't do as I say I will DESTROY You! Now quiet down and do as you're said!" Oof. Pissed off and bossy Illusion Steve... And Weird. Why doesn't he just say 'Shut up' or 'Shut your mouth'? The Guardian seemed a bit upset as he tried to stutter some words out but... Sabre got next to him and asked him if he REALLY let's him go off on him! It's not right...
"Stand up for yourself a little!" Sabre told him
"He is being pretty mean right now" Alex said from the machine
"Don't let him walk all over you! Speak up!" I tried to encourage him
So... He did. He spoke up but...

"Q U I E T"

Someone got pissed... He is getting sick of us all... And sick of 'Respecting others'. Dude ya ain't respecting ANYONE! You being a Bish over there!
He threatened to remove EVERYTHING The Guardian cares for if he keeps this up... He is just using him... So he can get into the Spirit world... I whined and Hid behind Sabre as illusion Steve Got even Louder... I was a bit scared, I have to admit that... But I gotta stay strong! The Guardian got scared as well and backed away as Illusion Steve yelled "BEGON". I still hid behind Sabre, tears starting to form in my eyes...
Stop being so Scared Lucy...! Be brave! For your friends!

Speak up...! Say something...! But... I couldn't. It felt like someone sewed my mouth shut... Sabre turned to Alex and me and asked if we get crazy Vibes right there... I only nodded and Alex answered yeah and that she is... Having flashbacks. Sabre understood. I did not.
"We explain that later, Lucy." Alex said to me as she noticed my confused look.
I then overheard the Name... Origin Steve.
Sounds Familiar... They both did not enjoy this. At all. This is a Bruh Moment for them
A confusion Moment for me.

Illusion Steve said some things that I didn't focus on... I focused on Alex now. I wanted to know who that Origin Steve was... But I knew she wouldn't tell me now. I suddenly overheard Illusion Steve say "What I'm after is destroying everything thsr is in my way to creating a perfect world. A world that no one can change. The illusion will be reality. And it starts with this illusion Tree of life." Those Words sent The Shivers down my spine and caused me to Look at The... Illusion Tree of Life?

I kept starring at the tree and then looked at Alex trying to break out, causing me to laugh. The stupidity is so... Fun. Geez this is fun... I love those two idiots and... Suddenly Illusion Steve suddenly disappeared. Now Alex and Sabre talked about the Origin Steve again and me and Sabre went to the OPEN Gate... I swear it can't be that easy to leave. We tried to leave but... A invisible barrier stopped us. So we went back to Alex. And... Saw the Guardian slowly walk to us... seeming to feel... Pretty bad... 
Sabre was... I don't know what. He said "Whaever. I do wha I want"...

He, Alex and the Guardian starred at me and Sabre came over and I said "Listen to what he has to say" but Noooo. He... Acted like a damn child. I was gonna hit him... But he ran off again and I sighed and stayed with The Guardian and Alex. And soon... Started rambling about food...
I'm hungry now... And Alex might be hungry too.
Well now he was pissed at the Guardian again...
I sighed and leaned against the wall and now...
"I want to help you stop him" Finally The Guardian  was able to speak up.
"O...Oh. Oh... Oh ok-" Sabre looked at him with his derpyness.
Geez Sabre... Geez.

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