Chapter 2: An Old Friend

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Tommy walked through the entrance of the hotel and looked around. There was a lounge replete with tables and chairs and a couple of plants. Tommy also heard Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach" playing in the background.

There were also chatting people around the lounge as well. Most of them were rocking large, puffy hair, makeup, flamboyant, ostentatious clothing with colorful designs, and so on. Guys were even wearing really tight pants that looked as if they almost cut the circulation of their crotch, and some were even wearing earrings as big and shiny as the women.

Man, what has this decade come to? Tommy thought. Are we losing our masculinity here? Guys want to be feminine now?

The 1980s seemed to be a rather incongruous decade for Tommy at this point. He never found himself to fit in in this time period. It just wasn't his style.

He had no time to worry about the contemporary fashion though. He just continued to make his way through the hotel and took an elevator on the second floor. He exited the elevator and walked through the hallway.

He came across a room with white around the wall and a desk with a desk lamp and a stack of papers onto it. Tommy then saw a big, white phone sitting on the desk as well and grabbed it. This was the time to punch in Sonny's number and inform him of the bad news.

Meanwhile, Sonny was sitting back in his office expecting the deal to be done. He was certain that someone as intellectually competent as Tommy couldn't possibly screw this up for him. It wasn't until he finally heard the phone ring and picked it up off the table to answer it.

"Hello Sonny," he heard Tommy say through the phone.

"Tommy!" Sonny called out. "Tommy, it's been too long."

He heard Tommy groan weakly through the phone. "I know, I know," Sonny said. "You're just overwhelmed with emotion. Fifteen years - seems like only yesterday."

"I guess that's a perspective thing," Tommy said as he sat on a chair in one of the rooms of the hotel.

"Hey, doing time for the family is no piece of cake, but the family looks after its own, ok?" Sonny replied. "So, how'd the deal go down - you sitting on some white gold?"

"Look Sonny, we were set up," Tommy told his boss. "The deal was an ambush. Harry and Lee are dead."

Sonny then felt his heart skipped. "You better be kidding me Tommy!" he cried out, panicking. "Tell me you still got the money!"

Tommy shook his head and took a deep breath. " Sonny... " he answered candidly. "I don't have the money."

"That was my money, Tommy, MY MONEY!" Sonny growled over the phone as he slammed the receiver. He could feel his head burning in anger, his face as red as a bell pepper.

At this point, Tommy, though not next to Sonny personally, already knew Sonny wasn't happy with him, and he could already imagine the expression on his boss' face. This caused him to hop out of his seat and pace the room in frustration.

"You better not be screwing me Tommy, because you know I'm not a man to be screwed with!" he heard Sonny snarl through the phone.

"Wait, Sonny!" Tommy told him. "You have my personal assurance that I'm going to get your money back and the drugs. And I'm gonna mail you the dicks of those responsible."

"Hey, I already know that!" Sonny told him. "You're not a fool Tommy, but I warn you, neither am I. If it was anybody else you'd be DEAD already. But because it's you, because we got history, I'm gonna let you handle this."

"Look, Sonny, you got my word," Tommy told him.

"I'll be in touch," Sonny replied in a very low, slightly menacing tone of voice. He sounded very serious, and Tommy just knew he wasn't messing around.

As Sonny finally hung up after his reply, an angry Tommy hoisted the phone he was holding over his shoulder and slammed it to the ground, causing it to bounce to the left side of the room. Now Tommy himself was just as irate as Sonny had sounded over the phone.

"What a load of BULLSHIT!" he growled as he angrily swept a stack of papers off a desk.

Tommy then came to a stop and breathed harder in fury. He tried his best to control his justified anger. While he was very outraged at how the deal went, he tried to keep his composure and took a second to think about this.

Calm down, Tommy, he told himself. Just calm down. You just got released from prison. No need to find yourself missing another decade with your rage.

Tommy stared through the window of the room to find the beautiful purple and red colors in the sky, with a bright orange right under. The colors glisten and reflected through the sparkling ocean below. The palm trees were scattered around the beach. There were many pedestrians walking around the sidewalk and beach as well. Even the vehicles driving on the streets have changed since this decade.

I do have to admit, Tommy thought. This is a nice view.

He didn't have time to check out the view through the window for long though. Tommy wanted to get some sleep. He was an early bird and never wanted to stay up any later than 9:00 PM. So he slipped off his sneakers, lay on a bed right against a wall, and stared at the ceiling thinking. He heard Sonny's words in his head and knew that this was a serious situation, especially after his release from prison. So Tommy decided not to think about it much more and quickly drifted to sleep. He wanted a fresh start after his release from prison and wasn't in the mood to be disturbed at this point.

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