Chapter 62: No Escape?

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The next night, it was now 8:05 PM, and Tommy was seen driving in his white Infernus down Vice Point. The streetlights were slowly flickering on, and the neon lights on some of the buildings started shining brightly. The city looked beautiful and aesthetic in the night.

Tommy finally pulled into the parking spot on the side of the Malibu Club and hopped out of the vehicle. He casually walked to the entrance of the Malibu Club and purchased the asset for $120,000. Tommy had owned yet another asset in Vice City.

Tommy walked inside the club, where he saw many patrons inside dancing on the dance floor. "Al-Naaifiysha (The Soul)" by Hashim was playing in the background. The bright, flashing neon lights were motioning around them, and the fog slightly spread around the place.

Tommy folded his arms and looked around proudly. The club was going rather well so far. The place was packed with dancers and guests, and there were reasonable prices for drinks.

Tommy walked around the dance floor and made his way through the side of the bar to head upstairs.

Upstairs was an office of the Malibu Club, where Ken Rosenberg was at the desk snorting cocaine. He quickly stopped and stuff the cocaine in the drawer right when he saw Tommy walk in and turned to face him.

"Tommy!" Ken called, hopping out of his chair and walking around to show Tommy the chalkboard to his right. "Hey, Tommy, look at this, this is great! I've us got this minibar installed."

"We've got a whole bar downstairs, Ken," Tommy declared.

Ken looked downstairs to see the view of the dance floor down below. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," he muttered, motioning to the chalkboard. "Well, I got the chalkboard you asked for."

"Ah, that's the benefit of a law school education: the ability to follow instructions," Tommy replied sarcastically as he took a seat on the couch right next to the table. "Now, I need a safe man."

"Oh, all right," Ken told him, taking a seat back on his chair. "Well, let me think... safe, safe, safe, safe - I got it! This guy will blow you away!"

But then Ken's expression quickly changed from excited to rapid despair. "Ahh, nah, that schmuck," he groaned. "He's on the inside."

"Where inside?" Tommy asked his lawyer.

"In a police headquarter cell awaiting transfer," Ken answered, sounding rather skeptical.

"I think he's about to get paroled... " Tommy told him, and he rose out of his seat to leave the office.

With Tommy out of the office, Ken quickly took the cocaine out of the drawer and continued sniffing it.

As someone who was locked up in prison for almost two decades, Tommy knew that the best way to break into prison without getting caught was to disguise himself without being detected.

So as he exited the Malibu club, he hopped inside his Infernus and made a right turn on the road, driving straight down the road, where he saw the police station up ahead on Washington Beach.

Tommy parked up front and exited the vehicle. He saw that a police officer was walking around the edifice of the police station. So Tommy pulled out his pocket knife, crept quietly behind the police officer, and covered his mouth right before he fatally slit his throat.

Tommy dragged the officer's corpse behind the police station and took off his clothes. He tried on the uniform himself and casually walked to the front of the police station, entering inside the VCPD headquarters.

As Tommy casually walked inside, he crept through the lockers and grabbed a baton from the corner. With the police officers surprisingly not questioning Tommy while walking around him, the latter continued to make his way through the hallways.

Tommy made it through the office in search of the keycard in order to open one of the prison cells to free Cam Jones from. He finally saw it on the front desk and quickly swiped it away.

After grabbing the keycard, Tommy made his way downstairs in search of the prison cell. He finally located the cell at the bottom and searched for the cell Cam Jones was in.

Tommy finally came across a Caucasian man with auburn hair wearing a blue jumpsuit. That must have been Cam Jones.

"Cam Jones?" Tommy asked the man.

"Yeah, that's me," Cam replied, jumping out of his seat ecstatically.

"I'm busting you out," Tommy whispered.

"Really?!" Cam asked, amazed. "You mean you're gonna bail me out of jail right now?!"

"That's right," Tommy replied, swiping the card through the slot on the wall, opening the gate of the cell room. "I got a job I want you to take care of. You'll get a cut of what I'll give you in return."

"Nice!" Cam cheered silently. "But we have to lose the heat and get me back to my place! It's all the way over at Viceport!"

"Just follow my lead," Tommy whispered.

Tommy slowly guided Cam out through the cell. They had to be inconspicuous from the other cops so that Cam would escape without being seen. They also had to be careful not to make a sound so that the cops wouldn't realize them escaping.

The two ducked behind the walls, keeping out of the prancing cops' view. They saw that the cops were walking around, not noticing the two quietly escaping out of the building. Tommy and Cam slowly crept out through the office and made their way out the exit.

The good news was that the exit of the headquarters was right in front of them. So as the two continued to creep out through the exit, they slowly crept out through the stairs and successfully made it outside. There wasn't a single cop in sight either.

Now that they were outside, they finally made it to Tommy's white Infernus. They hopped inside, and Tommy drove away as fast as he could to make sure the police wasn't after him. He kept his foot pressed tenaciously on the gas pedal as he sped away through Ocean Beach and made a sharp left turn.

Tommy drove straight down through Washington Beach and made a right turn on the bridge leading to the west side of the island. Tommy drove down the bridge and turned left on the other end to drive the long road down Viceport, where he came to a pink building called Cam's Can Openers. Tommy parked right in the driveway.

"I'm gonna be doing a bank job, and you're my safe cracker," Tommy told Cam, handing him $1,000.

"Beats losing my ass in a cell!" Cam replied, taking the money out of Tommy's hands.

Cam exited the door and walked to the locksmith business building to walk through the entrance. Tommy sighed in relief. He was looking forward to the impending heist.

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