forty seven

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this is one of my fave gifs cause they're both just two happy bois


"So, what do you think?"

John drags his eyes away from the t.v, looking over his shoulder as Roxanne steps out of her room.

With just two days to come up with a costume idea (had John been going out with her, they were going to dress up as Natalie Wood and James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause), she'd decided to go as Melanie Daniels from Alfred Hitchcock's film The Birds.

All she'd had to do, was find a green dress and jacket, buy some costume peals and style her hair into an elegant updo. If she'd had more time, she would have made some fake crows or something to go with it but this would have to do.

Roxanne moves to stand in front of him and John smiles, "You look great, love."

"People will get it, right?" she asks, gathering her bag and such together. Rebecca will be here in a bit and she can't wait to see what she's going as.

John nods, "I'm sure they will. The movie was huge."

Roxy disappears back into her room to put on some lipstick and John turns his attention back to the t.v, where Night of the Living dead is currently playing, groaning when the buzzer for the door goes.

"You sure I can't twist your arm?" she asks, coming back through.

"I would but I can't. You know if I drink, I won't get up tomorrow morning."

"Okay," Roxanne presses the button to open up the main door to let Rebecca up, "I just feel bad leaving you here on your own."

"I've got my Halloween sweets, beer and a horror movie marathon." he shrugs, "Besides, I'm not on my own, I have Casper and Amos."

"I guess," she sighs, looking over her shoulder when the door was kicked open.

"Happy Halloween, bitches," Roger says loudly and Roxy narrows her eyes.

"I thought you were busy."

"I lied," he shrugs, falling down onto the couch beside John, "I didn't want to dress up. Besides, who are you supposed to be, anyway?"

She holds her hands up, "Melanie Daniels? From The Birds? Alfred Hitchcock?"

"Hitchcock?" he repeats, "Did you and Becca decide on that as a theme or something?"

"No, why? Where is she?"

"She's putting her wig on in the hall," he helps himself to one of John's sweets as he gets comfortable, "Now, what are we watching, Deaky? Oh, I know, let's open a bottle of wine."

When Rebecca finally does step into the flat, Roxanne barely recognises her thank to the short blonde wig she's got on but immediately, she's able to tell who she's dressed up as.


"The Birds!"

The pair speak at the same time and both Roger and John watch silently as they go on about each other's costume.

"If we'd have thought this through more and had talked about it we could have gone as Marion and Lila!" Rebecca says and Roxy sighs.

What a wasted opportunity.

"You got her suit dead on," Rebecca marvels, "Since Psycho was black and white, I kind of had to guess."

"You look great, love," Roger says and Rebecca grins, stepping over Amos so she can lean down and press a kiss to his lips.

Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (JoeMazzello!JohnDeacon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now