Chapter 82: I Shot the Mayor

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Tommy was back into his office the next day. He looked below to find him staring down at the cities of Washington Beach and Vice Point down below. He had never expected himself to rise so high on the top. Now that he had his own empire building, Tommy didn't have to worry about sending his half of the cut to the former owners of the assets he purchased and could now focus on trying to pay Sonny back his money as quickly as he could.

So Tommy returned to his desk and took a seat in the chair behind it. He heard his phone ring and put it on speaker.

"Vercetti Gambling Lounge on Washington Beach, Tommy Vercetti speaking," Tommy answered.

"Tommy!" Sonny answered from the other line. He was sitting in his office resting his feet on the table. "So how's business going over there?"

"My empire is becoming a success," Tommy told him. "The good news is I'm gonna get your money in no time. Everything here in Vice, it's all mine! And I got my partners backing me up here too!"

"Glad to hear, Tommy," Sonny replied. "I like that. I like that. Now, I got a job I want you to do."

"A job, huh?" Tommy asked. "Well what do you want me to do out here in the south?"

"I just watched the news last night and the reporter announced that this asshole who goes by the name Bill Cazzate has flown from Liberty City to be the new mayor of Vice City," Sonny announced.

"What?" Tommy asked.

"Not sure if you know this already Tommy," Sonny started to explain, "but that guy is a fucking terrorist. After he heard about the S.W.A.T. team coming in that bank that you and the other three guys robbed the other day, the asshole looks to take advantage of that by running for mayor in order to bring terrorism to Vice City because the bank robbery gave him an idea. He's definitely looking forward to take the town over to make that happen."

"Fuck that!" Tommy growled. "If anyone's running Vice City, that's me and only me! I don't need competition becoming a threat to my business empire!"

"Which is why you have to take that guy out, Tommy," Sonny ordered, "because if that guy becomes the mayor, then there goes your height and power, and here comes terrorism."

"Fuck that!" Tommy repeated. "I refuse to have some unknown asshole come here to rule this town! I got a plan to eradicate the asshole!"

So Tommy slammed the receiver hard and left the office. He took the elevator downstairs and walked out as he made it to the bottom floor. Tommy then ran into Ken, who stepped up in front of Tommy eagerly.

"Hey Tommy!" Ken told him, sounding rather excited. "So what's your next mission, huh? You doing anything fun today!"

"Step back, Ken," Tommy told him, shoving him out of the way. "I got a mission to complete."

"What kind of mission, Tommy?" Ken asked, following him like a child to his father. "Is it an epic one? Is it awesome? Come on, Tommy! Can I come along for once?"

"Back off me!" Tommy barked, sounding very annoyed at this point. "It's a murder spree! You'll just be more of a liability than any real help for me in this task."

"Please can I tag along with you, Tommy?" Ken begged desperately. "I promise you, I won't screw up this time! Please, Tommy, please, please, please..... " Ken began grabbing onto Tommy's shirt in desperation. This only annoyed Tommy even more.

"Alright!" Tommy shouted angrily. "Alright! Just let go of my shirt before I'm forced to surgically remove you off me, you dipshit!"

"Sorry," Ken apologized. "I'm just so excited, y'know."

Lance suddenly arrived between the two. "This place is awesome!" Lance declared. "We get to win easy money by gambling and scamming!" Lance chuckled in satisfaction. "So what's up here?"

"I got a call from Sonny," Tommy replied. "He called to inform me that some asshole is trying to bring terrorism in Vice City after he runs for mayor and rules the place."

"Terrorism?" Lance asked, raising an eyebrow. "Ah hell no! No way! If there's anything I have standards for, it's being fully against terrorism! We gotta stop that guy before he runs!"

"Well come on," Tommy ordered. "I got an idea."

Tommy guided Lance and Ken out of the building and to the helipad right across the street, where a white Maverick was resting on top of.

"So where is this mayor giving the speech?" Lance asked Tommy.

"Downtown at the city hall," Tommy replied. "If we want to take that guy down a peg or two, we'll have to be more discreet."

""Discreet" is my middle name," Lance said. "Well, not really, but you get the idea."

"I can't believe I'm finally gonna fly inside a helicopter for the first time," Ken uttered excitedly. "I'm finally gonna see what it's like to be up in the air."

The three hopped inside, with Tommy as the pilot. There was a sniper rifle laying under the seat. Tommy started the engine, and the Maverick slowly descended about 100 feet in the air. Once up in the sky, Tommy accelerated to the direction to go Downtown, to the northwestern side.

"So how are we gonna eliminate this mayor without getting the police attention?" Lance asked Tommy loudly through the loud whirling from the propellers as the Maverick continued accelerating forward.

"Simple!" Tommy replied loudly. "We hover about over 300 feet in the air so no one notices a hovering chopper, and then I'm gonna take this here sniper rifle and blow the asshole's brains out from above the sky! I need you to keep the chopper level though, Lance!"

"I got you, Tommy!" Lance shouted.

Tommy then flew above Downtown, and Lance was looking down with his binoculars in search of the mayor. When Tommy finally flew above city hall, being careful not to let anyone there see him, Lance finally spotted the mayor slowly approaching the stand. He was a bald Caucasian man wearing a blue suit. That must have been Bill Cazzate.

"Hey Tommy!" Lance called to Tommy. "I think that's your guy right there! There's your soon-to-be casualty, and he's about to start his speech!"

"Alright, Lance!" Tommy called to Lance. "Now I want you to take over as the pilot and keep the chopper hovering while I take a good shot from up here!"

"Sure thing, Tommy!" Lance shouted, sliding into the pilot seat. "I got your back!"

"What does this thing do?" Ken asked as he reached for the cyclic, only for Lance to slap his hand away.

"Don't touch that, fool!" Lance scolded Ken. "That ain't no toy!"

As Lance continued hovering the helicopter in position and out of the view of the others down below, Tommy used his sniper rifle to aim for the mayor in front of the city hall preparing for his imminent speech. He zoomed in and aimed for his head, pulling the trigger in the process. Bill's head was promptly blown off and the rest of his corpse fell dead to the ground, causing everybody else to scatter and run away in fear.

"Alright, Tommy!" Lance told him, offering the pilot chair to Tommy. "The mayor's down now! I'll let you fly back to the lounge!"

"Roger!" Tommy replied.

He turned the Maverick around and accelerated to the southeastern direction. He wanted to keep his height to keep from being conspicuous from anyone down below, especially the cops. Tommy saw that the Vercetti Gambling Lounge was just up ahead. So he passed the building and landed smoothly onto the helipad right from across the street.

Tommy, Ken, and Lance exited the Maverick and walked back into the building. "That was amazing!" Ken shouted gleefully. "I had so much fun in the air! For once, I didn't even puke!"

"Yeah, good for you, Ken," Tommy replied sarcastically. "You also kept your pants clean this time."

Lance laughed at Tommy's remark as the trio entered the building. Now that the mayor was finally eliminated, there was no one else able to attempt to take over the town from Tommy. So as the trio entered the building, Tommy walked up to the elevator and took it to the 30th floor. He needed to speak to Sonny to let him in on the news.

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