Chapter 29: Drinking With the Drug Lord

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The next day, Tommy stared out the window of the hotel. The sky was bright blue, and the sun shone brightly above the glistening ocean. There were many guests having a great time at the beach doing various activity, which ranged from surfing to making sandcastles to lounging under the umbrellas.

Tommy was still thinking about his impending plan to get revenge against Diaz once the moment was right. He had already did the man's dirty work for him and gave him everything he wanted.

Before Tommy could think any further, he heard his cellphone ring and pulled it out to answer it

"Yo, Tommy, it's Lance," Tommy heard Lance answer through the phone.

"Yeah?" Tommy asked.

"Oh, nice to hear from you, Lance," Lance groaned as if he was upset that Tommy wasn't glad to talk to him. "Come on, man, be cool, be cool."

"I'm in the middle of something," Tommy told him. "What do you want?"

"Nothing," Lance replied. "Just to say, you know. Look, Tommy, we can do this thing. You and me, no problem. You know what I mean?"

"We're going to have to do it," Tommy agreed, "'cause otherwise, we're going to be dead, Lance. We're in too far now. But thanks for the call. I'll speak to you later."

Tommy hung up the phone and punched in Sonny's number to let him know how far he has come down so far.

Back in Liberty City, Sonny was playing a mechanical word game called Wise Words Spoken.

"Your next word is "metamorphosis"," the female announcer through the word game informed. "Please define the word and use it in a sentence."

Sonny twisted his lips to think. "Metamorphosis," Sonny began to explain, "a wonderful transformation of a certain thing or person. Here's my sentence: The wimpy street kid developed a metamorphosis from a wimp to a fearsome street gangster as he got older and wiser."

"Very good," the announcer said. "You have reached the 73rd level!"

Just then, Sonny heard his phone ring. He put the game on pause and picked up the phone. "Hey, Tommy!" Sonny answered, knowing exactly who it was. "I was expecting to hear from you! So how's things going with you and that drug lord over there?"

"So far, he's beginning to enjoy my company," Tommy replied. "I still have to make sure Diaz fully trusts me. I've been buttering up the bastard so he could view me as a trustworthy ally. You know what Frank said."

"Yeah, I know," Sonny reminded before Tommy could finish his sentence. "So how long are you gonna keep this up, Tom? Because I need my money ASAP!"

"I'll get you your money, Sonny," Tommy told him. "A plan this subtle must be meticulous and cunning before I implement it. I prefer that rather than to act on impulse. Especially after what happened to me fifteen years ago."

"I got ya, Tommy," Sonny replied. "Just make it as quick as you can! I'm running out of patience!"

Sonny then hung up the phone, and Tommy stored his cellphone inside his pocket. He had no more time to waste. He knew that he had to get the money back for Sonny soon and wanted to make sure Diaz was still trusting of him. So Tommy darted out of the room and headed downstairs to walk through the lobby and exit the hotel.

Tommy hopped inside the Cheetah that was parked outside and started the engine. He drove through Washington Beach, where there were a moderate amount of cars driving on. The shadows of the buildings and trees towered above.

Tommy then made a left turn on the bridge leading to Starfish Island, where he made another left turn to the driveway leading to Diaz's mansion. Tommy parked the vehicle in front of the garage and hopped out.

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