Chapter 17: Two Bit Hit

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Tommy was so determined to get his money and drugs back from the guy who stole them for him days ago. He suspected that it might have been Diaz who ambushed the deal. But he still wanted to keep his trust on Diaz before he started to act. Right now, he still have other errands to run for everyone else in Vice City.

So Tommy continued driving until he made it to the long road up ahead, making a right turn. He drove straight until he made a left turn on the bridge leading to Starfish Island.

Tommy had drove all the way back to Washington Beach to roll through the construction site and put the vehicle of his on park. He jumped out and walked into the place just in time to see Avery's black limousine pull up in front of him.

Tommy just casually walked over to the limousine and opened the back door, hopping inside the limousine to see Avery and a Caucasian man with big brown hair wearing wire-framed glasses, a blue suit, and a green and white striped tie in front. Tommy took a seat adjacent to the man and faced Avery.

"Tommy, this is Donald Love," Avery introduced the two to each other. "Donald, this here is Tommy Vercetti, the latest gunslinger to come to these parts."

"Yeh...uh... " Donald started to say.

"Donald, you just shut up and listen, and you might learn something," Avery interrupted sternly.

He then turned to Tommy. "Now, nothing brings down real estate prices quicker than a good old-fashioned gang war," Avery continued, "'cept maybe a disaster, like a biblical plague or something, but, that may be going too far in this case."

He then turned to Donald. "You getting this down, you four-eyed prick?" Avery asked Donald sternly as the latter started scribbling some information into his notepad.

He faced Tommy once again. "Now recently a Haitian gang lord died," Avery continued as Tommy continued listening. "Apparently the Cubans did it, nobody's certain. But let's make them certain! You disguise yourself as a Cuban hombre, and head on down to crash that funeral. Mix it up, and then high tail it."

Avery turned to Donald once again. "You getting this down, Donald?" Avery asked him. "Well, that ought to put the coyote in the chicken coop, huh? And then we'll just sit back, and watch the prices tumble."

Tommy nodded in agreement as he gradually stepped out of the limousine. He walked over to his Infernus and hopped inside, starting the engine. He drove out of the construction site and onto the road of Washington Beach, making a right turn straight ahead. He drove onto the bridge leading to Starfish Island and straight through the road, making it through the bridge on the other end.

Tommy made a right turn onto the long road and a left turn on Little Havana. There was the clothing store just straight ahead, and Tommy drove over to the store and parked right in front.

He jumped out of the vehicle and walked inside, purchasing a Havana outfit. The outfit was a white sleeveless T-shirt with a circle design on it that showed off Tommy's muscular biceps, blue stonewashed jeans supported by a brown belt, and white sneakers. Tommy also wore a red bandanna around his head.

This is the first and last outfit I'll ever wear again in my life, he thought.

As he got dressed into the clothing, he returned to the Infernus and drove through Little Havana, eventually making his way through Little Haiti, which consisted on a neighborhood of small houses as well.

Tommy finally made it towards the Pizzeria at the end of the neighborhood, where he found the Haitian gangs having the funeral at. Several black Romero Hearses were also parked around.

So Tommy grabbed his sniper rifle from earlier and hopped out of the Infernus. He crept from behind the wall and looked above to see the Haitians gathered around for the funeral

Using the sniper rifle, Tommy zoomed in to aim for the new member of the Haitian gangs turning sideways. He aimed for the ear and pulled the trigger, fatally shooting the Haitian in his right ear as he fell to the floor dead, a large gush of blood pouring out of his ear like spilling tomato juice.

This caused the Haitians to disperse around the block as Tommy hid right behind the wall and jumped back inside the Infernus to quickly start the engine.

Tommy quickly drove out of Little Haiti and made a right turn down the long road. While driving, Tommy heard his cellphone ring. He came to a stop in front of a red light right on time for him to pull the phone out of his pocket to answer it.

"Hey Leo!" a man said over the phone. He sounded half-Cuban "I got some work for you!"

"This ain't Leo," Tommy told the man nonchalantly.

"Hey," the Cuban-American man growled over the phone, "if Leo knows you got his phone, he gonna kill you!"

"Maybe Leo's already dead," Tommy replied menacingly. "Maybe I killed Leo and took his phone - you think of that prick?"

"You killed Leo?" the Cuban-American man asked. "You must have big cojones - wanna work for me?!"

"Work for you?" Tommy asked. "What do I look like? An errand boy?"

"You know what?" the Cuban-American man replied. "I think I know who you are. You're that Vercetti fella, the guy that everyone wants dead out here. I hear through the vine of grapes you the man when someone got a vermin infestation."

"Maybe," Tommy muttered dryly.

"I even seen you on the wanted posters here in Little Havana," the man replied.

"Gee, I didn't know I was actually wanted," Tommy muttered caustically. "I haven't had this much attention since the last fifteen years."

The Cuban-American man just laughed loudly. "You seem like a funny hombre!" he chuckled. "Name's Umberto Robina. Drop by my father's café in Little Havana and we'll talk mano a mano. It's called Café Robina. It's in Little Havana. I hang out there."

Tommy knew he had nothing else to lose. So when the light quickly altered back to green, he continued driving through the road on his way to Little Havana.

As he made it through the small city, the man behind the other line of the phone wasn't lying. There were indeed wanted posters of Tommy's face on it. Above it was his full name in bold, black letters. Below also read "Wanted: Please have this asshole's head on a platter for big reward".

So whoever's posting these flyers are giving a reward to have me killed, huh? Tommy thought.

He just continued driving around the small town and finally came across Café Robina right around the corner. It was a blue building with a red awning above the windows. Tommy parked up front and hopped out of the vehicle to walk towards the café.

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