Chapter 27: Supply & Demand

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Tommy walked inside Diaz's mansion, where there were only a couple of guards by the door. The mansion was empty, and Tommy listened to hear Diaz's angry growled inside the room just up ahead. Tommy walked inside to find Diaz inside shouted at his VCR sitting under the television.

"EJECT!" Diaz roared at the top of his lungs as he repeatedly pressed the eject button on the VCR. "PLASTIC CRAP! You doing this to me? Who do you think you are, you piece of plastic SHIT? Aaargh! SCREW YOU!"

In a fit of pique, Diaz pulled out his pistol and fired at the VCR, destroying it completely. Tommy walked into the room, trying to suppress his laughter. Diaz's anger was just so entertaining to watch. The latter turned to face the former, noticing his presence.

"It eats my favorite El Burro movie, it die!" Diaz protested. "What else could I do?"

"It's probably not plugged in," Tommy told him, pointing at the VCR.

"What?" Diaz asked, taking a second look at the VCR. He saw that Tommy was right. The VCR wasn't even a foot near the socket, and Diaz looked back feeling dumbfounded, as he had destroyed his VCR for nothing.

"Damn," Diaz grumbled. "No matter, I can buy a hundred more."

He then turned to face Tommy as he took a seat onto his sofa. "Now Tommy," Diaz started to explain, "each month a freelancer sails into Vice City and moors his yacht. He sells his cargo to the first boat."

Tommy watched as Diaz used his pistol to scratch his crotch. He wondered what would've happened if Diaz actually pulled the trigger during that moment. "I want you to take the speedboat," Diaz continued, "and beat all the other shitheads to it, then you bring the cargo here, OK?"

Tommy didn't say a word. He just nodded in response and exited the room. Even though he knew that Diaz was responsible for the botched drug deal just last week, he wanted to make sure that Diaz fully trusted him so he wouldn't suspect a thing.

As Tommy walked outside the lawn, he heard the song "Dancehall Days" by Wang Chung playing on the radio. He approached the jetty to find the red Squalo parked beside it, and inside was Lance waiting for Tommy. Tommy just stared at Lance as he approached the jetty.

"Let me guess," Tommy told him dispassionately, "you thought I could use a guardian angel."

"I'm just saying you need to let me in there, my man," Lance pleaded. "Now you can feed me all this "Lonely Tough Guy" crap, but I know one day I'm gonna save your ass, and you're probably gonna wanna kiss me!"

Tommy wrinkled his face in disgust. "Wacko," he grumbled.

Lance just chuckled. "Get in," he told Tommy.

Tommy just stepped into the boat and took the wheel. He and Lance looked straight ahead to find the other speedboats zooming across the ocean.

"We got some competition!" Lance announced vociferously.

So Tommy rode as quickly as he can to get to the boat before anyone else in the other speedboats had a chance to.

"So Tommy, we know it was Diaz who busted our deal!" Lance yelled through the motor of the running boats. "So why the hell are we running errands for him?"

"The more we learn now, the less we have to learn when we take this town over!" Tommy equivocated.

"I like your style, man!" Lance complimented loudly. "Real fresh!"

Tommy continued to ride through the ocean, surpassing the three other speedboats, and Lance pulled out his uzi. He was about to take the other boats down a peg or two.

"It's time for the Lance Vance Dance!" Lance shouted. He fired back at the boats, who then fell farther behind as Tommy continued to speed up. Tommy took the path past Leaf Links and through Vice Point. He finally made it to the other end of the docks and found the boat just up ahead at the jetty.

As Tommy pulled to a stop right in front of the boat, he and Lance hopped off of the Squalo to obtain the drugs inside the white boat. This time, Lance was the one that was driving the Squalo, and Tommy took control of the uzi,

"Watch yourself, they're coming from all over!" Lance warned Tommy as he started the engine and continued accelerating straight ahead.

Tommy looked behind him to see the other speedboats chasing after and aimed the weapon he was holding at them. He fired multiple bullets at one of them and fired a direct hit into the forehead of one of the drivers.

"Got 'em!" Tommy shouted. "Head for Diaz's as fast as you can!"

Lance complied and sped up some more. There were more speedboats chasing behind. Tommy didn't hesitate as he fired into each of them. One of them caught fire and subsequently exploded in flames.

"Eat it!" Tommy growled at the top of his lungs in fury. "EAT IT! Sleep with the fucking fishes!"

Tommy had never enjoyed himself murdering other foes since before his incarceration back in Liberty City just fifteen years ago. He shot at the two remaining speedboats chasing after him and Lance, and eventually, they both caught fire simultaneously and exploded together.

As Lance made his way under the bridge of the walkway at Vice Point, Tommy looked around to make sure no one else was following him and Lance as they sped through the ocean. Just then, Tommy looked up in the sky to notice a helicopter flying towards him. Bullets were being fired from above towards him, and Tommy aimed for the helicopter and fired some bullets himself

"There are gunmen on that jetty!" Lance announced loudly.

Tommy looked ahead to see the gunmen on the jetty firing at him and Lance. "You want some of this, assholes?!" he shouted, firing bullets into each gunmen one by one, killing them all instantly. "Lead for breakfast, you get!"

As Lance rode through the ocean across Washington Beach, Tommy looked behind him to see the hovering helicopter above firing at him. Tommy just aimed his weapon at the helicopter and fired back. He continued firing until the bullets that repeatedly hit the helicopter eventually caught fire and exploded, plummeting into the river.

"More trouble up ahead!" Lance announced once again.

Tommy looked forward to find another speedboat up ahead. He didn't hesitate as he fired at the moving boat and eventually shot down the driver inside, causing the boat to come to a complete stop. As the Squalo Tommy and Lance were in passed the now stationary boat, Tommy looked to see the driver's corpse lying on the boat.

Lance eventually made it through Starfish Island and came to a complete stop at the jetty. Tommy then hopped out of the boat and onto the jetty.

"Good shooting, my friend," Lance congratulated Tommy, giving him a thumbs up. "You're a real, proper, grade A lunatic!"

"Well, thank you," Tommy replied gratefully.

"See you around Tommy," Lance told him.

"Okay, Mr. Lance Vance Dance," Tommy said, and he watched as Lance sped away on the boat.

You know, this Lance guy might be my first real partner, he thought. He seems like a pretty cool guy.

Tommy decided to walk back to the hotel in Ocean Beach. For now, he has had enough of doing jobs for other allies. It was time to give his old boss a call to inform them who was responsible for the bitched drug deal.

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