Chapter 74: A Criminal's Game

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With every asset around Vice City owned, Tommy was now the new kingpin of the town. He struck fear in the citizens and earned his respect from the leaders of the gangs who allied with them. He wasn't sure he'd ever leave Vice City at this point. Of course, Tommy still needed to give Sonny his cut of the profits, and it was still taking a long time to get enough of the money to send to him since Tommy had also had to pay the former owners their cut of the profits as well. Tommy wasn't discouraged though. He knew that working harder would earn him even more money.

So he decided to see his partner Lance to see how he was handling his business. Tommy entered Lance's bedroom to find him reading a magazine.

"Lying down on the job, I see," Tommy said, poking his head through the doorway.

Lance glanced up and quickly set the magazine aside. "Tommy," Lance said. "I swear I wasn't sniffing any more coke! I promise!"

"Well that's good," Tommy replied. "We don't need addicts for this business empire."

"Right," Lance told him. "I agree. We gotta move on. After all, we're the new players running this city."

"Yeah, speaking of city, I've purchased all of the assets around this town," Tommy told him. "So what did you get to purchase as your new asset?"

"Oh that," Lance answered hesitantly. "Well... you see... uh... What were the assets you bought again, Tommy?"

"You serious?" Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't purchase any asset at all?"

"Well... " Lance started to say. "I just thought I'd... "

Tommy just turned his head back and groaned in frustration. "I thought I told you that you need to do most of the work as well," he scolded Lance.

"I just couldn't find anything around this city that's worth the profit," Lance protested.

"Not an excuse, Lance," Tommy told him. "You are the one who told me that you wanted a fair slice over the phone before, right?"

"Well, yeah, but... " Lance started to explain.

"Then you need to start establish yourself just as much and put in work," Tommy demanded. "Haven't you read The Little Red Hen?"

"Ah, that was my favorite book to read as a child," Lance replied,  reminiscing. "It was when her lazy friends wouldn't help her cook and by the time she finished, she didn't let her friends have any... "

Lance then interrupted himself and knew exactly what Tommy meant by what he told him. He realized what he had been doing and hung his head down guiltily. "Oh, I see what you mean now, Tommy," Lance answered. "Okay. I'll do the work."

"Is there just something you want to make a business out of?" Tommy asked him.

Lance paced the room to take a moment to think. He was really thinking as hard as he could, even though he knew he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the pouch. After about ten seconds, Lance finally came up with an idea.

"I got it!" Lance called out. "I know what I want my empire to be!"

"Oh yeah?" Tommy asked. "Tell me."

"I'm gonna own my own club," Lance answered. "Just let me contact some guys to set the place up."

Lance walked out of the bedroom to dial the number of his cellphone.

"So you saved up some money for it, right?" Tommy asked.

This caused Lance to pause dramatically and drop the cellphone to his side. He felt his heartbeat skip and his stomach turning. "Ohhh.... " he uttered nervously. "Well...... I...... "

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