Chapter 43

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-Lucy's POV-

I sighed and layed down in the grass... It's been days... That Yoosung Guy kept bringing me food and drinks so I wouldn't die... He also talked with me every now and then...  He was actually rather nice when he doesn't flirt. I sighed and closed my eyes, as I just got comfortable... Before hearing someone Chuckle, causing me to open my eyes again. There was some... Weird Black and green... And blue... Steve? "Who are you...?" I asked as I sat up. "You may not know my name... But you may know... I am a new problem for Sabre. And a new 'Friend' of Raven and Yoosung." Raven... And Yoosung. The Steve walked up to me, causing me to Jump up and back away, but stopped as I felt that I could fall off the cliff... "Stay away." I hissed, trying to summon a sword... But I couldn't. "I am multiplying in his new world... And Your Friend... Will soon give In and join us." ...No. Galaxy Steve wouldn't... Or...? Would he join them just to save me...? I shook my head and looked at the Steve... I will just call it virus Steve for now... "Virus Steve... Leave my friends alone." I hissed, trying to sound threatening... But he just laughed. "Oh... Oh I won't." With those words... He pushed me off the cliff. My eyes widened as I just felt the wind as I fell down... Was this... Was this the end of me...?

Was it...?

-Galaxy's POV-

I'm going to save Lucy. "Raven. I have an answer!" I yelled out, causing the green Steve, I had finally found to peek out the house... But started shaking as he saw Raven appear. She grinned at me and held her hand out. "Will you take the deal?" A deal? Wait did she talk about a deal and I forgot? "It's the deal of the Queen. Only when you take it... You will be truly joining us." The deal of the Queen... Never heard of that before. She held her hand out to me... And I... "DON'T!!" The Green Steve Yelled and ran over, causing Raven to growl... She seemed angry. "Get away you dumb CHILD!!" she yelled and punched Green Steve, causing him to fly back to the house... As he hit the wall he hacked out the blood, which caused me to run over to him and take care of him. I glared back at Raven, who just rolled her eyes. I stomped over to her but... She somehow stopped me by just looking at me... She started to grin and slowly walked over to me. I whined in fear and felt her blade against my chest... "Take. The. Deal." She growled. I looked away and went quiet... Before nodding. I'm doing this for my friend... And I hope... I won't regret it... And that Lucy will be okay...

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz