Chapter 55 Awake

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Megatron POV

“My Son?” I asked, shocked. I saw Starscream nodded. I then looked down at the sparkling and watched him look around the room until his small red optics landed on me. I couldn’t believe it.

“I-If he’s my son, then that means that, Snow…” I began but was cut off short. 

“Yes, Megatron. She was sparked when she came to us. She was only a couple of weeks sparked” Arcee said. I nodded. I then looked at the sparkling. I wanted to hold him, but I knew Starscream was not going to allow it. Just then, I heard Starscream sighed.

“I know you want to hold him. Just take him, but don’t think I have forgiven you” Starscream said. I nodded. I gently took the sparkling from Starscream’s arms. I saw the sparkling look at me with curious optics. I smile sadly at him. I knew that even after knowing that I have a sparkling, I couldn’t stay. I had already made up my mind. I was going to leave, but I was happy that at least I got to meet my heir. 

“I may have just met you, little one, but I already love you with my whole spark. I wish I could stay and watch you grow, but unfortunately, my mind is already made” I said. I could feel the tears wanting to come out again, but I held them in. I then gave the sparkling back to Starscream, who immediately took him. 

“Thank you for letting me meet him, Starscream” I said. He nodded. I sighed before looking at Ratchet, giving him the signal to open a Groundbridge. I saw Ratchet nod and opened a Groundbridge. I nodded at Optimus, who nodded back before leaving.

Snow POV

I screamed and cried in anger and sadness. I was angry because I couldn’t wake up from this stupid stasis stage. I was sad because I was about to lose the love of my life forever. I didn’t want him to leave.

‘I’m so useless’ I thought.

I had finally given up. I fell to my knees with tears on my optics. I couldn’t do anything. I tried everything, but nothing worked. I couldn’t wake up.

Just then, I felt something tug on my spark. I didn’t think much at first, but it then got harder. I got up feeling my body getting pulled somewhere, but I didn't know where. The last thing I saw was a bright light before feeling my head spinning in circles.

Starscream POV

It hasn’t been long since Megatron left. I was still in the main room but was no longer holding DarkNight in my arms. I allowed the human kids to play with him and distract him from allowing me to think without having to worry about him every second of the day.

I sighed. I didn’t know how to feel anymore. I know I should be happy that Megatron was finally out of our lives, but something didn’t feel right. I didn’t know what it was, but something didn’t feel okay.

“Are you okay, Starscream?” I heard Raf’s voice asked. I looked down at the young human boy and nodded.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Raf. I’m just thinking” I said. I saw him tilt his head to the side in confusion. 

“About?” Raf asked. I sighed.

“I really don’t know, Raf” I replied. I saw Raf about to say something but stopped when we heard the sound of running footsteps then the sound of hard breathing. We turned to the sound, and we all gasped in surprise because standing a couple of feet away from us stood snow finally awake.

“Snow!” We all yelled. We were all immediately by her side. I was the first one to hug her first. I felt her tense up for a moment before hugging me back.

“Snow, Sweety. I missed you so much. I thought I was never going to see you awake ever again” I said. I then let go and looked at her with tears on my optics.

“It’s good to have you back, Snow. We all missed you so much. You had us all so worried. We thought you were never going to wake up, but thank Primus you did wake up” Smokescreen said, joining in on the reunion with a smile on his face. 

It was truly a happy moment for everyone. I was so happy that Snow was finally awake, but quickly we all stopped smiling when we saw the worried and tense face that Snow had on her face.

“Snow? What’s wrong?” Arcee asked.

“Where?” She asked. That was the first word she said since she woke up.

“: Huh? Where What, Snow?:” I heard Bumblebee asked.

“Where is he?” Snow asked.

“Who are you talking about, Snow?” Arcee asked.

“Megatron” Snow replied. We all felt our optics wide. Why did Snow want to know where Megatron was at.

“What? Why do you want to know where Megatron is at, Snow?” Ratchet asked.

“Yeah, It’s his fault that you ended up in stasis for a whole week in the first place, so why do you want to know where he is?” Smokescreen asked. I saw Snow then looked at Smokescreen with a glare.

“I don’t care! I just want to see him!” Snow yelled, causing us all to wide our optics in shock when she raised her voice.

“Snow…” I heard Smokescreen began, but Snow cut him off short with a begging look on her face.

“Please” She began, tears forming in her optics.

“Where is he?” Snow asked. I didn’t like seeing Snow like this. She looked so sad, but I still didn’t get why she wanted to know where Megatron was at.

“He left, Snow. He left a couple of hours ago. He’s gone forever” Optimus replied.

“What!? No!” Snow yelled.

Snow POV

I couldn’t believe what Optimus just said. I couldn’t believe that Megatron was gone.

‘I failed. I was not fast enough’ I thought. I quickly fell to my knees before feeling more tears forming in my eyes.

‘It’s not to late’ I heard a small voice say. I quickly snapped out of it and shook my helm.

‘The voice is right’ I thought.

I still haven’t failed. I need to find him. I know he’s out there, so that means that I only have to go out there and find him. And I know just the cybertronian that could help me find him.

“Snow…” I heard my Sire called my name, but I quickly stood up and ran to the computer before activating a Groundbridge to a random location than without giving none of them time to even think, I transformed and took off flying from the Autobot base in my alt-mode.

I heard noises from behind me as well as my name, but I ignored it all and called that one cybertronian that I know could help me.

“:: Uncle Soundwave, I need your help::” I said.

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