Chapter 3: The Party

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Tommy woke up the next morning to check the clock on the wall. It was now 8:05 AM. The bed that Tommy slept in was surprisingly comfortable. Tommy sat on the edge of the bed and stretched his arms out. He had kept on the clothing that he wore yesterday since he had no other spare clothing to take with him.

Tommy hopped out of the bed and looked out the window to find that it was a bright, sunny morning, as the sun glistened through the ocean water of the beach down below.

Beautiful morning, Tommy thought dryly.

He slipped on his sneakers and began to walk out of the room. As he strolled down the hall, he took the elevator downstairs and saw a couple people in the lounge – a Caucasian woman with a large, red hairstyle wearing a purple dress and a lot of makeup, and a slender man with a dark mullet wearing a blue sweater and skintight pants. Tommy just shook his head.

Man '80s fashion is just weird, he thought.

Tommy was so far not used to how things have changed in the 1980s. He was weirded out on the unappealing fashion and was barely used to the southern area, which was still rather incongruous to his own style he had in his hometown of Liberty City. He just didn't know how he was able to affiliate to the decade as a whole.

Tommy didn't have time to think about that though. He just simply walked out of the hotel and walked to the Admiral parked outside. He hopped inside, started the engine, and drove away. He looked around to find many ostentatious vehicles driving around the streets. The sun shone brightly in the sky, and the vehicles were moving rather smoothly. The buildings around the street towered above as well. The wind slowly blew around the summer air.

At least it's a nice drive around here, Tommy thought.

He finally made it to Washington Beach, where he stopped to a park in front of Ken's office. Tommy hopped out of the vehicle and made his way inside the office. He was sure that Ken would be panicking inside right now.

And he was right. The neurotic lawyer was pacing around in a panicking frenzy of the botched deal from last night, feeling none too stable.

"Go get some sleep, he says," Ken said as Tommy had just arrived inside the office.

Tommy just sighed in annoyance. He could hardly retain his patience with many of the pedestrians around the city, so for him to deal with Ken's querulous comments this early in the morning gradually made him lost his patience with said lawyer. But Tommy didn't complain. He just simply kept his composure and took a glimpse out the window.

"I have been sitting in this chair all night with the lights off drinking coffee!" Ken continued rambling. "This is a disaster. We are so screwed, man! These gorillas, listen to me, are gonna come down here and rip my head off. It's ridiculous! I did NOT go to law school for this! OK, now what the hell are we gonna do?"

"Shut up, sit down, relax," Tommy told Ken calmly, but sternly as Ken took a seat onto his chair. Tommy then took a seat in the chair in front of the desk and slowly set his feet on top. "I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna find out who took our cocaine - and then, I'm gonna kill them."

"That's a good idea," Ken answered. "That's a GREAT idea. Let me think, let me think, let me think. OH! There's this retired Colonel, Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez. He's the one that helped me set up this deal well away from Vice City's established thugs. OK?"

Ken then handed Tommy a sheet of paper. "Now, listen. He's holding his party out in the bay on his expensive yacht and all of Vice City's big players are gonna be there. OK? I have an invite, of course I have an invite. But there's no way that I'm going out there, sticking my head out the door -"

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