Chapter 33

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-Cindy's POV-

We finally had gotten rid of the Lava and gathered even more resources. We replaced the lava with Torches so that it was still a bit bright in here so we can see. "Now we are ready to save some lives!" Yeah sabre... Yeah... Maybe. I pat Sabre on the head and went to see if the door was closed, just in case. And it was. I then went back down and saw that Sabre already went to grab the Gold Blocks from the portal. But only those since the other ones were needed. I went over to Hypno and sighed... "We gotta start working with this machine if we wanna save some lifes." I walked over to the other thing and looked at the End Crystal... Me and Sabre knew what it was and that The Enderdragon usually used this but Alex seemed to not know about the Enderdragon... Well anyway. "Let's try and get rid of the lava that is flowing in the top back area in there before we do anything else." Yeah I agree with sabre.  Me and Sabre did not wanna get grilled by that... Sabre still had an Empty bucket and me and Alex looked at Sabre... He was gonna go in there to get the lava and was Hella scared of the end crystal thing... "-And you're either gonna look like a fool and Alex and Cindy will laugh at you because one of them does behind your back anyways..." Ay yo what? "Or we are all doomed anyways... So it's okay. There we go...!" Okay he got the Lava. That dork. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to slowly but surely come back to us. As he came back his breathing got heavy and I think he was gonna have a panic attack. I gently hugged him and he started freaking out in my arms... "It's okay. It's okay. You're alive and you did well..." I gently pat him and sighed... This boy needs to calm down with his freaking out... He just kept freaking out and spoke so fast that I didn't understand shit! So in the end me and Alex both ended up needing to punch him which... Calmed him down. Wtf. "Alex. Imma need your help for something. And I'm asking you to do this cuz I have the feeling that lighting might go off and uh... Just like when we tried to get Hypno Steve you... You two saw what happened with me and lightning... That... That really hurt... And lighting actually hopefully doesn't affect you..." Yeah. Alex has to do this now cuz... Lighting is gonna hurt me too. Sabre broke some more glass and made a small Wooden platform. "Alex. What you will need to do is... You have to put down this redstone around it and hook it up to the rest of the machine!" Sabre handed Alex the redstone and grinned at her.

"So where exactly do you want me to hook it up...?" Sabre did some working and boom. Now Alex had to do the hooking up. "Okay there are two things that can possibly happen: One. Hypno Steve will be pumped with some energy and he will be able to stay here longer... OR... This entire place will blow up." I hope The first one happens. I leaned against a wall that was next to the portal... And watched. Alex... Didn't wanna do this. Understandable that thing is scary as Fuck. We went outside to go take a deep breath and Sabre kept scaring us with "THE GREEN STEVE-". After some talking we went back down and Sabre did a walk around the crystal. To show Alex that she doesn't need to be scared... He should've let me do that... "Don't worry Alex. If anything happens I'll do anything to help." I smiled at Alex and pat her back, giving her a little bit of confidence... Sabre started it a bit for her so that at least one Redstone Line was already on one of the wooden blocks... "You'll just need to connect that, Alex. The second you connect it you should be Very careful." Sabre smiled at her before running back into his 'Hiding Corner' and I went back to the wall. Alex started to slowly but surely connect everything... There was one last block left... And suddenly... "I know what we can do! As soon as I connect this... Hold on! You two ain't ready!" Oh girl we are ready! She had to place this finale Redstone aaaand...
Wait... Oh my god. Alex... Alex is gone. "Alex?!" Me and Sabre panicked "Alex?! Is this a prank?! Hello???? ALEX?!" HO SHIT! "THIS IS BAD!!!" I think I will have a Panic attack.

That thing absorbed her... It FUCKIN ABSORBED ALEX! Sabre was freaking out, not knowing what to do, while I was sliding down the wall, about to have a panic attack. Suddenly Sabre ran out and I ran right after. I needed fresh air. So did he. "OKAY I KNOW WHAT TO DO! WE GO LEAVE THIS PLACE AND START A NEW LIFE!" SABRE NO! HOLY SHIT NO! "I'M GONNA GO BY THE NEW NAME SENIOR CHICKEN AND YOU... BY SENIORITA GREEN!" SABRE FUCK NO! My breathing got heavier and suddenly I heard a new voice "No one knows what?" I turned around with Sabre and he immediately freaked out "OH MY GOD GUARDIAN!" Oh. So that is the Guardian...? "T8CIYIYIVI- Wait omg im so glad you're here now I'm not all alone with Cindy! Phew... What a... Relieve?" Sabre chuckled a bit nervously causing the Guardian to sigh and look at me. "Good day. I am the Guardian of the Spirit world." He introduced himself and bowed. "Queen Cindy Sakura." Of course I also introduced myself and bowed. "Nice to meet you. Anyway I was suddenly just teleported here and- Sabre... Is... Something wrong...?" The guardian looked at Sabre who had closed to door and was walking around... If he knew... "noooo! Nothing at all! I'm fiiiiiiineeee!" Yeah sure.... "Been a long day just gonna go hit the hay..." Sabre laughed and went to a hole and crouched there... "Sabre... You're just gonna go sleep in... That hole..?" The guardian starred at Sabre as I simply sighed. I went down to Sabre and pulled him back out of there, as he whined. "Stop being ridiculous and tell him what is going on Sabre!" I growled, as Sabre sighed... And explained this land, That they met me and Hypno in the blank world and that he helped us to get outta there and that we got into a weird world and- "Hold on. Hypno Steve... We are talking about the SAME Hypno Steve, right?" What he mean? Hypno is a good guy. "Help you?" YES! "He's a good Guy so yeah he helped us. How come that everyone is so surprised?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. Sabre and Guardian looked at me as if I didn't even know what happened and who he was.. "Geez keep speaking and stop starring..." I huffed and looked away. So that's what Sabre did. He explained we couldn't break shit, that we found the Green Steve who we thought was kind but we ended up finding out he was a lunatic and how he tricked us. Even showed him the trap. And that hypno saved us and he showed the lab and... That now we use it. Sabre then showed him around the Lab and uh... I went to close the door so that the insane Green Steve ain't gonna enter. We also showed him the crystal and told him how evil that shit is. "I'm sorry I'm sorry... Could you repeat that...?" The Guardian starred in disbelieve... This time I explained that the Green Steve used it to absorb Steve's completely and we used it to get back to their regular world... The guardian thought it was just..  Terrifying. "It is... It's very Terrifying..." I sighed and backed away from it... Then Sabre went over to hypno... Explaining that we barely keep him alive in that machine... The Guardian looked at him also uh.... Shocked. Scared. And did not like how Calm sabre acted... "Oh no I just accepted the fact that... Everything is falling apart and I Definitely WASN'T able to leave this place behind and drag Cindy with me Haha." Sabre You idiot. I smacked him over the head and growled, causing him to whine in pain. "Wait... Wait a second... Where is Alex?!" Oh Guardian... Sabre whistled and closed the Crystal back up..."She was absorbed by that Crystal..." While Sabre tried to get excuses I told him the truth... The guardian starred at me and couldn't believe it. Didn't want to believe it. "It happened while we tried to Save Hypno... He didn't have enough power anymore and was... IS dangerously close to falling apart... Then Someone had an idea... We were gonna get some power from the Crystal and get that Power to Hypno..." I explained... "And that thing absorbed her..."... Yep... He still didn't wanna believe it... "THAT'S TERRIBLE!!!" He started yelling.. "Worst thing is... There is no way to get Alex out... Hypno said it himself..." I didn't want to believe it anymore... Wanted to have hope... But there is no hope.

"Maybe Hypno steve was mistaken! Maybe There IS a way to get her back!" At least The Guardian believes there is a way. "Wait... It probably has its own world inside of it... Since it is holding so many Steve's in it...!" I just had that realisation! "Well what do you expect us to do now? Head in there and get Alex out ourselves? Yah! Yah okay!" Sabre laughed... "Sabre.  Think that actually has to happen." Me and Guardian both said. Sabre starred at us... "You have no better ideas sabre-" "WRONG! I say... We change our names To Senior Chicken, Senior Guardian and Seniorita Green... And we travel the world feeding the hungry! Sounds great doesn't it?" He gave us a very Derpy smile... "As weird yet noble that sounds... I don't think we will do that. You know what we have to do." The Guardian sighed. Sabre sighed and I pat him on the shoulder. "You two will come with me tho right...?" Sabre looked at us and whined... "Of course sabre." We both said and I pat his head, making him smile and More confident. I qent to quickly and completely block off the doors with iron blocks so the green Steve wouldn't get in. "Good job in BLOCKING the Exit" I just heard the Guardian. Ayyyyy! Puns! I chuckled and turned around to him "TANK you BERRY Much." I bowed to him and just heard Sabre sigh. Oh this won't be the last time he will hear my Puns. We went back down again and broke the glass. We only gotta do what Alex did. Stand near it. Let's run in there. Sabre ran first and screamed like crazy...

Me and the Guardian ran after him.

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