Chapter 8: Road Kill

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Tommy had finally made it at the front of the mall to find a row of payphones. He parked the vehicle right in front of them and hopped out of the vehicle. He ran over to the payphones, punched in the caller's number, and waited until the French man answered.

"Vercetti?" the French man answered.

"That's me," Tommy replied.

"Okay, listen," the French man started to explain, "I go by the name Mr. Black. I have been listening to the news on the radio and heard that your deal at the docks was ambushed by an unknown rivalry gang."

"No shit," Tommy grumbled. "When I finally get my fucking hands on the asshole who stole all the drugs and dough, he'll be sent six feet fucking under!"

"Which is why I called you to warn you, Mr. Vercetti," Mr. Black told him. "The chef you killed, he worked as an assassin. He was part of the reason your deal got ambushed."

"Wait," Tommy asked, surprised. "How do you know all of this?"

"I work undercover," Mr. Black replied. "I listen around to know this kind of information."

"Okay," Tommy replied, "and what information you got for me?"

"You're in deeper shit, Mr. Vercetti," Mr. Black replied. "Every criminal out here wants you dead. They try to murder anyone who they see is a threat on their town, and considering you come from a dangerous place called Liberty City, they definitely see you as someone who is trying to muscle into the turf and want to take you down a peg or two."

"Bring those assholes on then!" Tommy responded. "I ain't scared of them. I spent almost two decades bodybuilding and throwing bloody knuckles. They want to try to kill me, I'm ready for them!"

"Okay," Mr. Black replied. "But you're gonna need all the artillery you can get. So Mr. Vercetti, your help in eradicating those out-of-towners was invaluable to business. I have more work for you with a more "hands-on" approach. Your next job is taped under the phone."

The first person Tommy was sent to kill was Carl Pearson, the pizza delivery man who was threatened over the fact that Tommy was about to set foot in the town, as he was an arrogant employee who thought

So Tommy hopped inside the vehicle and drove onto the road. He was prepared for the pizza delivery guy to take him out. So he casually drove through Washington Beach and straight down the road until he made it through Vice Point. He saw a familiar-looking pizza guy riding on a motor scooter. That must've been Carl Pearson, and he was ready to fire his machine gun at Tommy as he continued driving straight.

Carl fired his gun at Tommy's vehicle, who swerved out of the way to dodge the firing bullets. To his surprise, he saw that Carl was riding away from him.

Tommy just groaned. The people who wanted to kill him in Vice City were actually trying to run away. So he turned the vehicle around and chased after the pizza guy down the road of Washington Beach.

The chase continued through Ocean Beach, and Tommy pulled up on the right side of Carl to face him.

"Why don't you come shoot me right to my face, you fucking coward?!" he shouted at the pizza guy.

Carl just pulled out his machine gun and fired at Tommy, who barely dodged the bullets as Carl pulled up farther away from him.

"Spoke too fucking soon!" Tommy muttered.

Tommy had enough of this and stomped down hard on the gas pedal. He sped up to Carl and knocked him hard off his motor scooter, causing him to fly off and slam down hard on the pavement.

Tommy pulled up to a complete stop and stepped out of the vehicle. He slowly approached Carl, who was now injured. His left arm was dislocated and literally bent backwards. A huge chunk of skin was scrapped off of the right side of his face, showing pink and orange flesh. His ankle was bent backwards. He was an injured mess.

This, however, didn't stop him for gripping onto the machine gun he was holding in his right hand, and he laughed very slowly until it gradually got louder and more maniac.

"You think you took me down, Tommy Vercetti?!" he laughed out loud. "You think You finally got me?! I'm still breathing here! And my finger's still on the fucking trigger!"

His smile got wider and wider as he laughed extremely hard. He looked like The Joker with half his face peeled off. He then raised the machine gun to Tommy and pulled the trigger, with Tommy suddenly jumping out of the way.

Even through injuries, he still won't quit without a fight, Tommy thought. That Mr. Black person wasn't lying about these guys wanting me dead.

Tommy just leaped behind his vehicle and ducked from the flying bullets being fired at him.

"I'm the toughest asshole in Vice!" Carl shouted at the top of his lungs. "After I'm finished with you, I'll let you eat these pizzas with those last words!"

Tommy made no hesitation as he pulled out a machine gun himself and started firing back. He struck Carl with multiple bullets ripping through his chest.

Tommy then walked towards a bleeding Carl, who was coughing up blood and wheezing. Tommy wanted to put the last bullet in his body, but then thought of a better way to end him.

Tommy left the wheezing pizza boy lying on the ground to reach inside the motor scooter and grab a box of pizza. He walked up to Carl and stood in front of him.

"Any last words, before I serve you your last meal, asshole?" Tommy growled silently, yet menacingly.

"Fuck you, Vercetti!" Carl blurted out, spitting blood. "You won't live!"

Tommy then opened the pizza box, took a slice of pizza, and violently shoved it hard down Carl's throat.

"You hungry, asshole?" Tommy told him. "Well there's plenty more where these came from!"

He reached into the pizza box for another slice and stuffed more down Carl's throat.

"Eat it!" Tommy growled as he took yet another slice and jammed it hard down Carl's throat. "Eat the fucking pizza!"

Tommy then watched as Carl started choking violently on the pizzas caught in his throat. His windpipe showed the sliced dug through from the inside.

Carl choked so hard that he finally fell to the floor and stopped breathing. Tommy stared at the former pizza boy's corpse. His stuffed mouth had a trail of red slobber dribbling out. His eyes stood open in shock. He was now dead.

Tommy walked up to the motor scooter to take back the other boxes of pizzas "Thanks for the favorites, Carl," Tommy called to the pizza boy's corpse as he headed to his Infernus and hopped inside.

Tommy started the engine of the vehicle and turned to squeal away. He took Mr. Black's advice on many of the people in Vice City wanting him dead. So he was prepared for anyone who tried to take him down by all force.

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