Chapter 53: Friendly Rivalry

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By the time Tommy returned back to Kaufman's Cabs, he was ordered by Doris to perform another task for the business asset.. This time, it was a serious one, and Tommy made sure he kept his ears clear to hear every word.

"Calling all cars!" Doris announced over the microphone. "We're losing fares all over town! What's with you guys?!"

"VC Cabs keeps beating us to it!" Ted replied. "They've got to many cars - we can't compete!"

"Mr. Vercetti!" Doris told Tommy, "If you're out there listening, you gotta put some VC Cabs out of action before we go bust!"

"I'm on it!" Tommy replied.

Tommy's job was to destroy all three of the rival taxi cabs before they put the Kaufman Cabs out of business for good. Not one to lose his asset all because of a trio of rivals driving around Vice City, Tommy drove out of the garage and made his way through Little Haiti.

While driving, Tommy was on a search for the three rivals driving in the taxi cabs. He drove around through the small town for about fifteen seconds searching exhaustively until he spotted one of the taxi cabs just up ahead.

The taxi cab was oblivious to Tommy trailing behind, and Tommy had the chance to slowly pull up to the taxi cab to destroy it by surprise. He caught up to it and drove beside it, getting his machine gun ready. Tommy rammed the taxi cab hard to the side, denting the front door. As the taxi cab continued driving, Tommy used his machine gun to fire as many bullets as he could into the vehicle during the chase. After about ten seconds, the taxi cab then caught fire, and Tommy sped up as further away from it as possible by driving ahead of it just fifteen feet away from it right on time to avoid the resulting explosion from behind.

It was one taxi cab down, two more to go. So Tommy continued searching everywhere throughout the street for the remaining two taxi cabs driving around the city. He exited the town of Little Haiti and made a right turn on the long road.

Tommy drove straight down and searched exhaustively for the taxi cabs, making sure he didn't miss he made his way through Viceport, he caught a glimpse of a taxi cab just up ahead. So Tommy stomped on the gas pedal hard and sped ahead as he made it through the docks. Tommy drove so fast that he rammed into the taxi cab hard enough to cause it to topple over and roll around on the road. Tommy didn't need to waste any bullets trying to destroy the taxi cab. The driver inside was already dead as the vehicle remained upside down with the windows and windshield shattered.

Now that Tommy had destroyed two taxi cabs, there was only one more to go. He drove out of the docks and made it through Little Havana. Tommy squinted hard as he tried to see much clearer to find the final taxi cab to destroy. He couldn't miss this one. It was the only chance to save Kaufman Cabs from running out of business, and Tommy would never get his income from the asset. So Tommy, being more determined than before, continued driving through Little Havana to search for the remaining taxi cab to destroy.

It took about twenty-five seconds to find the remaining taxi cab around the town. But Tommy later was able to catch it as he spotted it up ahead and sped to it. However, as he got closer to the taxi cab, he saw that the driver was armed himself and fired back at him. Tommy knew he had to be careful this time. Because the final driver was very determined to keep Tommy from trying to foil his task.

The chase was getting wild at this point, with the driver still firing back at Tommy as the latter continued chasing the former. The driver cut corners and drove through wooden fences of houses around the small town. Tommy had to drive back and forth during the chase in order to avoid getting hit by the firing bullets. It was becoming an even more diligent task for him to perform at this point.

Nonetheless, Tommy refused to quit. So he continued to chase the taxi cab as the chase continued through Little Haiti, with the drivers cutting corners through the lawns and crashing into gates as a result. Tommy sped up closer and rammed the back of the bumper of the taxi cab he was chasing. The driver just continued to fire back at Tommy, trying to keep him off his trail.

Tommy, however was too quick for the driver. as the chase resumed through Little Haiti, the driver made a right turn on the end of the road and drove straight to make a left turn on the long road, with Tommy trailing behind him. Tommy had his foot pressed tightly on the gas pedal, and the taxi cab he was driving in was picking up speed. So Tommy finally sped up and pulled to the left hand side of the driver, who was still firing at Tommy. Tommy returned the fire by using his machine gun to fire into the driver's taxi cab. He then rammed the side of his taxi cab as it was starting to lose control and on the verge of riding off the road.

Man, this guy is determined, Tommy thought.

He continued ramming and firing at the driver's taxi cab as the two cabs made a right turn. Tommy continued firing at the driver until the driver's vehicle caught on fire. This gave Tommy the perfect opportunity to lead the taxi cab to the ocean. So Tommy forced a right turn on the road and lead the driver to the jetty, in which the driver drove on and off of the other end, exploding tremendously right before it even hit the water. The ocean water made a loud, rippling splash as the burnt-up vehicle fell into it.

Tommy watched as he continuously smacked the dirt off the palm of his hands. Thanks to him, every other rival taxi cab was now eliminated, and Tommy had kept the Kaufman Cabs in business. He was beginning to like this job and decided to return there to see what other task he could perform. So Tommy drove away and returned on the road.

I sure am glad I didn't stay in Liberty for this, he thought.

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