Chapter 47: Publicity Tour

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Tommy made a complete stop in front of the V-Rock Recording Studio and hopped out of the vehicle. He stared at his watch. It was still less than two before the gig would begin. So Tommy still had time to make sure the band would warm up before they got on stage.

Tommy walked towards the building and stepped inside. As soon as he got inside the recording studio, he saw that Jezz was already inside the recording booth.

"Tommy!" Jezz called as he took a glimpse at Tommy. "Tommy! Tommy, man, that psycho's back!"

"What's going on?" Tommy asked Paul, walking up to him.

"That psycho won't leave Love Fist alone!" Paul told him.

"What are you talking about?" Tommy asked confused. "I just ran his car over. He ain't breathing."

"You didnae kill him man," Jezz told him, approaching him up close. "He was just knocked out cold, and now he's back!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Paul added, annoyed ," and the thing is... "

"The thing is, we need someone to drive the limo we can trust" Jezz interrupted, "cause that nutter keeps making threats!"

"I'm shitin' masel' man," Percy chimed in from inside the booth. "I need ma ma!"

"We're all bricking ourselves, man," Dick added.

Tommy just stared at them all with an irritated expression. He really had to get back to building his empire around the city, and the members of the band were just annoying him at this point. So he had to be stern with them this time.

"Okay guys, calm down!" Tommy shouted, sounding very annoyed. "I'll handle this. Normally I wouldn't busy myself with driving around a bunch of drunken Scottish bisexuals, but, in your case I'll make an exception."

So Tommy lead the members of Love Fist to their limousine outside. The fourth member, Willy, who wore nothing but tight white pants and black boots, sitting on the passenger's seat.

The other three members hopped in the back while Tommy took the steering wheel. Tommy started the engine as it started running.

"At last man," Willy said, picking up a cup of wine off the cupholder on the front, "time for a well earned drink." He slowly started gulping down the wine.

"The venue's just a hundred yards down the road," Percy announced.

"Better make it a large one then," Willy replied.

"Hey Tommy, change the tunes, man," Dick demanded.

So Tommy turned on the radio and constantly changed the radio stations. "I get confused if my head ain't banging," Percy added.

Just then, a static with a voice speaking through incoherently was heard. "Ah look, what's this?" Percy asked. "Hey Tommy, stick this tape on."

"Love Fist," they finally heard the psycho say through the radio. "Your time polluting the airwaves is over. I gave you the chance to be friends. Now, I'm giving you the chance to die. Try to slow down and your limousine will explode, along with your BIG, HAIRY ARSES!"

It was clear. The psycho had planted a bomb inside the limousine. That meant that if anyone were to drive slow in the vehicle, the limousine would explode instantly.

So Tommy had to drive at high speed to prevent the bomb from detonating. He drove straight down the road and started driving at 40 miles per hour. He crossed his fingers and hope the police wouldn't try to stop him.

"Tommy pal, you gotta save the band!" Jezz told him.

"I'm getting bored of this," Tommy grumbled, glaring in annoyance.

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