Chapter 56: Custom Dealership

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Tommy returned to the Sunshine Autos dealership the next afternoon to see what else was in stores for him there. He slowly entered the parking lot and parked on the side of the building. Tommy exited the Infernus he was driving and slowly walked up to the building, in where he approached BJ at the front door.

"Mr. Vercetti," BJ greeted, shaking Tommy's hand. "I really appreciate you collecting the best vehicles for me here."

"No problem, Mr. Smith," Tommy replied. "I'm busy enough to turn this place into a success. After all, if you want this place to blow up financially, you're gonna have to sell the right material."

"Indeed," BJ agreed. "Which is why I had you collect the vehicles I needed for this place to work out. Because no one would want to purchase something that's old and useless, which reminds me."

BJ then guided Tommy out of the front doorway to take him to the garage. He activated the garage door and showed Tommy a busted-up gray car. It had four doors, a shattered windshield, scratches on the side doors, and even a broken taillight. Inside were seats that were torn apart, seatbeats that were outstretched, and even cobwebs above the corner of the driver's side. The vehicle was in the worst condition ever.

"Now that's what I call totaled," Tommy uttered, staring at the vehicle in shock.

"See my point?" BJ told Tommy. "Now there's no way anyone would buy a car like this, unless they were thinking about suicide at the moment. However, there's no way we're ever getting rid of a car this valuable."

"So your suggestion is that not only we get the right material to fix this vehicle up and it'll be as good as new, we also get everything to set up our own shop right next to this dealership?" Tommy surmised.

"Read my mind, Vercetti," BJ told him. "Nothing a little paint and a few tune-ups wouldn't fix this wreck of a vehicle, not to mention we'll have to set up our own auto shop if we want to do the same with every other vehicle."

"I'll be back," Tommy told him, and he turned to leave.

Tommy made his way to a truck parked at the side of the building and hopped inside. He knew that he had to buy a plethora of material to make an auto shop right next to Sunshine Autos, so he was going to need a larger vehicle to fit everything inside. He started the engine and slowly drove out of the parking lot. He could tell he was going to enjoy himself working on the vehicle. He had plans to modify their designs to make them appear much flashier and more flamboyant. After all, this was something the patrons would go out of their way to purchase.

Tommy drove straight down and made a left turn on the long road, driving straight down and making his way through Downtown. At the end of the road, he turned right and took the bridge leading to Prawn Island and continued driving through Vice Point, making a left turn to enter the parking lot of the North Point Mall. Tommy exited the truck and walked up to the entrance of the North Point Mall.

Inside the mall were multiple patrons strolling steadily and looking at Tommy warily. They knew he was running things around town and were wise enough to not get in his way. Tommy didn't need to show it. He just casually walked through the mall and all the way down Tooled Up to purchase a few wrenches, bolts, and paint.

Afterwards, Tommy exited the store and headed out through the exit. He returned to the parking lot and hopped back into his truck, starting the engine and riding out of the parking lot. Now that he had the tools, he needed some auto parts as well.

So Tommy rode back onto the road of Vice Point in search of an automobile shop. He took the road leading through Prawn Island and the bridge leading to Downtown. Straight ahead, he saw the Engine Terrain shop and quickly pulled to a park in front of the store as he approached it.

Tommy hopped out of the vehicle and walked inside the building. He purchased multiple car parts, gasoline, oil, tires, and many other auto material to make the shop at Sunshine Autos. Tommy exited the store and stored the multiple material he purchased in the back of the truck. He then hopped into the driver's seat, started the engine, and drove away.

With most of the material purchased, the shop would be prepared to set everything up inside. Tommy drove straight down and made a left turn on the end of the road. He made a right turn on the first intersection of the road and drove straight down the long road.

He drove until he made it all the way to the end, making a right turn on Little Havana in the process. He turned right on the intersection leading to Sunshine Autos, where he backed the truck up into the parking lot as BJ arrived just in time to be prepared to collect the auto merchandise.

"It's all there in the truck," Tommy told BJ as he hopped out of the truck and walked up to him. "Everything needed to set up the shop and customize every vehicle before it's sold."

"Great job, Vercetti," BJ told him. "Now it's time to take everything out of the truck and get to work."

It took about thirty minutes to set everything up in the shop, and Tommy and BJ both worked on the old gray car, adding in while stripes to the blue painting and wire rims to the tires. The windows and windshields were now lucid and immaculate, the covers of the seats were now replaced with smooth, black leathers and polished, the seatbelts were no longer outstretched, and the engine was running fine. The car looked brand new and ready to sell.

Tommy and BJ looked around the place proudly. They had gotten all the material to set up the new auto shop now called A+B Auto. They had the garage that they could use to customize the vehicles in whatever style the customers wanted. Now all there was left to do was wait until the customers showed up to view the cars set outside.

"We'll definitely be getting a lot of customers now," Tommy told BJ.

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