Chapter 45: Hog Tied

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As Tommy was listening on the radio while riding the Angel, a news reporter announced the latest event on how Tommy, which they referred to as a muscular man on a motorbike, had caused chaos around the city, which destroyed many vehicles and even killed a number of cops as well. Now every time many of the citizens took a quick glance at Tommy, none of them wanted to get on his bad side, and they knew very well that he was on the verge of taking the city over by any means necessary.

Tommy returned back to the bar and hopped off his Angel. He walked back inside the bar, in which "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" by Judas Priest was playing in the background. He approached the pinball machine, in which Mitch was playing at.

"Hey there, Mitch," Tommy greeted.

"Well, if it ain't 'bad ass' Vercetti," Mitch replied, turning rapidly to face Tommy while continuing his game of pinball. "Now I wanna see how good you can fight for your patch. A local street gang made the mistake of stealing my hog... probably because of some machismo thing or somethin'. Me and the boys would go over there and teach them a lesson in respect an' all."

As he finally completed the game, he turned to face Tommy up close. "Anyways," he continued. "Then I got to thinking - this would make a good initiation for you. You get my bike back, you can tell Paul he's got his security."

Tommy didn't say a word. He nodded in agreement and turned to leave. Mitch then returned to his game.

"Ahh, ah!" he grunted. "Come on! Come up! Ah!"

A local gang had stolen Mitch's Angel, and it was up to Tommy to retrieve it from the gang. They were holed up behind the Ammu-Nation at Downtown.

This meant that Tommy would need a faster vehicle to get behind the building somehow. So Tommy put on his biker helmet, swiped one of the Angels parked in front of the shop, and rode down the street north of Downtown.

Night had finally fallen as the sky was now a pitch black. The lights shone around the dark city with bright white lights. Several cars stirred around the town.

As Tommy drove straight down the road, he saw the Ammu-Nation just straight down the street. He also spotted a flight of stairs across from the street. Tommy figured that he could use the flight of stairs as a kicker to hop on top of the roof by maintaining speed on the Angel he was riding. So Tommy sped up and rode as fast as he could. The wind blew violently through his face, and his clothes

By the time he finally made it to the stairs, he rode quickly on it, hopped about fifty feet above the road. Tommy didn't bother looking down. He was too determined to get to the other side of the building. He landed onto the rooftop of the Ammu-Nation building and slowed down a bit to keep his balance. Straight ahead was a flight of stairs leading down the back of the building. Tommy slowly rode down the stairs and made it down below in the hideout just in time to see the gangsters disperse around to fire their weapons at Tommy.

The Italian-American former mobster took cover and fired back using his Uzi 9mm. Tommy killed each member one by one while he rode around, and after several seconds, everyone who was struck by bullets dropped dead. The cost was now clear for Tommy. He searched around the hideout in search of the Angel stolen from Mitch and finally found it inside the garage on the other end.

Tommy rode to the opened garage and hopped off of the Angel. He ran to the Angel inside the garage and hopped onto the vehicle. He started the engine and starting riding away. Tommy looked around the hideout to make sure no one was following him. Once he saw that the cost was still clear, He rode off and slowly up the stairs leading to the rooftop of the Ammu-Nation building.

Tommy rode off the building and landed smoothly onto the road. The bright white lights of the buildings and headlights of the moving vehicles shone brightly around Tommy as he rode through the city. The vehicles' engines roared moderately as they drove around the streets.

Tommy had finally made it back to the Greasy Choppers bar and parked the Angel up front. He saw that Cougar and Zeppelin were standing by the door.

Tommy hopped off the Angel and removed his helmet. He walked to Cougar and Zeppelin.

"Tell Mitch that his Angel is in mint condition," he told them. "Now if you'll excuse me, I got a band to protect."

"Right on, Vercetti!" Cougar called out.

"You the man, Tommy V!" Zepplin added.

Tommy then turned to leave. But before he could even walk five feet, he heard his cellphone ring. He pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Hey, it's Mitch," he heard Mitch say over the phone. "You did good, Tommy, it's good to have the old girl back. You tell Kent Paul he'll get his security for the gig. You have my word on that. Now keep yourself out of trouble."

Tommy hung up the cellphone and stored it back inside his pocket. He felt satisfied that he not only got Mitch and his Bikers gang to be the security for the imminent gig for Love Fist, but also gained their respect as well. After all, he hardly had much to prove to a gang of Bikers. So Tommy decided to head back to the recording studio building Downtown to tell the rest of the band.

Tommy still kept his helmet on and hopped onto one of the Angels parked in front of the Greasy Chopper bar. He started the engine and rode off, the engine roaring loudly and a trail of dark gray smoke puffing out of the tailpipe from behind. It was time for him to see if the members of Love Fist were ready for their imminent gig.

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