Chapter 13: Guardian Angels

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The hours had elapsed, and Tommy had decided to see Colonel Cortez. He was having a conversation with the colonel just this afternoon.

"Thomas, I appreciate your coming," Colonel Cortez told Tommy. "Forgive me for getting straight to business. Diaz has asked me to oversee a minor business transaction."

"Let's hope it goes better than last time, huh?" Tommy reminded.

"Which is why I though of you, my friend," Colonel Cortez replied. "I've dropped some protection at the multi-story car park. Pick it up - then go watch over Diaz's men at the drop off. Gracias, amigo."

Tommy nodded and turned to exit the yacht. "Diaz, huh?" Tommy said to himself. "Apparently that angry midget runs this mad house. Let's see what that creep has to do with things."

Colonel Cortez has arranged some firepower for Tommy at the multi-story car park at Ocean Beach. So as Tommy made it onto the dock, he ran to the parking lot and hopped inside his Infernus.

Tommy started the engine and made a right turn to the exit of the parking lot and made a left turn onto the road. He drove through Ocean Beach, where there were very few cars driving around and limited pedestrians strolling on the sidewalk.

Tommy made it through the alleyways and right to the multi-car park, where he drove inside and to the second floor. Towards the right side and at the end of the parking spot up ahead, Tommy saw a weapon lying on the ground. He drove closer to it, parked into the space, and hopped out of the vehicle to get a closer look.

It was a metal Ruger, and Tommy reached over to grab it. Before he could react, he saw a familiar white Infernus pulling inside the car park and approached Tommy.

Tommy watched as the Infernus slowed to a stop, and out came Lance, looking rather delighted at the moment.

"Hogging all the action, I see... " Lance uttered with a wide grin.

"Look, you wanna do something other than just shadowing me everywhere?" Tommy told him. "Why don't you come along and show me if you're any use."

"I might just do that," Lance responded, still maintaining his grin. "The name's Lance, by the way."

"Tommy Vercetti, let's go," Tommy replied as he guided Lance to his vehicle.

Lance hopped inside the passenger's seat as Tommy started the engine. He backed up some, turning the rear of the vehicle to the left, and put it on drive to roll through the exit of the multi-story car park.

Tommy made it onto the road and drove through Washington Beach. The Sun blazed brightly in the reddish-orange evening sky, ready to set. The colors glowed colorfully through the city. The streetlights gradually flickered on around the road.

A minute later, Tommy made it through a back alley in Ocean Beach between a couple of buildings. He parked inside, and he and Lance, both armed with Rugers, hopped out just in time to see Diaz and his bodyguards arrive in a Grey Admiral.

The three pulled up out of the car and approached Tommy and Lance. "You must be Cortez's new gun," Diaz surmised, staring at Tommy.

"Until more gainful opportunities arise," Tommy responded. He then turned to Lance. "They'll be here any minute," Tommy told Lance. "We both better get a good vantage point."

"OK," Lance agreed. "I'll take the balcony. You get the roof across the yard."

So the two split up and climbed the stairs of each of the two buildings between the alleyway, each leading to the balcony. Tommy stood on top to wait for the gang to arrive.

Just then, a black Cuban Hermes with a flame design on front arrived and parked right beside Diaz and his bodyguards. The Cubans hopped out of their vehicle and got their weapons ready to fire at their main target.

Seconds later, Tommy then spotted a brown Voodoo arriving in the alleyway. Four of the Haitians, who wore purple tanktops and gray pants, hopped out of their vehicle. They fired at Diaz, his bodyguards, and the Cubans, and the latter group ducked out of the way to fire their weapons back.

Tommy didn't hesitate as he kept his aim using his Ruger and shot one of the Haitians dead with a single shot to the temple.

"Sheeitt," the Haitian cried out in pain as he fell to the floor dead.

Diaz from below even took out a couple of the Haitians himself. "Those Haitians think they can take on RICARDO DIAZ!" the Colombian drug lord roared in victory.

As all the Haitians fell dead to the ground, another Voodoo pulled up from the front of the alley, and four more Haitians hopped out of the vehicle, firing at the group down below. Tommy and Lance both shot at the Haitians and the bullets ripped through each and every one of them, as well as destroying the Voodoo surrounded by their corpses, causing it to catch fire and subsequently explode.

"Damn!" Lance shouted.

It wasn't long before more Haitians arrived in a blue Burrito and hopped out, still firing at Diaz and the others down below. "I got you covered!" Tommy told everybody down below as he fired at the Haitians down below.

"Hey Tommy, I need some help up here!" Lance shouted, dodging the bullets fired at him by the Haitians.

So Tommy continued firing bullets at the Haitians down below, killing each and every one of them. It wasn't long until another blue Burrito arrived on the other side of the alleyway, and the Haitians hopped right out and began firing at the gang down below.

But Tommy was just as quick and aimed his Ruger at the rival gang below. He kept his finger on the trigger and fired as many bullets at the Haitians as he could. One by one, each of the Haitians were brought down as the bullets fired rapidly out of Tommy's Ruger and tore through their thin flesh, causing them to bleed painfully.

Just then, two Haitians stole a briefcase and each hopped onto each of the two yellow Sanchezes. This angered Diaz as he saw the Haitians ride away.

"MY MONEY!" Diaz growled at the top of his lungs. "Don't just stand there you pricks, chase that fucking Haitian dickhead down!"

He then pulled out his weapon, aimed for one of the Haitians on the Sanchez, and shot him with a direct hit on the head. The impact of the bullet caused the Haitian's skull to blow open, exposing his brain from behind. He fell off the Sanchez and lay dead on the floor, with a thick flow of blood pouring out of the back of his head.

"Tommy!" Lance called to Tommy. "I'll stay here and watch over Diaz!"

So Tommy ran down the stairs and to the Sanchez that was sitting right next to the Haitian's corpse. He hopped onto the Sanchez and dashed straight ahead. As Tommy rode through the alley, he saw that he was getting closer to the Haitian on the Sanchez and pulled out his machine gun. He got close enough to the escaping Haitian, aimed his sub machine gun at him, and fired multiple bullets into the Haitian's spine, causing him to fall over.

Tommy got close enough to the Haitian and pulled to a stop. He hopped off the Sanchez, slowly walked closer to the bleeding Haitian, and fired more bullets into his chest, killing him.

Tommy then grabbed the briefcase that the Haitian had dropped and returned to his Sanchez. He started the engine and drove back through the alleyway path, returning to the end of the path with Diaz and the rest of the guys.

Tommy hopped off the Sanchez and handed the briefcase to Diaz. Diaz grabbed the briefcase out of Tommy's hands.

"I live!" Diaz declared out loud. He walked over to his Admiral and hopped inside the driver's seat, with his other bodyguards taking the back seat. "Dickheads! And it's all down to you! What is your name?"

"Tommy," Tommy answered.

"I see you soon amigo, I think," Diaz replied, and he drove away. Tommy looked around the alleyway to find that he was now all alone.

"Shit, where's that guy Lance?" he asked.

Tommy felt that he had enough fun for today. So he decided to head back to his room of the Ocean View Hotel to rest for a while.

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