Chapter 20: Juju Scramble

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Tommy finally made it to Little Haiti and hopped out of the van. He looked around to find that it was a neighborhood replete with small single-story houses. Among one of them stood a yellow wooden house with a blue roof on top.

Tommy then came across a pleasant smell. He turned to his right to find that it was a large pot of something cooking inside. Tommy opened the lid of the pot to take a whiff of the delicious smell and saw what appeared to be stew. Tommy then saw that there was a stack of bowls and utensils right beside it as well.

So Tommy grabbed a bowl and ladle, used the ladle to scoop up the stew and pour it into the bowl, and grabbed a spoon as well. Tommy took a seat on a lawn chair and took a taste of the stew.

"Mmmm," he declared, tasting and swallowing it. "This is actually good!"

It wasn't long until Tommy began to eat more of the stew for fifteen minutes and started serving himself seconds afterwards.

By the time he finally finished the soup, he all of a sudden felt lightheaded. He spotted colorful dots floating around him. He felt as if his brain was taken to another dimension. Soon, he turned to the door and knocked on it loudly.

"Hello?" Tommy called, sounding slurred. "Hello?"

"Come in, my dear," Auntie Poulet called from inside the house, "and rest your soul."

Tommy entered the house to find that he was inside the living room with wooden brown walls, There was a brown table and two chairs in the middle of the dining room. Auntie Poulet appeared to be a large Haitian woman wearing a yellow dress and matching cap on her head. She was also carrying a pink teapot in her left hand.

"You must be the big bad man me grandaddy been chattin' 'bout," she continued as she and Tommy took a seat in each of the chairs. "Tells me tings about you, you know, when he visits, and about the others who wait for you. Now, we all dead for long time, but you, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes!" She laughed loudly

"I got a message to come here," Tommy muttered in a slurred tone of voice as he was offered a cup of tea by Auntie Poulet.

Auntie Poulet put a finger in front of her lips to shush him. "Can you hear dem?" she asked Tommy, cupping a hand over her left ear and leaned forward to her left. "Dem callin' your name, boy, must want you pretty bad, don't ya tink? Now you do old Auntie Poulet a turn, huh, maybe she help you. Maybe she can give you a little juju after all of dis. Give you some magic to give the law man the stink eye, hmmmmm?

"Look, this is all very, um... " Tommy muttered, barely coherent as he set his cup on the table and slowly rose out of his seat, " ...give me what? I,I, I think I've got the wrong address... "

"Do me these tings, Tommy... " Auntie Poulet offered, resting a hand on Tommy's broad shoulder. She offered him back his cup and rested him back onto his seat "The Cubans, nasty proud foofoos, mmm, been making my lovely Haitian boys shake de heads. Now they told the policeman where me been stashing my powders. Dey tink it drugs, them stupid. Now be a good boy Tommy and go and get the powders for Auntie Poulet."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure," Tommy answered, taking another sip of the tea. He hopped out of his seat and headed for the exit.

Little did Tommy know, her was being drugged. Auntie Poulet had spiked his tea and the stew with voodoo potion, which wasn't just an ordinary drug, but also a hypnotizer, which caused Tommy to obey all of Tommy's commands, something Tommy was still oblivious to.

Tommy walked outside and hopped onto a red Voodoo car. He used the keys given to him by Auntie Poulet and started the engine, still oblivious on his hypnosis.

Auntie Poulet had told Tommy that the stashes for her needs to be retrieve on the roof of the building at the junkyard before the cops close in on it. So Tommy drove faster through the town of Little Haiti and made a right turn leading to the junkyard up ahead.

Tommy saw the building that Auntie Poulet had described that the stashes were on top of and pulled over to a stop. He hopped out of the vehicle and ran up the slope leading to the rooftop of the building. He saw that the stash was sitting right there and grabbed it.

"Don't move a muscle, chump!" he heard the voice of a man from above.

Tommy looked up behind him to find that a policeman wearing a black suit on top of the building right next to the one Tommy was on top of.

Tommy didn't listen. He held onto the stash and dodged the bullets firing at him from up above. He ran down the slope and hopped back inside the Voodoo, starting the engine and driving out of the area as quickly as he could.

He turned to his right to find another one of the stashes right on the ground. So Tommy pulled the vehicle over and hopped out to grab the other stash. He returned to his vehicle and drove quickly, with the police trailing him wildly.

There was just one more stash outside of the building at the edge of Little Haiti, and Tommy finally made his way to the building to grab it.

By the time he finally got the final stash, however, the VCPD SWAT team was now after him. So Tommy returned to his vehicle and dashed out of Little Haiti to take a right turn on the long road, where he drove straight down and made it to the Paint 'n' Spray shop.

He drove inside and got the vehicle sprayed, losing the VCPD SWAT team successfully. Tommy backed out of the garage and drove off to return to Little Haiti. He may have been hypnotized, but he hasn't forgotten how to handle the criminal business.

He eventually made his way back to the small neighborhood in Little Haiti and hopped out of the Voodoo carrying the stash and walked over to Auntie Poulet's house.

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