Chapter 83: Least Wanted

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Tommy entered his office as he took the elevator on top and returned to his desk, as he set the phone on speaker and punched in Sonny's number. Sonny, meanwhile, was back in his office and heard the phone ring. He picked it up to answer it.

"Sonny, it's me," Tommy answered.

"Great to hear from you again, Tommy!" Sonny replied, sounding more cheery than usual. "So I heard that you finally had that mayor out of the picture for good."

"Precisely," Tommy responded. "There won't be any terrorists infecting this beautiful city. Most slimeballs out here only want a taste of the cunt."

"Ain't that the truth?!" Sonny chuckled heartily. "I knew I made the right choice to send you here to take care of business."

"Hey, you know I never go down without a fight," Tommy responded. "If anyone wants to take me to war, we'll go to war right away!"

"Excellent," Sonny told him. "And now we're faced with a new problem here."

"New problem?" Tommy asked. "What do you mean?"

"You know where the mayor was about to start his speech back at the city hall in Downtown, Vice City?" Sonny reminded Tommy.

"Yeah?" Tommy asked. "What about it?"

"Well, it turned out that there were hidden cameras around the buildings courtesy of an undercover cop," Sonny replied.

"You're fucking kidding me!" Tommy replied in anger, hopping right out of his seat. "But how did they even... ?"

"I just discovered this mayor, he had a bodyguard with him that acted as an undercover cop, and he planted hidden cameras everywhere in Downtown," Sonny informed. "Now ever since you shot the mayor, he's got the tape to send to the police."

"Ah shit," Tommy grumbled. "Where is this guy located at?"

"Right now, he's at a video store getting his camera developed," Sonny told him. "That's what one of the members of your gang told me when I gave him a call."

"I know a video store out here in Vice," Tommy said. "And it looks like it's time for me to take him out."

"Sweet," Sonny replied. "He's a redhead guy, wears a brown suit just in case you want to know what he looks like."

"Redhead, brown suit," Tommy repeated. "I'll pay him a visit."

Tommy then turned off the speaker on the phone and jumped out of his seat. He exited the office and headed to the elevator, taking the bottom floor down there. There he saw that Ken and Lance were playing Black Jack along with Avery and Donald while everyone else were earning and losing money through gambling in various games.

Tommy walked out of the front entrance of the building and headed to the parking lot to hopped into his Infernus. Tommy started the engine and drove straight down through the long road of Washington Beach. He had already dealt with a fifteen-year stint in prison, so he refused to go back to jail again and had to destroy all evidence before the deceased mayor's bodyguard showed the cops any evidence of the mayor getting shot distantly. Otherwise, he'd never get a chance to continue ruling the city.

Tommy drove straight down the road and through the streets of Vice Point, He continued driving until he made a left turn on the long road leading to Prawn Island. Tommy then drove straight down the bridge leading to Downtown and drove straight. He made a left turn on the second intersection of the road and drove straight down until he reached the end and found the video store called Video Radio Star, which was adjacent to the music store Rock City up ahead. Tommy then parked in front of the building and grabbed his sniper rifle onto the floor. He hopped out of the vehicle and slowly strolled over to the video store. He took one peek inside, and there he was, the redheaded guy in the brown suit. He must have been the would-be mayor's bodyguard who was also disguised as an undercover cop.

He was inside the video store getting two of the videotapes developed. Tommy then ran about 40 feet from the video store and waited until the undercover cop walked out of the exit. After about thirty seconds of waiting, Tommy finally zoomed in on the store's entrance and finally spotted the undercover cop walking out. He had the two videotapes in his hands, ready to take it to the police to divulge concrete evidence of the mayor's murder.

Tommy, however, wasn't having it, and he steadily aimed the sniper rifle for the undercover cop's head. Tommy then pulled the trigger, and the undercover cop then dropped dead, dropping the two videotapes onto the ground. Tommy then ran up to the undercover cop's corpse and crouched beside him to pick up the videotapes. Tommy knew that he was going to have the police attention. So he ran to his Infernus and hopped inside. He quickly started the engine and drove away as fast as he could. During his speeding spree, he made a right turn on the long road and drove straight down the road until he made a left turn on the bridge leading to Starfish Island.

Tommy then made a right turn onto the driveway leading to his mansion and parked in front of the garage. As Tommy exited the Infernus, he heard his cellphone ring, and pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Tommy," he heard Sonny say to him. "I'm sure you took care of that bodyguard at the video store, right?"

"Right, Sonny," Tommy replied. "I took him out and scored the videotapes of the evidence out of his hands."

"Excellent," Sonny replied. "Now listen, Tommy, destroy the tapes, keep them, do whatever you can to keep the evidence from spreading to the whole town!"

As Sonny hung up, Tommy decided to destroy the tapes. He smashed them both each and stomped on them hard at a time. Now that there was no more evidence, Tommy was clear from a second jail sentence. He did have quite a day though. So he returned back into his mansion to take a break for the rest of the day.

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