Chapter 12: Demolition Man

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The next day, Tommy was now driving through Washington Beach in his white Infernus early in the morning. It was 5:59 AM, and the sun was barely up, forming a small, pink light on the bottom of the blue sky. There were almost no cars driving around the road. No pedestrians were seen walking around either.

It was a nice hour to be driving in the city. There was no traffic, and the city was smooth and quiet, except for the running engine in Tommy's vehicle. He needed to get everything done as soon as possible so he could find out who was the one who ambushed the deal the other day and catch and kill the culprit responsible for it.

Tommy finally made it to the construction site, where he saw that Avery was waiting for him. The latter guided Tommy to the trunk of his black limousine.

"Now look here, son," Avery told Tommy, opening the trunk. "I got a problem and I reckon you could help me with it."

"I'm no builder," Tommy reminded.

"No," Avery told him, showing him an RC Goblin and four bombs inside. "I was thinking more of your demolition skills. Now this here, this is the development as planned and this, this is the property that we're looking at."

"You're trying to say this new office block is kind of in the way," Tommy surmised.

"You catch on quick," Avery replied. "Now I'm going to head out of town for a while and if that office development were to face sudden and insurmountable structural problems, then I... "

"As a civil minded individual, you'd feel obliged to step in and save the rejuvenation of an important area of the city?" Tommy finished.

Avery just stared back at Tommy with a satisfied grin. "Where can I get more guys like you!?" he asked Tommy.

Tommy just stood there proudly. He was actually beginning to accept Avery as his new ally.

As Avery left, Tommy left the construction site as well and saw that there was a white Top Fun van located at the edge of the site. He ran right up to it and hopped inside.

Once inside the van, Tommy started the engine and used the control panels on the front to activate the RC Goblin. The magnet was attached on the bottom to pick up the bombs. So Tommy used it to grab one of the bombs and slowly flew it to the construction site.

The RC Goblin reached to the other side of the site and planted the bomb on top of the barrel on the spot. Tommy had seven minutes to complete the task before the bomb detonation would precipitate. So he quickly maneuvered the RC Goblin back through the construction site to return back outside.

"What the fuck?!" one of the construction workers cried out as the RC Goblin zipped past him.

Now Tommy had to do his best to get every bomb planted on each barrel inside the construction building as fast as possible while also trying to avoid having the RC Goblin attacked by the construction workers who noticed its presence.

So Tommy maneuvered the RC Goblin outside and hovered it over another one of the bombs to use the magnet to pick it up.

The RC Goblin returned to the construction site and flew over up to the stairs leading to the second floor. The construction workers noticed and attempted to wreck the flying helicopter with their hammers. The RC Goblin hovered above them while avoiding their swings. It made a right turn and headed on the other side to set a bomb on the barrel just in that area.

The RC Goblin then maneuvered back to the staircase and turned left to exit the construction building to return outside to pick up another bomb. There were two bombs left, and five minutes were left before denotation.

Tommy used the RC Goblin to pick up another one of the bombs and used it to maneuver back to the construction site, turning right to fly up the staircase and making a right turn. But this time, the RC Goblin flew up the staircase leading to the third floor of the building instead.

Once on the third floor, the RC Goblin flew past a guard in a blue suit who tried to shoot it down. The small helicopter just maneuvered to its right and flew up the staircase leading to the fourth floor. Up there, there were more of the guards shooting at it. But the RC Goblin continued flying without taking a single bullet and flew over through the area to reach the barrel on the other end. As soon as the RC Goblin finally planted the bomb on the barrel, it turned to return back out through the staircases leading down, avoiding the guards firing their pistols at it.

Man, this is tougher than I expected, Tommy thought.

He wasn't used to controlling RC helicopters, which certainly wasn't helped by the fact that there were more people inside the building trying to attack it by all force.

Tommy just maneuvered the RC Goblin down all the staircases and returned it back down to fly out of the construction building and return to the corner of the site to pick up the last bomb.

Please make this count, Tommy thought. It's stressful enough to do this to begin with.

With four minutes left before detonation, Tommy finally used the magnet on the bottom of the RC Goblin to pick up the bomb and maneuvered the RC Goblin to fly across the street to the construction site. It was time for him to get it over with so he could finally get back to his own business.

To his surprise, however, there were even more construction workers ganging up on the flying RC Goblin at an attempt to destroy it. They were swinging wildly at it using their hammers.

Tommy just used the RC Goblin to fly higher and up the staircase leading to the second floor. He had just one more bomb to set on one more barrel. So he had to make this one count. He used the RC Goblin to shift up to the staircase leading to the third floor of the construction building and finally spotted the barrel just up ahead.

Tommy then took a deep breath, used the RC Goblin to fly over the barrel, and dropped the bomb right on top. The final drop was the final detonation, as it elicited a tremendous explosion inside the construction building, killing everyone inside as well.

Phew, Tommy thought. Looks like my work here is done.

So Tommy exited the Top Fun van and walked down the construction site to his Infernus. It was still early in the morning, so he felt that it was time for him to relax and kill some time before he got the chance to continue on to his next mission.

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