Chapter 11: Waste the Wife

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Tommy had an uneasy feeling about this. So far, he came across an unknown gang who ambushed his deal in his first time here in Vice City, a pizza delivery assassin, and a French secret service agent. There was no telling who was next to try to assassinate him. It seemed that everyone in Vice City wanted Tommy dead, and whoever were behind their planned assassination on him were indeed working with someone whose gang ambushed the drug deal between the Forellis and the Vance brothers.

Tommy finally made it to Vice Point and saw the payphone against the wall of a large white building. So Tommy pulled to a park on the curb of the street, hopped out, and walked over to the payphone. He took the phone off its receiver and slipped some coins through the slot. He heard the phone ring several times and waited for Mr. Black to pick up.

"My compliments on a job well done, Mr. Vercetti," Mr. Black congratulated Tommy over the phone. "My client was very pleased."

"Yeah, yeah," Tommy replied, impatiently unassuming. "I murdered the pizza guy trying to fire at me. So what else you got up your sleeve?"

"I have more work for you, Mr. Vercetti," Mr. Black replied, "with a more "hands-off" approach. Your next job is taped under the phone."

"What the fuck's that supposed to mean?" Tommy asked.

"It means that this next assassin is too much of a coward to face you physically and would much rather keep her distance and finish the job in a more clandestine manner," Mr. Black told him, "One thing you have to know, Vercetti, is that not all killers want to take out their enemies directly."

Tommy just sighed. He knew exactly what Mr. Black had meant by that. "So where is this person hiding then?" Tommy asked.

"That is an enigma, Mr. Vercetti," Mr. Black answered. "If you want to avoid taking the stealth bullet, you would have to watch your back... distantly."

"I got this, Mr. Black," Tommy told him. "I think I know how to live through this plight."

As Tommy hung up the phone, he knew exactly what Mr. Black meant by what he said. There was a sniper who went by the name Mrs. Dawson, who would hide in certain areas in order to kill her victims without them seeing her. Where she was hiding was still ambiguous.

So Tommy knew he had to be extra meticulous this time. He returned to his Infernus and hopped inside. He started the engine and continued driving off. He drove smoothly in order to be cautions of the sniper from up above. Tommy drove through Vice Point and made his way through Washington Beach.

He kept the vehicle moving at a moderate speed. He still had to be careful of who the sniper was. As soon as he made his way through Ocean Beach, he was startled by the sound of a single gunshot and the bullet hitting the building that Tommy was driving right beside. It missed the vehicle.. and it was coming from across the beach.

As soon as Tommy hoped out, he quickly ducked behind the vehicle, barely dodging the second gunshot bullet. Tommy then crouched back inside the vehicle and dug into the glove compartment. He took out a pair of binoculars and shut the car door quickly as he dodged the bullet shot a third time.

Tommy rolled to the front of his Infernus to get a closer look using his binoculars. He saw that there were people having a great time at the beach. Tommy then looked around and saw a lighthouse on the right side. Up there was a woman with blond hair wearing a purple polo shirt over a magenta miniskirt.

Tommy also saw that the woman had a sniper rifle in handy as well. There was the assassin that Mr. Black mentioned to Tommy over the phone just earlier.

Tommy refused to let another assassin try to bring him down. So he crept behind the Infernus and popped opened the trunk. He searched inside for the main weapon to take out in order to assassinate Mrs. Dawson as well: the sniper rifle.

As Tommy pulled out the sniper rifle, he slammed the trunk shut, barely avoiding yet another sniper shot towards him that hit the wall of a building behind him right above his head. He slowly crept behind the Infernus and made his way on the other end.

Tommy took a deep breath as he prepared to get his sniper rifle ready. With the rifle, he zoomed in to get a closer look at Mrs. Dawson. The woman was holding her sniper rifle while pointing it on Tommy's direction. She seemed rather determined to assassinate Tommy herself.

Tommy, however, was too quick, as before Mrs. Dawson even had a chance to fire back at him, Tommy aimed directly for her face and finally pulled the trigger. The sniper bullet hit Mrs. Dawson in the face, causing her to drop her sniper rifle and falling off the top of the lighthouse, landing onto the ground with a loud thud.

Tommy lowered his sniper rifle and took a clear look at the woman's corpse lying on the ground distantly. He sighed in relief, as he had now assassinated another Vice City local who tried to kill him in the first place.

That's two locals biting the dust, Tommy thought.

He walked back to the trunk of his Infernus and opened the trunk. He stored the sniper rifle into the trunk and slammed it shut. Tommy looked around to find that the yellow sun was starting to set. The color contrast of the red and bright orange all bounced off the roads vividly. It was a beautiful sunset afternoon. Tommy stared at his wrist watch. It was 8:04 PM. So Tommy felt that it was time to go back to the hotel and get some shut-eye. He still needed more energy for tomorrow.

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