Chapter 58: Ship Off the Old Docks

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The next day, Tommy drove back through Little Havana to see if he would be able to get his income for the business. He saw the car dealership just up ahead as he drove down the curved road. Tommy made a right turn into the parking lot and parked on the side of the building. He exited the vehicle to walk up to the building to meet BJ.

BJ was having a discussion with whom appeared to be his son at the second floor. The two then noticed Tommy approaching them.

"Mr. Vercetti!" BJ greeted as he and his son walked up to Tommy. "Just the man I wanted to see."

"Likewise, Mr. Smith," Tommy replied.

"Vercetti, this is my son Bradley. Bradley, Mr. Vercetti," BJ introduced the two to each other. "He's the new owner of the Sunshine Autos."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Vercetti," Bradley told Tommy. shaking his hand respectfully.

"Likewise," Tommy responded. "So you're BJ's son, huh?"

"That's right," BJ answered. "He got drafted by the San Fierro 69ers back in April before graduating from college just a month later."

"At least someone got to go to college," Tommy said. "I was lucky to even make it out of high school. But congratulations, man. So are you also following your father's footsteps?"

"Absolutely," Bradley answered. "My father was a legendary tight-end on the Mambas and I want to be just as legendary as him in my position as the quarterback."

"Ah, so you play QB?" Tommy asked, and Brian subsequently nodded. "I used to play QB in high school football. My coach always told me that I had a killer arm. Believe me, I can throw a football about 100 yards away."

"Yo that's sick, man!" Bradley replied in awe. "I don't think I ever seen anyone throw so far!"

"If I hadn't been locked up, I probably would've been playing for the NFL right now," Tommy replied. "But it's good to know someone's following their father's footsteps. So what's going on with you now?"

"My dad said I could have this cool Comet as a reward for my perfect report card after my college graduation," Bradley explained. "And now that NFL season is about to start, I'll need something to ride into when I'm living in San Fierro."

"So Vercetti," BJ told Tommy, "you think you could be able to drive my son to the airport so his new ride can be shipped back to him all the way to San Fierro?"

"I don't see what else I got to lose," Tommy muttered. "I'll do it. Come on, Brad."

"Right behind you, Mr. Vercetti," Bradley told him, following him to his new car.

So Tommy let Bradley get into the passenger's seat of the Comet and Bradley took the passenger's seat as well. Tommy started the engine and waited for a few seconds.

"I can't wait to ride this thing around San Fierro," Bradley said, sounding very excited.

"Don't enjoy yourself too much, Brad," Tommy told him. "You still need to save up on gas and oil."

Tommy slowly pulled out of the parking lot and rode south down the road on his way to the Escobar International Airport.

"So how are you gonna ship this cool ride all the way over to San Fierro?" Bradley asked Tommy.

"Simple," Tommy replied as he made a right turn. "I'm gonna get one of my guys to store it on a boat and they're gonna ride it all the way to the ocean docks on Fierro."

"Sweet!" Bradley cheered. "I got my own ride now!"

Tommy made another right turn on the road and turned left. He drove straight down the road and finally made it to the Escobar International Airport and dropped Bradley there. "Now hurry up in there!" Tommy told Bradley. "I don't want you missing your flight out there."

"No problem, Mr. Vercetti," Bradley replied, grabbing his gym bag. "Thanks for the ride, Mr. Vercetti."

"No problem," Tommy answered, and Bradley ran to the front of the entrance.

Tommy sighed in relief. Now all he had to do was get Bradley's new Comet onto a ship to orient through the ocean and all the way to the West Coast. So Tommy drove west down the road and made a right turn. He continued driving straight until he reached the docks in Viceport and parked behind the boat shack.

Tommy hopped out of the vehicle and walked down the boatyard to get around the shack and enter inside, where he saw Dwaine and Jethro in.

"Mr. Vercetti," Dwaine called out to Tommy. "It's great to see you here again!"

"Yes," Jethro added. "Like, we couldn't be happier to see you back!"

"I'm a busy man," Tommy told them. "You know how it is to own almost every business in this city."

"Sure do, Dude," Jethro replied. "So like, what brings you back, Mr. Vercetti?"

"I gotta ship a vehicle to the West Coast," Tommy told them. "You know where I can get a boat that can hold a car in?"

Dwaine just laughed loudly. "I just got the joke!" he chuckled. "You need to ship the car WITH shipping!"

Dwaine laughed some more. Tommy just glared at him, and Jethro watched in less enthusiasm. Dwaine gradually cut his laughter short.

"Right," Dwaine muttered. "Well anyways, we got a ship that can be shipped anywhere from America to China."

He and Jethro guided Tommy to the docks to show him a large, white ship resting by the docks.

"This thing can, like fit almost ten cars in here!" Jethro stated.

"I got an idea," Tommy told them.

He ran back to the road of Viceport and hopped into the Comet. He saw that a kicker was up ahead. So Tommy started the engine of the Comet, kept his focus on the kicker, and drove as fast as the vehicle could drive. Tommy was able to time it correctly, and the Comet landed perfectly into the ship. One of the Vancetti gang members was riding the ship along with two more members.

Tommy quickly hopped out of the ship and back onto the docks to meet Dwaine and Jethro. "Awesome, dude!" Dwaine told Tommy.

"Like, you drove that car like a boss, man!" Jethro added.

"Appreciate the compliments, fellas," Tommy told them. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have an income to collect."

"Chao, dude!" Dwaine called as Tommy turned to leave.

As Tommy made it back to the Sunshine Autos to explain everything to BJ, the business was now generating a revenue to reach up to $9,000 at the highest. The business was a success, and for now, Tommy felt it was time to take a break from business for a while. After all, he was going to have to save his energy to work harder with a little respite of his own.

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