Chapter 30: Death Row

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Night was now beginning to fall, and Tommy was outside of the hotel thinking. He had successfully convinced Diaz that he's a trustworthy friend who is willing to help out his ally, so tonight would be his perfect time to plan out his scheme to finally put an end to the drug lord's reign of power by tomorrow.

Before he could react, he heard his cellphone ringing. Tommy pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Yeah," Tommy answered.

"Awright me ol'china!" Tommy heard Paul say over the phone. "It's Paul. I might have a little result for you, but I need to speak to you in person. I'm enjoying a little R&R at the Club Malibu. Reckon you're gonna owe me a favor or two after this, sunshine. I'll see you later."

What does Paul want now? Tommy thought.

He hopped inside his vehicle and drove away. The neon lights around the buildings were beginning to brighten, and the moving vehicle's headlights were shining through the road as Tommy drove through Washington Beach. He made his way down the long road leading to Vice Point, where he parked right at the side of the Malibu Club and hopped out of his vehicle. Tommy made his way to the entrance of the building.

Inside the Malibu Club, Tommy encountered Paul, who was just hanging out by the counter finishing his drink. "All Night Long" by the Mary Jane Girls was playing inside. Paul had just noticed Tommy approaching him.

"Awright mush," Paul greeted. "I'm gonna save your Vera, mate."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tommy asked.

"You know that wanker Diaz, The Bugle Master?" Paul told him. "He's got your boy, Lance. Word is your mate tried to jump him...didn't jump high enough if you know what I mean."

Tommy furiously grabbed Paul by the arms and pinned him roughly against the wall as Paul writhed around as he struggled to extricate himself from Tommy's tenacious grip. "Where the fuck did he take him?!" Tommy growled, his teeth clenched tightly. "In plain English!"

Paul struggled to let words out as Tommy's strong hands pinned him tightly against the wall. "Keep your barnet on!" Paul moaned. "They got him across town at the Junkyard!"

Tommy violently dropped Paul to the floor and stormed off. Paul slowly climbed back onto his feet and watched Tommy leave the club. "Bloody hell... you nutter!" Paul called out.

Tommy made his way outside and hopped inside his Cheetah, starting the engine before riding off. He quickly rode of straight down the road of Vice Point and made a left turn. He drove straight through the road of Prawn Island and made his way through the bridge leading to Downtown.

As Tommy made it in Downtown, the white lights around the buildings and headlights on the moving vehicles driving on the road shone brightly. The neon lights on some of the buildings lit up vividly. The streetlights were also all on.

Tommy was rather peeved. He couldn't believe that Lance had jumped the gun earlier and foiled Tommy's meticulous planning. Now he had to save Lance from Diaz's gang before they had the chance to kill him.

Tommy made a left turn on the road and drove straight down heading south through the long road. He just couldn't stop until he made it to his destination. What made Lance believe he could take on Diaz's men on his own was an enigma for Tommy. He just continued driving down the long road until he made a right turn on the intersection of Little Haiti.

The town was almost pitch dark due to the dearth of light around it and dashed through the roadway, finally seeing the junkyard up ahead. Of course, as Tommy got closer, he saw that Diaz's men were also guarding the entrance there, and they fired bullets at Tommy using assault rifles. The bullets bounced off of the Cheetah, and Tommy pulled out his machine gun to fire back at Diaz's goons, who were instantly gunned down in a matter of seconds.

Tommy drove through the junkyard and hopped out of the vehicle. He saw that more of Diaz's men were all scattered all over the junkyard armed with assault rifles as well. Tommy showed no hesitation as he used his Kruger to take out many of the men who got into his way.

Aside from killing each of them all at a time, Diaz's men had also dropped a prolific amount of money on the ground. As every member of Diaz's gang was dead, Tommy bend over to pick up the cash off of the ground.

Tommy got closer to the hangar up ahead until he saw several more of Diaz's men coming out from the exit firing at Tommy, who ducked out of the way just in time and returned the fire, killing the remainder of Diaz's men there as well.

Tommy then made it inside the hangar, where he saw a brutally beaten-up Lance tied to a chair. Lance's forehead was split wide open and dripping with blood running down the bridge of his nose. His lips were also bleeding as well. His left eye had a dark red ring around it. Lance had been brutally beaten.

Tommy walked over to Lance and untied him out of the chair. He grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around to face him. Lance saw that Tommy was none too pleased with him.

"There goes my careful planning blown to shit, thanks to you!" Tommy growled at Lance furiously as Lance hung his head down with genuine guilt. "You screwed up real good, Lance!"

"He killed my brother," Lance complained. "What do you expect me to do, mow his lawns?"

"I was expecting you to wait for the right moment to take the asshole out with meticulous planning, dipshit!" Tommy shot back. "I told you I had Diaz! I told you to be patient until it was the right time to strike! But you fucked it all up by jumping the gun, Lance! You fucked up big time! Thanks to you, Diaz is now suspicious of both of us!"

Lance felt guiltier every time he would listen to Tommy's diatribe towards him. It reminded him a lot of how Vic used to treat him whenever he screwed things up the last two years the two were in Vice City. He knew it was no one to blame but himself, and with Vic gone for good, it was now time for Lance to stop playing the victim and own up to his mistake.

"Okay, you got me, Tommy," Lance admitted. "I guess I was thinking about revenge before reason. I just wanted to get back at Diaz to make him pay for what he did to my big bro."

"And now we're gonna have to take that prick Diaz out before he takes us out," Tommy replied. "You okay to use a gun?"

"Sure... I guess... " Lance uttered. "Nice to see you, too."

Tommy just stared back as he sighed in annoyance. "Let's just get out of here," Tommy said as he guided Lance out through the entrance of the hangar.

The two walked through the junkyard, with a beaten Lance trailing behind Tommy. They navigated through the place until they made it to Tommy's Cheetah, which they quickly hopped into.

Tommy made his way outside of the junkyard and drove straight down the road through Little Haiti. But as Tommy made a left turn on the road, he looked in his rear-view mirror to find that more of Diaz's men were trailing after him from behind driving Sentinel XS's.

So Tommy stomped down hard on the gas pedal and drove away as fast as he could to escape from Diaz. He dashed through Little Haiti and made a sharp left turn on the long road up ahead. He successfully shook off Diaz's men and drove straight down the road leading to Downtown. Tommy then made a left turn and parked right in front of the Schuman Health Care Center.

He turned to Lance. "Get patched up and meet me on the bridge to Star Island first thing in the morning, OK?" Tommy instructed Lance.

"OK, I got you," Lance replied.

Tommy watched as Lance exited the vehicle and casually walked into the hospital holding his gun.

Sure hope he doesn't hold any of the doctors at gunpoint to rob them of their medication, Tommy thought.

Because he had a very long day today, Tommy decided to drive back to the hotel and get some shut-eye for tonight. He had a long day as it was, and if he wanted to bring down Diaz, he was going to get it over with tomorrow before the drug lord did both him and Lance in first.

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