Chapter 44: Messing With the Man

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Inside was playing the song "Bark At the Moon" by Ozzy Osbourne, and Tommy looked ahead to find Mitch arm-wrestling another patron at the counter, prevailing by slamming his opponent's hand onto the counter top.

"Ah, got ya again," Mitch gloated at his opponent.

He then turned to his left to find Tommy approaching him. "Hey Vercetti," Mitch told Tommy. "Cougar says you can handle a bike pretty good."

"Yeah, how many more errands am I gonna to have to run?" Tommy asked. "I'm a very busy man. If it's a fight that's gonna settle this, then bring it on."

"Being one of us ain't just about brawlin'" Mitch declared, hopping out of his seat. "It's about being part of a family."

"Yeah, I've been part of a family before, alright?" Tommy replied, walking away to the front counter. "It didn't work out."

"Yeah, right," Mitch told him, following him, "but this family takes care of its own. We don't ask a man to do the dirty work and then let him do fifteen years hard time."

Tommy then stared shockingly at Mitch, surprised that he knew about his history somehow. "Yeah, that's right," Mitch told him, looking rather confident. "I've done my homework. This here's the biggest family of misfits, outcasts and badasses. Hell, some of us has even been betrayed by our own country."

"I was locked up during 'Nam," Tommy replied. "Ugly business."

"Which is why I'm gonna ask you to go mess with the man," Mitch explained. "This whole damn country needs a kick in the ass, and we're the ones to deliver it. So get out there, grab a bike and show this city how pissed you are!"

"Alright, alright," Tommy agreed, and he walked away to head for the exit.

Tommy thought about what Mitch told him. If he wanted to earn the Bikers' respect, he had to show the whole city how much of a badass he truly was, and being from Liberty City and spending fifteen years in prison, this was nothing new to Tommy.

So the first thing Tommy wanted to do was instigate a brawl with an equally badass criminal. He unexpectedly came across a Caucasian man wearing a leather jacket and tight pants who deliberately bumped into him. The man was about 6'6".

"Hey, watch where you're going, asshole," Tommy told the man through gritted teeth.

This only caused the man to scoff. "Whatchu gonna do about it, punk?" he replied.

"Touch me again and I'll show you exactly what I'll do," Tommy growled.

The man shoved him back. "Bring it on then, punk!" he sneered.

"Alright, asshole," Tommy grumbled silently. "You asked for it."

This instigated a brawl between the two, with Tommy getting the upper hand against his opponent. He threw very brutal punches as his opponent's face and ducked and countered the latter's swings and blows. Tommy even connected with a few headbutts to the face, which even caused the man to fall to the ground with a bloody, dislocated nose. The man's eyes were swollen blue. His jaw was puffing as if he had a mouthful of food. Tommy had really beaten the man to a pulp.

"That'll teach you to fuck with Tommy Vercetti!" Tommy growled at the unconscious man.

"HEY!" Tommy then heard a man shout behind him.

He turned to find a trio of men wearing leather jackets charging at him. Tommy held up his fisticuffs to fight the men charging after him. He ducked from one of the men's blow and countered his attack, throwing more hard punches to the face and knocking him out with a single blow to the mouth, causing his teeth to fall out.

Another one threw punches at Tommy, who took a few blows to the body but shrugged them off. Tommy connected with several body blows himself and landed a bunch of punches to his opponent's face right before knocking him out cold with a hard blow to the temple.

The final standing man connected with some body blows to Tommy. Tommy, however, was resilient to the pain and just threw a fury of punches at his opponent, ducking and dodging his blows. Tommy just kept punching his opponent repeatedly until he landed a hard punch with all his might against his opponent's throat, which caused the latter to lose his breath and fall to the floor wheezing hard.

This caused another gang of men to attack Tommy by firing weapons at him. Tommy simply dodged the bullets and ran behind the building for cover. He grabbed an M60 leaning against the wall and popped out form behind the wall to fire back at the men who were using their carbine rifles to fire at him while dodging their exchanging bullets. One by one, each member was rapidly gunned down within seconds.

"VERCETTI, REMEMBER THE FUCKING NAME!" Tommy roared angrily at the top of his lungs.

This gave him the right opportunity to cause more chaos around Downtown. So he put on his helmet, hopped onto a parked Angel, and rode through the city to cause more mayhem. He used his Uzi 9mm to do drive-by shootings at many vehicles as he rode through the city. One by one, each vehicle caught on fire and eventually exploded. This also caused the other vehicles that were riding next to them to catch fire and exploded, causing multiple car parts to scatter everywhere on the road.

The explosions around the city also killed a good number of pedestrians, which elicited chaos around Downtown. Tommy saw that the police were involved and looked ahead just in time to see that they were not only in police cars, but also in vans as well. The officers shot at Tommy as the latter sped ahead to fire back at them using his Uzi 9mm, killing them one by one.

Tommy continued driving around Downtown as the police cars chased after him and soon, a chopper was floating up above him.

Perhaps this was something I should have done fifteen years ago, Tommy thought.

He decided to speed around the chaotic city some more until he finally made it back to the Greasy Chopper bar and pulled to a stop up front. He hopped off the Angel and ran to the M60 he used earlier lying on the ground.

Tommy grabbed the weapon and ran around the building to find a set of stairs behind, which he scaled and stood on top of the roof to find the chopper hovering above him.

Tommy watched as the policemen were lowering themselves out of the hovering vehicle. Tommy made no hesitation as he aimed his weapon at the officers and fired at them, killing them as their corpses fell rapidly to the ground.

Tommy then aimed for the helicopter and fired as many bullets as he can at the vehicle until it finally caught on fire and plummeted down the ground with a fiery crash.

Tommy got a good view of the city from on top of the bar as he saw that fire had spread around the street due to the exploding cars and pedestrians were lying dead on the sidewalk. Tommy's plan to instigate chaos had work.

Now he had to lose the cops. So Tommy darted down the stairs, hopped on the Angel down below, and rode off to drive south down the long road, with the police cars chasing after him.

Tommy made it to the Paint 'n' Spray and went inside the garage, with the police cars zooming past the shop, oblivious to Tommy inside.

Tommy had finally escaped the cops and caused chaos to the city. He turned on the radio to listen to the talk show station.

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