Chapter 39: Dead Men Rolling

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Back at the Vercetti Estate the next afternoon, Tommy looked around his office of the mansion thinking. Lance had lost his mind for a second and was wondering what the guy was thinking. Sure he went off on him yesterday, but still, Tommy felt he may have been a little harsh to Lance during that time. So he decided to go see Lance to make it up to him.

Tommy walked to Lance's bedroom to find that he was lying on his stomach staring at the ceiling. "How you doing, Lance?" Tommy asked, entering the bedroom.

"Just thinking," Lance replied. "You know, I'm glad to have you for a partner, Tommy. I haven't had very many friends in my life and was always in the shadow of my brother."

"Really," Tommy said, sounding somewhat convinced.

"Listen," Lance told Tommy, sitting up on the edge of the mattress, "I feel that we could make some easy money here, live life in simple pleasures."

"What are you talking about?" Tommy asked. "There's no such thing as "easy money". Everything is earned by grueling diligence. That would be like saying just showing up to class is an easy A+. It doesn't work that way. You want to move on up, you have to do your part of the job too. That's the way it works."

"But Tommy," Lance protested, "I've done everything I can to earn money the last two years, including helping my brother take out a corrupt sergeant and his soldiers."

"That was two years ago, Lance," Tommy told him. "You think just because you did work for the past two years you deserve everything now? You need to keep doing work. That's how we adults move up. We all work for a living. So you still have to work for it, and you can't get complacent either. That means no goofing off, no procrastinating, and no taking drugs! Got it?!"

Lance didn't know what much of Tommy's vocabulary meant, but by the sheer stern in the latter's voice, the former knew the correct response to him. "Okay, Tommy," Lance answered, hopping off the mattress. "Well let's go then."

"That's what I thought," Tommy replied, guiding Lance out of the living room. "Let's roll."

Tommy and Lance made it outside to meet the other two mobsters of the Vancetti gang. Tommy guided the three to his Sentinel and everybody hopped in as Tommy started the engine and drove out of the driveway, making a right turn on Starfish Island.

"So where we headed to anyways?" Lance asked Tommy, who took the bridge to drive to Washington Beach.

"Grand tour," Tommy answered, making a right turn. "We'll show our new members around the city so they could be familiar with the place. I was a fish out of water myself and learning how to adapt, so it's my chance to do the same for these guys."

So Tommy continued driving and made a left turn on the end of the street. "So over here is Ocean Drive," Tommy told the two mobsters, driving on the road of Ocean Drive. "To your left is the beach, where everyone comes to have a peaceful time after dealing with so much stress from the work they've done."

Tommy continued driving around Ocean Beach and past a lighthouse. "That's the lighthouse," Tommy informed. "A sniper almost took my head off from up there."

Tommy then drove around the city and made a far right turn to drive back through Washington Beach, driving straight down the long road that lead to the Malibu Club. "Now over to your left is the Malibu Club," Tommy told the mobsters, driving past the Malibu Club. "You can go there when you want to get a good booze there. Because let's face it, once you're wasted, you won't have the energy on the dance floor."

Tommy then rode through Vice Point. "Welcome to Vice Point, fellas!" he told the mobsters. He past the Well Stacked Pizza restaurant, the Jewelers store, a few neighborhood houses, and the North Point Mall. "Here's where all the best restaurants and goods are, and there's even a good amount of luxury to take a nice respite in. Sooner, we'll be ranked middle class."

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