Chapter 9: Four Iron Man

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Tommy had spent the full hour delivering pizza and made about $1,000 from the job. SO later on, he decided to see what Avery had in stores fro him at the construction site at Washington Beach.

As Tommy arrived at the construction site, he saw a black limousine pull up from a ramp right in front of him. Tommy walked up to the limousine and opened the back door to see Avery sitting in the back seat.

"Come in and park yourself on the hide, son," Avery told Tommy, pointing to the seat facing him.

Tommy hopped inside and took a seat to face Avery. "Hell, my daddy used to say, 'never look a gift horse in the mouth,'" Avery informed, "and by golly, he never did."

He then pointed to a bottle of liquor and some cups resting on a sideways cupholder. "Would you like a drop of the old Kentucky?" Avery offered Tommy.

"No thanks," Tommy told him.

"A clean thinker!" Avery replied, looking rather proud of Tommy. "I like that. Now, the property business isn't all about high-falooting paper pushing. It's about dirt! And the will to claim that dirt! You with me, son?"

"Oh yeah," Tommy answered, staring ahead to focus.

"Well, I need some tenacious bastard to let go of some dirt, and you look to me like the guy to persuade him," Avery informed.

"Persuasion's my forte," Tommy answered calmly.

"Yeah, he'll be down at the country club, down at the golf course," Avery continued. "They don't allow guns, so his bodyguards won't be packing lawgivers. Go beat eight tons of crap out of him. Here now - I got you a membership, and boy you're gonna need more appropriate clothing."

He handed Tommy a card for the location of the Jocksports clothing store, and Tommy hopped out of the limousine to run back to his own vehicle. He hopped inside and drove off.

"This guy's my new friend," Tommy muttered to himself. "I never had a friend with a wig before... "

The clothing store was located at Vice Point. So Tommy made his way there as he drove around. The cars on the road were moving rather steadily, and the traffic lights were changing slowly.

Tommy finally made it to the Jocksports clothing store and parked up front. He hopped out and entered the store in search of some golfing clothing.

By the time Tommy had exited out of the store, he was now dressed in a white T-shirt, red sweater vest, and red plaid golfer pants.

"Is this me?" Tommy asked himself.

"Nice ass baby!" some random construction worker shouted distantly.

Tommy just walked over to his vehicle, put it in drive, and drove ahead. He made a left turn on the bridge of Vice Beach leading to Leaf Links Country Club, where he parked in front of the entrance to the golf course and hopped out of his vehicle.

He walked over to the entrance, where he was forced to set his weapons aside by the guards to gain access in the golf course through a metal detector. Tommy wasn't discouraged though. He was just simply going to take out the property developer stealthily anyway and didn't need any machine weapons with him.

As Tommy entered the golf course, he spotted a caddy up ahead and ran up to it. He hopped inside and drove around to hunt down the property developer.

He finally made it to the far end of the course, where there was an overhead secondary platform in which the property developer was playing golf at. The property developer somehow noticed Tommy.

"Who's this guy?" the developer asked. He turned to his guards. "Boys, go deal with him."

"Get him!" one of the bodyguards ordered. "Kill that damn psycho!"

Shit, so much for being stealthy, Tommy thought.

The bodyguards came charging at Tommy, and the latter watched as he saw the property developer made a run for it, hopping inside another caddy up ahead.

Tommy watched as the property developer drove off and chased after him while he was in a caddy as well.

Tommy was also being chased by the other body guards, and they attempted to ram Tommy into the water around the course. Tommy paid them no mind, as he was only focused on the developer. He shook the bodyguards off his trail and continued driving the caddy around to follow the property developer.

Instead of chasing after him, however, Tommy shook all the bodyguards off of him and zoomed past the caddy drivers. He headed to the exit of the course and hopped out of the caddy.

As Tommy exited the golf course, he grabbed his weapons as soon as he went through the metal detector and entered his vehicle to wait for the property developer to make it out.

After a few seconds of waiting, the property developer finally exited the golf course himself, hopped out of the caddy he was driving, and jumped right inside a red Comet, oblivious to the fact that Tommy, in his red Infernus, was right behind him.

The property developer then dashed out onto the road, and Tommy chased after him. As the developer rode through Vice Point, Tommy zoomed up ahead and rammed hard into the developer's vehicle. During the chase, Tommy pulled out his machine gun and performed a drive-by shooting during the chase. It lasted for about thirty seconds until the Comet the property developer was driving in caught on fire, and Tommy put his own vehicle to a stop to watch the burning Comet zoom a few inches away until it finally exploded, killing the developer inside.

Tommy knew he would get the police on his trail during this moment, and he was in no mood to deal with the heat at the moment. So he decided to drive away before anyone came to arrest him to see what other task he would have prepared for him.

He thought about who he should see though. He didn't bother returning to Ken's office since he was too much of a nervous wreck to be any help. So Tommy decided to see what Colonel Cortez would have to offer him and drive over to his yacht.

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