Chapter 21: Bombs Away

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After returning the stash inside Auntie Poulet's house, Tommy looked around to find Auntie Poulet resting on her chair. Tommy was still drugged up from that voodoo potion he was surreptitiously served. He started to look rather hesitant as he looked around the room. It was all becoming confusing for him. He had a white package in his hand.

"Oh, sorry," Tommy apologized, his voice still sounding slurred. "I - I must have the wrong address... " He turned to leave.

"Well, you might as well come in and rest your soles and have some tea," Auntie Poulet told him, pointing at the teapot on the table.

Tommy turned around and slowly walked over to the elderly Haitian lady holding a package. "Do you have something there for me, Tommy?" Auntie Poulet asked Tommy as she caught a glimpse of the white package in his hand.

"Yeah... " Tommy muttered as he handed the package to Auntie Poulet and took the cup of tea she had offered him.

As Auntie Poulet took a seat in her chair, Tommy looked around the house and examined it. "This place feels familiar to me," he slurred, " ...uh - it's - a smell from childhood - a deja vu... " He slowly took a seat in the chair and slurped down his tea softly.

"Now Tommy," Auntie Poulet explained to Tommy, "I'm going to whisper a lickle errand for you. Hear me well, aye?"

Tommy nodded as he faced Auntie Poulet. "You look like someone I, I... " Tommy started to say as he discerned the elderly Haitian woman.

"The Cubans have fast boats they use to cross the seas with drugs," Auntie Poulet explained to Tommy, who was listening while drinking his tea. "It is their livelihood. Me nephew bin making lickle flying bombs to take dem out. Blow de boats to coffin wood."

Tommy then gulped down the remaining drops of his tea from the cup and set the empty cup on the table. He quickly jumped out of his chair and stared at Auntie Poulet for five seconds.

"Thanks for the tea," he blurted, and he walked away.

Tommy was still oblivious to the fact that he was under the influence of the voodoo potion that Auntie Poulet kept spiking in his tea. Little did Tommy know, Auntie Poulet had found out that Tommy was working for the Cubans. So in order to get her gang on top of the Cubans, the elderly woman had to trick Tommy into working for the Haitians, and Tommy must not have found out while he would be fully conscious.

Tommy walked outside and hopped into the Voodoo. He started the engine and drove on the road, going straight and making a right turn as soon as he made it to the long road up ahead. He spotted the white Top Fun van parked by the guardrails of the ocean and drove right to it. Tommy hopped out of the Voodoo and ran to the Top Fun van, hopping inside.

As he made his way inside, he remembered everything Auntie Poulet had told him and used the control panel inside the van to control the RC Baron plane to the van.

It was rather similar to the RC helicopter that Avery let Tommy use a few days ago to bomb an old building at the construction site. Tommy used the RC Baron to fly over the clear, blue, glistening ocean to the docks of Starfish Island, where the Cubans were resting at their boats and prepared to leave.

When the RC Baron flew over one of the boats and dropped a bomb on it, blowing up completely and killing the Cuban inside, the other Cubans pulled out their Uzi 9mm's and fired back rapidly at the RC Baron.

Tommy quickly flew the RC Baron out of the surrounding gunfire as the Cubans hopped on their boats and tried to escape. As Tommy flew the RC Baron above the escaping Cubans, the gang pulled out their weapons and continued firing at the RC Baron, which prompted Tommy to fly the RC Baron away from the gunfire.

Tommy controlled the RC Baron and saw that the Cubans were escaping on the other side of the ocean under the bridge. So Tommy flew the RC Baron distantly to avoid letting the flying toy get caught in more rapid gunfire. As the Cubans sailed under the bridge, Tommy flew the RC Baron above the bridge and slowly flew it behind the escaping boats.

As soon as the RC Baron finally made it above the Cubans on the two remaining boats. it finally dropped one of the bombs and it nailed one of the Cubans' boats, causing it to catch fire and eventually explode tremendously.

Because the other boat was right next to the boat that exploded, the impact caused the other one to catch fire as well and exploded tremendously, killing the Cubans inside. The impact of the explosion of each boat also caused a tremendous wave around the ocean that was shaped like a giant eaten apple core.

The RC Baron was now smoking, and Tommy had to fly it back to the Top Fun van before it exploded. It flew above the ocean, which reflected the sky and city surrounding it in the water, and across the railing below.

As Tommy finally returned the RC Baron to the van, he sighed deeply and exited the vehicle. He was still under the influence of the voodoo potion, and he couldn't seem to remember much after the two tasks that Auntie Poulet was giving him, much less remember Auntie Poulet at all. So Tommy walked over to the Voodoo and hopped inside. He started the engine and drove off to Little Haiti to return to Auntie Poulet's place. The old Haitian woman's plan seemed to have been working, and only lord knows what she would do to Tommy after he was outlive his usefulness to her after the next task.

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