Chapter 87: Keep Your Friends Close.....

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As he made it inside, he scaled the stairs and ran straight inside his office, where he found Ken and Lance arguing with each other. They just noticed Tommy entering.

"What's going on?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy!" Ken called as he rose out of the black chair to walk slowly towards Tommy. "Oh good, good. Listen, listen. Uh, listen, I like fish. I love fish. I love them as pets in bowls, or as food on a plate, but as much as I love 'em, I don't want to sleep with them, okay."

Tommy just rolled his eyes in annoyance. Ken had really been getting on Tommy's nerves with his incessant whining.

"But right now," Ken continued, panicking frantically, "your Italian brothers are coming from up there to fit me with some cement shoes, and I... "

"Shut up Ken!" Tommy interrupted sternly, holding a hand back to silent the neurotic lawyer. "Sit down!"

Ken obeyed Tommy's command like a dog and took a seat on the chair behind him. Tommy then turned to Lance. "Lance, what the hell's going on?" Tommy asked his partner.

"It's your friends up north Tommy," Lance replied. "They ain't too happy you capped their man. They're coming down to see the business today."

Tommy just stared back confidently. He wasn't scared one bit. "They took longer than I thought... " Tommy answered. "Guys, we gotta make this final, we gotta leave no doubt that this operation is mine, and you guys and everyone else that work for me are my partners!"

"That's right," Lance replied, nodding.

"Ken, you get the first run of counterfeit cash and put three mil in briefcases," Tommy told Ken, and the latter hopped out of his seat and turned to his left to fetch the briefcases.

Tommy then turned to Lance. "Lance, you get the guys together," Tommy told his partner.

"Sure thing," Lance told him, nodding as he jumped out of his seat and walked out of the office.

Tommy stood there proudly. He still had his partners backing him up after Sonny had sent his gang to try to take over Tommy's whole business empires. Now he was prepared to face Sonny up close and personal.

As the guards and members of the Vancetti Gang were all gathered around the mansion, Tommy, Ken, and Lance walked down the stairs to find Sonny and his gang standing there by the entrance. Ken was holding the two briefcases in his hands.

"Tommy!" Sonny called, stretching his arms out. "What? No big hugs for your old buddy?"

"I've had fifteen years out of the loop," Tommy replied dryly, "I'm a bit rusty on family etiquette."

"Always angry, eh Tommy?" Sonny replied with a smug grin on his face. "Didn't I say your temper would get you into trouble, huh?"

"There's three mil in the cases... " Tommy replied.

"How many was it?" Sonny asked Tommy. "Ten? No, eleven men. That's how you get to be called the Harwood Butcher!" He chuckled smugly.

"You sent me to kill one man, ONE MAN!" Tommy growled, getting into Sonny's face. "They knew I was coming, Sonny!"

"Tommy, Tommy, watch your tone," Sonny told him silently, yet menacingly. "Anyone would think you blame me for that unfortunate set of circumstances."

"Just take the money," Tommy replied, glaring at Sonny.

"Get the damn cash," Sonny ordered his men.

As Sonny's boys took the briefcases from Ken's hands, Sonny faced Tommy seriously. "You know, Tommy?" Sonny started to tell him. "I did what I could for you, I pulled strings, called in favors. I was your friend, Tommy. I hoped you'd see sense, see what's good for business. I trusted you, Tommy, and you disappointed me. But at least someone in your chicken shit organization knows how to do business. Isn't that right, Lance?"

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