Chapter 51: Distribution

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The next afternoon, Tommy was driving around the western island to see what other business assets he could be able to purchase. He saw the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory just across the street on Little Havana. So Tommy drove up there and parked his vehicle up front.

Tommy then hopped out of the vehicle and took a quick look around the factory and stepped inside. He came across a Caucasian elderly, gray-haired lady named Maude Hanson who wore a purple dress, a pink shirt underneath, and was walking around with a brown cane. She took one quick glance at Tommy.

"Who are you?!" the lady asked Tommy sternly.

"Your new owner," Tommy answered confidently.

"Were you now, or at any time, a child?" Maude asked Tommy angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Tommy asked in confusion.

"Were you a child?!" Maude repeated in a loud, harsh tone of voice.

"Yes!" Tommy told her. "Calm down! What's wrong with you?"

"I knew it!" Maude shouted, shoving Tommy with her cane as he backed away a few feet. "A child! A dirty, stinking, sniveling, snotting, vile, puking, crying little baby! A baby! An awful, horrible, disgusting little boo hoo! Mommy doesn't love you, you little shit!" She then held her cane over her shoulder and hit Tommy hard in the shin with it.

"Ow!" Tommy cried, rubbing his shin. "Calm down!"

"I HATE babies, and I hate children!" the lady growled. "They're dirty, sniveling, snotting, vile, puking little... "

"Enough already!" Tommy finally shouted in major frustration. He was losing his patience at this point, so it was time to set the record straight with the old lady. "What's wrong with you?! You make soft ice cream, okay?! It's purely for kids. What kind of psycho are you? Just so I understand this, why make children happy if you hate them?"

"Oh, you stupid, sniveling, snotty..... " Maude continued.

"Shut up!" Tommy roared furiously.

"Brat!" Maude shouted. "The ice cream is a front. We distribute other, non-dairy products. And if I see a kid, I put him to good use."

Maude then walked away, murmuring angrily to herself. "Don't I, kiddies? Yes - yes, I do. Mummy doesn't love HATES you!"

"What a nice lady," Tommy muttered sarcastically. "Still, you know, I hear there's good money in ice cream."

Little did Tommy know, however, the "ice cream" that was being sold were drugs disguised as ice cream. So it was a factory distributing drugs instead, and they were actually being sold to the patrons in Vice City. Nonetheless, Tommy purchased the Ice Cream Factory for $20,000, and he took a look at the ice cream truck called Mr. Whoppee.

It was a yellow-and-white truck, and the two sundaes designed on top resembled a woman's breasts. Tommy just chuckled at the sight and hopped inside the ice cream truck.

He looked around and thought for a moment. He knew that the Cherry Poppers he were going to sell would cause some unwanted attention, as the cops around Vice City were very adamant about multiple crimes, whether they were minor or major, and drug dealing was still considered a sordid act of making profits. So he had to be careful about making so many transactions to earn the money.

Tommy was also cognizant of where to sell the Cherry Poppers, as he knew that selling drugs in another gang's territory was a very bad idea. So he had to be more mindful at where he was going to make the transactions in as well.

Tommy pulled out of the garage and slowly made a right turn on the road. He made another right turn and sounded the song. This prompted many patrons around the streets of Little Havana to approach the ice cream truck to buy the products that was being sold to them. Already, a number of ten customers have approached the truck to buy the products, and the truck hasn't even moved a single inch.

This was so far easy for Tommy. All he had to do was to drive at a more optimum area to sell the distributions. After the first wave of patrons, Tommy drove straight ahead and made a left turn.

The repetitive music continued playing as more customers approached the truck to pay for the Cherry Poppers. So many of them crowded around the truck, with ten more paying for the products.

Tommy then saw a cop car right behind him and made a break for it as soon as everyone was finished paying for their products. The last thing he wanted to do was get the police attention. So Tommy continued driving away and made a left turn.

Tommy turned right on the end of the road to find more patrons in Viceport as the music continued playing. Fifteen more patrons purchased the products, making it a grand total of 35 deals done, which was just more than half the optimum amount Tommy was going for.

Tommy needed to find a spot in which he could find twice as many customers to get to the optimum amount he was attempted to make. So he drove the truck down the long road on the lookout for any more patrons. The repetitive music was now ringing in Tommy's ears, and it was making him impatient at this point.

He approached the Downtown area and finally was able to get a plethora of customers to gather around the ice cream truck to purchase many of the profits. At this point, Tommy had already reached 50 deals, but there were just so many customers gather around that Tommy just couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Tommy got a grand total of 66 deals done, and a police car was just right behind him sounding the siren as it chased after him. Tommy just stomped on the gas pedal and drove around the city as fast as he could in order to shake the cops off of him, the repetitive song still playing inside his head. He turned to different directions of the roads and drove down the long road all the way back to the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory. Tommy had lost the police, and he slowly backed the truck back inside the factory and stopped to a park. He jumped out of the truck and sighed in relief.

Now I no longer have to hear that annoying song in my head again, Tommy thought.

The Cherry Popper Factory had now gained a revenue generated up to $3,000, That was now two business assets he owned so far. He, however, decided that it would be best for him to wait until the next day to purchase another asset. After all, the police and rival gangs that would try to take him down were really overwhelming him, and he needed his energy for the next day.

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