Chapter 66: Gun Runner

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The next afternoon, Tommy was driving in his red Sentinel down the long road on the Western side of the island. As he came to a red light, he heard his cellphone ring and pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Tommy," he heard Phil answer. "I really enjoyed working with you yesterday. Ain't had so much fun since the ridge in Nam, pal. Anyhow, you need anything, you call on me, you hear? I always remember those I served with, especially the time I got one soldier back into the army after he was unfairly kicked out - God rest his soul - and I'm sure I can help you out, you hear?"

"I hear you, Phil," Tommy answered, "and I think I'm on my way there right now."

"Sweet," Phil replied. "My place is over at Little Haiti if you want to come and visit."

"I'll be there right away," Tommy told him.

So as Tommy hung up the phone, he decided that today was the perfect afternoon to see Phil at his place in Little Haiti. As he continued driving down the long road, he made a right turn on Little Haiti.

He drove down the small town and continued driving until he came across a scrap yard that read "Phil's Place" up above the entrance. The place had several wooden shacks, boxes and barrels scattered everywhere, scrap cars such as excavator and a caravan, and a hangar.

Tommy parked the vehicle in the middle of the place and hopped out. He went on a search for Phil around the place.

"Phil?!" Tommy called for the arms dealer.

Just then, he finally caught Phil running away from behind the caravan rapidly and trying to get Tommy to follow suit. "RUN!" Phil warned Tommy. "RUUUUUUN!"

So Tommy followed Phil to run as quickly as he could, and the two leapt about seven feet off the ground and half a yard forward as a tremendous explosion precipitated. The impact of the explosion caused the truck behind the building to topple over and flipped over upside down.

Phil stared back and started the chuckle. "Hoooooweeeeee!" he cheered gleefully, jumping back onto his feet. "Never get a naked flame too close to one of Phil Cassidy's Boomshine stills!"

"Shit, Phil, you drink that stuff?" Tommy asked, slowly getting back onto his feet as well.

"Hell, you don't have to drink it - just a good whiff will set you off!" Phil responded. "Hoowwee!"

"Listen Phil," Tommy told him, dusting off his shoulders and clothes, "you said you could fix me up with some firepower... "

"Sure thing," Phil answered. "There's some Mexican gun-runner been doing me for business of late. He does his weekly run about now. Ram his hardware off the back of his trucks before he goes to ground. And you'd be doing me a favor while you're at it. Then finish him off."

"Mexican, huh?" Tommy replied. "I'm on my way there."

The Mexican was an arms dealer named Pedro Garcia who had purchased weapons from out of state and sold them on the streets of Vice City. He was Phil's fiercest rival, and Tommy was ordered to steal the shipment from Pedro.

So Tommy hopped inside Phil's Patriot, started the engine, and drove out of the place. Phil had given him detonator grenades before he left, and it was up to Tommy to use them to get the gun runners out of the way.

He drove through Little Havana and straight down to the long road on the end, where he made a right turn and drove straight down. Further down, he spotted a couple of Waltons up ahead coming towards him.

So Tommy drove quickly to the two vehicles and rammed them hard into one and another, causing a couple of crates falling out of the back of each of them.

As the two Waltons continued to drive like nothing had happened, Tommy parked the Patriot in front of the road, hopped out of the vehicle, went a little closer, and threw one of the grenades at the Waltons. He used the detonator to activate the grenade, which exploded as Tommy pressed the button, blowing up one of the Waltons. The other Walton behind it also caught on fire and exploded due to its impact of taking the explosion of the other Walton in proximity to it.

Tommy saw that the crates that were in the back of the Waltons had falling out onto the road right before the explosion started and were lying in the middle of the road. So Tommy ran up to the crates and carried each and every one of them to the Patriots. He put then in the trunk and hopped back inside.

Little did Tommy know, Pedro's partners had called for backup to take Tommy down by force. So Tommy had to ride as fast as he could through the road and made a right turn on Little Havana, where he saw another Walton driving around. So Tommy rammed into the vehicle hard, in which the impact caused the crates behind it to drop. Tommy stopped the vehicle and hopped out to run to the crates.

Before the Walton had a chance to turn back, Tommy threw another grenade at the Walton and set off the detonator, causing it to explode. Tommy turned back to carry each of the two crates to the Patriot and store them in the back.

Tommy then hopped back into the driver's seat of the vehicle and drove away. He drove through the small town and back on the long road on the end up north. He spotted two more Waltons just up ahead as they were headed Downtown.

Tommy sped up to the two Waltons and rammed into them at a time hard, causing them to drop their weapons from inside. This was now the final straw for the gun runners, as they decided to just fire bullets at Tommy instead. Tommy however was too quick for them and drove back as far as he could until he hopped out of the vehicle and threw even more grenades at the vehicles, causing them to catch fire and eventually explode.

Tommy then ran up to the crates that were still on the road and carried each of them at a time to the Patriot to store them in the back. Tommy then hopped back into the driver's seat and continued driving off.

He turned around to take the long road back south and drove straight to find the Walton up ahead. Instead, this driver was after Tommy, and the two each sped up ready to collide.

They each picked up speed and crashed into each other hard, causing each vehicle to spin out for about seven seconds and finally come to a stop.

Tommy ended up hitting his mouth against the steering wheel, causing his lip to bleed a little, and he quickly hopped out of the vehicle to find a Mexican man wearing a brown leather jacket and blue jeans armed with an M60 and jumping out of the vehicle as well. That must have been Pedro.

"So you must be Phil's rival!" Tommy called.

"Lucky guess," Pedro replied. "And I'm guessing you're one of Phil's allies now."

"Never mind the small talk," Tommy told him. "It's time to settle this!"

"Bring it on!" Pedro called.

The two were now engaging in a gun battler between each other, with Tommy firing back with a Kruger, and the shootout lasted for about fifteen seconds until Tommy finally gunned Pedro down by firing bullets into his chest.

With Pedro and his back up out of the way, Tommy ran back inside the Patriot and drove back to Phil's place. The weapons he had stolen were a .357, SPAS 12, M60, AND Mac-10, and he was returning all of them to Phil.

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