Chapter 86: Cap the Collector

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The hours had passed, and Tommy hasn't had a call yet. He knew that just because Sonny or his family haven't came to Vice City for hours now, it didn't mean he would get complacent. He knew that Sonny was probably planning his next move against Tommy and was taking the time to implement his imminent conspiracy.

Tommy then heard his cellphone ring and pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

He heard heavy sniffing on the other line. He noticed the sniffing anywhere he heard it. "Hey!" Ken called. "Hello? Tommy? Tommy! We got a situation over at the Print Works! You better go and check it out! Some kind of mess of other! Things are messed up! I gotta go!"

So Tommy hung up the cellphone and stored it away. He exited the mansion and walked down the stairs to get to the Sentinel. Before he had a chance to get inside, Tommy heard his cellphone ring again and pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy!" he heard Ken chant frantically over the phone. "I had Sonny on the phone, okay, are you with me?! I don't know about you, but there's something about a man threatening to murder my family, which really scares the crap out of me! What are you going to do?!"

"Ken, take it easy," Tommy told him calmly.

"I AM calm!" Ken shouted in denial, "calm as a man can be when he's fearing for his life!"

"Stay off the idiot fuel and look after yourself!" Tommy demanded. "No one's gonna take us out! I'll see you later."

"I am calm," Ken continued, still in denial. "Don't I sound calm? Must be impending death that is doing this to my voice!"

Tommy just hung up the cellphone and stored it right back into his pocket. He hopped inside the Sentinel and started the engine. Tommy then drove out of the driveway and made a left turn on the road of Starfish Island, driving straight for the bridge leading to the other island and making a right turn on the long road. He drove straight down the road until he made a left turn on Little Haiti.

Tommy saw the Print Works up ahead and drove straight down. He parked right in front of the building and stepped out. After defending his assets from the Forelli gang, there was no telling what was happening in the Print Works.

Unfortunately, for Tommy, it was even worse news. Because as he entered the building, he saw that Earnest was lying on the floor inside surrounded by three of the other employees, and he was badly injured. His left eye had a cut bleeding below. the left side of his head had a prominent red lump. His clothing was ripped on the sleeves.

"Ok, what's the emergency?" Tommy asked.

The other employees finally moved out of the way to show Tommy the condition that Earnest was in, and right when Tommy took a quick glance at the old man, he was horrified to see the injuries he was in right now.

"Earnest!" he cried out in shock, approaching the injured elder.

He approached him as the employees helped him on his feet. He could barely even stand.

"Who did this to you, Earnest?" Tommy asked, sounding both concerned and enraged at the same time. "WHO?!"

"Tommy... " Earnest started to explain, barely coherent, "some mob thugs... said they'd come to take their cut... said it was a Mr. Forrello's money... ah fuck, I feel like crap."

"Forelli?!" Tommy asked. "SONNY Forelli?!"

"Yeah, that's the guy... " Earnest replied. "I think... they were very insistent... "

"Don't you worry, pop," Tommy told him softly. "I'm not angry with you."

He turned to face the employees. "Get him to the hospital," he ordered them.

Tommy turned to leave. But not before being stopped by Earnest.

"Tommy... " Earnest told him. "Rip that guy a new asshole for me... "

"I'M GOING TO RIP HIM TWO!" Tommy growled loudly.

He was very outraged. First Sonny had tried (and thankfully failed) to ambush Tommy again by sending his family at him. Then he tried (and once again, failed) to attack all of his business empires. Now he and his family had injured Earnest and tried taxing Tommy's businesses.

So enraged at what Sonny had did to him so far, Tommy had to locate the collectors and take them out. He quickly hopped back into his Sentinel and started the engine. He backed out of the parking lot and made his way onto the road, which he drove straight down and made a right turn all the way on the long road up ahead.

Tommy drove straight down, with his foot firm on the gas pedal as he was determined to take down the Mafia trying to tax his businesses. He refused to pay taxes to a Mafia gang who tried to ambush him after he had just worked his hardest to give them their money and drugs.

As Tommy finally made his way through Viceport, he saw that the Mafia had arrived at the boatyard and drove there as fast as he could. By the time Tommy had finally made it there, he saw the gang members popping out from the side of the shack armed with assault rifles.

Tommy wasted no time as he hopped out of the vehicle and pulled out his assault rifle to attack the Mafia gang. They fired back at him with their weapons, and Tommy shifted to the left to dodge the bullets being fired at him. He returned fire by killing each of the members one by one.

Once all the gang members were dead, Tommy knew that there would be more somewhere else. So he returned to his vehicle and hopped inside. He started the engine, turned around, and drove out of the docks.

Tommy drove through the long road of Viceport to find the collectors riding Sanchez's trying to approach the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory. The collectors then noticed Tommy approaching them in full speed.

"It's the Harwood Butcher!" one of them called out, pointing at Tommy.

"You're gonna die real soon!" the other member shouted.

Tommy just got out of the Sentinel and fired at the collectors using his assault rifle. He managed to kill two of the members, but the other ran quickly to the Sanchez and hopped on.

Tommy didn't bother firing at him while on foot. He just ran back to his Sentinel and hopped inside. He turned on the engine and stomped on the gas pedal, speeding after the collector on the Sanchez, who zipped down the road and made a left turn on Little Haiti to make a U-turn onto the bridge.

Tommy followed along and dashed at the collector straight down onto the bridge. He sped up on the side of the collector and used his machine gun to fire at him. The bullets struck the collector's chest, killing him as his corpse fell back off the Sanchez, which immediately caught fire. Tommy rode straight down the bridge and exited on the other end right before the Sanchez many feet behind him exploded.

Tommy made a U-turn and drove straight back down the bridge leading to Little Haiti. Once he made it to the small town, he drove around to search for more of the collectors who tried to tax his businesses. He found more on two more Sanchez's and chased after them throughout Little Haiti. Right when the collectors on the Sanchez's made a right turn down the long road and drove straight down, Tommy quickly caught up to them and pulled up beside them.

"You tell Sonny, stay away!" Tommy growled at the collectors. "Vice City is mine now, not his!"

So he pulled off his machine gun and fired bullets in each collector riding on each Sanchez at a time. The two of them were killed and fell back off of their vehicles.

Tommy stopped the car he was driving and pulled to a park onto the curb. He sighed in relief, and he knew that Sonny and his gang members were ready for war at this point. Tommy, however, wasn't going to go down without a fight and expected to meet Sonny face to face.

Just then, Tommy heard his cellphone ring and pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Tommy, it's Lance," he heard Lance say over the phone. "We got big problems. Come down here to the mansion right away."

So Tommy hung up the cellphone and stored it back inside his pocket. He knew exactly what that big problem was and decided to head back to the Vancetti Estate. Tommy drove straight down and made a left turn onto the bridge leading to Starfish Island. He turned right on the driveway leading to the Vancetti Estate and put his vehicle to a park behind the garage. He quickly jumped out and ran up the stairs to head to the entrance of the mansion.

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