Chapter 38: Drug Trafficking Jam

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The next afternoon proved to be a breath of fresh air. Because Tommy and Lance finally had a gang backing them up, Diaz's leftover hitmen would be no match for the Vancetti Gang, and since Tommy and Lance, along with the other workers during the day, needed to take a break once in a while. Lance was inside his room taking a sample of something while hiding his face under the pillow. He was inhaling deeply under there, and Tommy walked inside just in time to find Lance's face buried inside the pillow.

"Lance," Tommy told him. The sheer sound of Tommy's voice was enough for Lance to rapidly pull his head out of the pillow and turn to face Tommy.

"Tommy!" Lance cried out in surprise, grinning nervously. "Hey there, partner. What brings you in here?"

"Well I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with me to the Ammu-Nation to try the shooting range," Tommy told him, "but I can see that you're getting busy here with your face inside the pillow."

"Y-yeah... well... " Lance stammered, trying to come up with the correct words to say.

"What was that you had there?" Tommy asked.

"What you mean?" Lance replied.

"Don't play games, Lance," Tommy told him, eyeballing him suspiciously. "I saw you bury your face under the pillow. What are you hiding under there?"

"I ain't hiding nothing," Lance protested, gently shoving Tommy out of the room. "Look, I'm very busy, so why do you just... "

Before Lance could finish his sentence, Tommy shoved him out of the way, walked up to the mattress, and pulled the pillow off the bed. It was a plastic bag of cocaine, and Tommy then glared at Lance.

"Coke?!" Tommy asked Lance sternly. "You're sniffing coke behind my back?! Are you fucking crazy?!"

"Look Tommy," Lance tried to explain, "I'm just in a state of depression. Ever since my brother got killed in that ambush, I've been trying to cope with his loss."

"It doesn't matter," Tommy continued sharply. "That's not a reason to stick it up your nose. I don't work alongside drug addicts!"

"Come on, Tommy," Lance complained. "It's the '80s now. Everyone around here sniffs coke."

"And if everyone were to jump into an ocean to get eaten by sharks, would you do that too?" Tommy asked.

"Why you gotta play that card with me, Tommy?" Lance asked. "There are even plenty of badasses in films and comics that sniffed cocaine to. For example, Tony's done it."

"And look what happened to him!" Tommy replied. "Now he's sleeping with the fishes in the comfort of his own pool."

"Seriously, Tommy," Lance complained. "Why do you even care what I put in my body? Why should you even be worried about what I do?"

"Because as my new partner, I expect you to be useful!" Tommy responded. "There's no room for drug addicts to impede my goals. So I want you to get rid of it, Lance."

"All of it?" Lance asked.

"All of it," Tommy answered.

"Okay," Lance said, sounding rather disappointed.

He handed Tommy the bag of cocaine and started to walk away, but not before being stopped by Tommy, who grabbed him by the shoulders. Lance then emptied his pockets, revealing that he had more cocaine with him as well. Lance then started to leave again, only for Tommy to grab him by the shoulders again.

Tommy then dragged Lance back into the room and flipped the mattress over, revealing more bags of cocaine. Tommy then searched the whole bedroom and found that there were more bags of cocaine inside the drawers and the closet. Tommy glared at Lance, who responded with a nervous chuckle.

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