Chapter 32: Rub Out

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Tommy finally arrived at Starfish Island just in time to see Lance pulling up in front of him in a beige Stallion. Lance put the vehicle on park on the side of the curb and hopped out. Tommy followed him to the trunk of the vehicle and watched as Lance opened it.

"I got us some cannons in the trunk," Lance announced.

Tommy stared down at them in surprise. "Holy shit!" Tommy cried out. "Where'd you get all this stuff!?"

"Been saving it for a rainy day," Lance replied as he reached out to grab an M4 Carbine. Tommy grabbed one as well and examined the weapon. "You like?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, I like," Tommy responded.

He guided Lance to the driveway leading to the mansion up ahead as the two held on to their weapons. Little did they know, Diaz was watching them through his security video monitors inside his office. Tommy, however, was expecting Diaz to find out eventually. It was Diaz's bodyguards he was really concerned about. So he and Lance crept around the yard around the mansion.

"This place is gonna be crawling with assholes... " Tommy warned Lance. "Be careful... "

"Don't worry, Tommy," Lance replied, sounding cocky. "I'll cover you."

Tommy didn't argue with Lance. He just continued navigating through the yard, cognizant of Diaz's bodyguards being around to attempt to take the two out eventually. He then spotted a couple of bodyguards at the front entrance and aimed his M4 Carbine at them. He fired numerous bullets at each of them, killing them each.

Tommy and Lance continued navigating through the yard and encountered several other bodyguards of Diaz's. They wasted no time as they used their weapons to fire back at each of them and continued making their way through the grassy labyrinth. They made it out of the other end and approached the pool area, where they encountered two more bodyguards, who Tommy and Lance shot down each.

As they continued their way through the yard, they made it to the middle with the pool, in which more bodyguards were armed with weapons firing at Tommy and Lance.

"Take cover!" Tommy bellowed as he and Lance ducked behind the hedges to avoid the firing bullets around them.

"Eat lead, bastards!" Lance shouted as he fired his weapon at the bodyguard. He was very determined to get to Diaz so he could avenge his brother's demise early on.

Tommy himself wasted no time as he also fired a bunch of rounds into each body guard one by one. He and Lance continued through the yard and headed to the back door, where they have encounter yet more bodyguards. Tommy and Lance fired back at them, killing them all.

"Oh yeah!" Lance shouted in glee. "The Black Killah from Manila returns! You can't take me out!"

"Don't get cocky, Lance!" Tommy warned him. "We still need to make it inside!"

"I got this, Tommy," Lance told them.

"You mean like last night?" Tommy asked sardonically.

"Hey, Diaz's men caught me off-guard," Lance protested. "I would've taken him if this was a one-on-one battle."

"Just stick by my side before your stupidity kills us both," Tommy muttered. "Diaz must be inside!"

He and Lance continued creeping through the back and finally made it into the mansion. They crept through the hallways leading inside and came across the staircase, where Tommy spotted a bodyguard standing midway on the stairs. He aimed his weapon at him and stealthily shot the bodyguard dead as the bullets pierced through his skull.

"Hey Tommy, can my room have a view of the bay?" Lance asked, looking around the mansion. "Beautiful high ceilings in here... "

"Focus, Lance," Tommy whispered to him. "We'll have plenty of time to think about that AFTER we efface Diaz off the face of this goddamn Earth."

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