Chapter 60: Sex Pay

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For the next hour, Tommy spent his time in the backroom to watch one of the strippers dance against the pole in front of him, which he paid $5 every five minutes to watch. He spent a total of $60 and decided to join the others to watch the other strippers dance by the poles on stage. The men there were getting hornier, and some of them were openly masturbating right in front of them as the strippers continued dancing around the poles and even bending over in sexual positions.

Tommy sat at the table to watch this, and Love Giant approached him suddenly. "Look who it is," Love Giant called, giving Tommy a high five. "Mr. Vercetti in the house!"

"Hey, I own all of this," Tommy told him. "I told you that I know how to run a business."

"Indeed you do," Love Giant replied. "You got all the bitches in here getting paid. The men are hypnotized by their moves. None of them can resist."

Just then, Love Giant heard his cellphone ring. He pulled it out of his pocket to answer it. "Pole Position Club at Ocean Beach, Love Giant speaking," he answered.

He paused to listen to what the person had to say over the phone. His expression then altered to confusion. "What?" he asked as if he didn't hear what the caller said correctly.

He paused to listen to the caller, who sounded little more than upset and desperate. "Ah motherfucker!" he grumbled. "You gotta be kidding me! For real?!"

He stopped to listen to the caller. "Alright," Love Giant replied to the caller. "I'll take care of it. Damn."

He then hung up and stored his cellphone back inside his pocket. He turned to Tommy. "Let me guess," Tommy told him. "You have a situation I need to take care of."

"Yes," Love Giant told him, nodding. "You see, there's this guy who wanted to fuck one of my clients at his house and now he's refusing to pay! That asshole thinks he's gonna have free sex with any of my clients?! He got another thing coming!"

"So why don't you go out there and teach him a lesson?" Tommy asked.

"I'm afraid I can't do that?" Love Giant protested. "That guy is around six feet tall and I can't fight to save my damn life! You on the other hand, you bigger and a lot stronger, and I heard you got some brutal hands."

"Please don't flatter me," Tommy grumbled, sounding annoyed.

"Look, Tommy," Love Giant pleaded, "you gotta do this one for me. That guy won't pay up and somebody's gotta teach him a lesson. It ain't gonna be me, because like I told you, I ain't no fighter."

Tommy just shook his head in annoyance. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll go over there to teach that asshole a lesson."

So Tommy hopped up out of his seat and started making his way for the exit. "He stay over at a penthouse in Vice Point!" Love Giant called. "Room 49 on the second floor to be exact!"

Tommy finally walked out of the Pole Position Club and entered the limousine parked outside. He was going to set the record straight with the guy at the Vice Point Penthouse and hopefully, he would be able to take a hint. So Tommy started the engine and Started driving through the city. He took the long road down Washington Beach and finally made it to the front of the penthouse in Vice Point. Tommy pulled to a stop in front of the building and hopped out of the limousine. He made his way inside the penthouse and walked up to the elevator.

The elevator took him to the second floor, and Tommy began walking down the hallway until he finally came to the door with the number 49 on front. Tommy banged hard on the door.

"Who is it?!" a man inside growled distantly.

"It's the owner of the PPC!" Tommy growled back. "Open up!"

The door then yanked open, revealing a Caucasian man wearing a gray T-shirt and tight black pants facing Tommy. He was about Tommy's height, only fatter and less muscular.

"You're the owner of that strip club?!" the man asked.

Tommy just casually walked inside of the room to find that Irene was inside sitting on the bed. "This guy's been fucking me in my big ass and now he won't pay up," she informed Tommy.

"I ain't paying you jack shit!" the man told Irene.

"Hey," Tommy told the man. "You were the one who decided to sleep with her and knew she was a stripper! So pay up, pal, and nobody gets hurt!"

"Bring it on, Meathead!" the man shot back, shoving Tommy back.

This instigated a fistfight between the two as Tommy and the man threw punches at each other. Tommy took a few punches to the lower body and arms, but he still had the upper hand and connected with a five-hit combo to the face, stomach, and shoulders. The man connected a few more times in the chest. But Tommy was too resilient to back down now. He had taken blows worse than that during his fifteen-year stint in prison. So he was used to taking punches. Nonetheless, it didn't stop him from having the upper hand on the man defensively, as he countered his opponent's swings and attacked in response.

After a few minutes, Tommy had finally threw three more brutal punches and knocked the man back with a strong headbutt to the nose. The man fell to the floor grabbing his nose in agony as it was now broken. Tommy then grabbed the man by the throat and pinned him against the wall with one hand.

"Listen up, asshole!" Tommy growled menacingly in a low, ominous tone of voice. "You picked this woman up from the strip club! You knew exactly who you were getting down with! So you have a choice! Either you pay up or I'll finish the fucking job with a fatal, sadistic throat hold! Make a choice!"

"Okay!" the man uttered barely coherent. "Okay! Here! Take the money!"

He offered the money to Tommy, and the latter snatched it from the former's hand. "Now was that so hard?" Tommy asked the man. "And one more thing."

Tommy demonstrated by throwing a painful left hook to the man's eye. "You stay the fuck out of the strip club until you learn to treat these women with respect!" Tommy growled silently.

Tommy then escorted Irene out of the room, and the two walked down the hallway to the elevator. They took the elevator downstairs and exited the penthouse. They hopped inside the limousine, and Tommy started the engine and drove straight ahead. He took the long road down Washington Beach and made his way through Ocean Beach, where he made it back to the Pole Position Club. Tommy hopped out of the limousine and escorted Irene back inside to continue their stint inside.

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