Write Like Hamilton - T. Holland

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Hamilrequest #41

"I wrote my way out when the world turned its back on me."

I actually really like this request! Thanks for this anon <3

Song: Wrote My Way Out from the Mix Tape

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Everyone has opinions about someone or something. These opinions root from an issue that went viral and spread like wildfire. Regarding the said issue, the audience may say good things or bad things. Of course those who are victims of the said issue speak out and for some reason get hate or love for it, depending on the audience. Some victims choose not to speak out and they get all the hate in the world for addressing something the audience aren't even included in. Some victims speak out, out of nowhere and just like that, they win in the issue.

An example of that would be James Charles, who single-handedly saved his own career by releasing a video. We won't dig deeper into that, but James really did well in that part. Of course, there were people who still hated him, but at this point, I'm sure he doesn't care about that anymore.

Like James, you became a victim of a certain issue that sparked out of nowhere. You were a very successful author. You wrote a lot of things from short stories to novels and from poetry to children's books. You really wanted a wide range of people reading your books and that's why a lot of people liked you, because families can read all of your books in one household and you were proud of yourself for that.

With the money that you earned from writing, you were able to donate books to different schools around the world especially in third world countries who really needed it. You were basically an angel in the community of education.

Of course, not all people thought of that. They thought you were pretentious and that you were only doing it for publicity and money. They even had the audacity to say that you had a ghost-writer, but that was immediately debunked by your loyal readers and yourself, because you uploaded a video on your YouTube channel about the process of you writing a book.

Life went well after that. Your career was sky-rocketing and you were able to catch the attention of the world's famous heartthrob, Tom Holland.

He tweeted you first when you were bored out of your mind and decided to take a break from writing. You thought it would be a fun idea to interact with your fans, because they deserved it after all the times they've supported you and backed you up. So you tweeted that you'd be doing a #AskY/N. Tom obviously had your notifications on, because he was such a fan and he got really excited when he saw that.

He wasn't an active Twitter user and he normally wouldn't check it, but he decided 'fuck it, I'll send in a question'. He wanted his question to be different from others so he asked you if you'll be releasing a book that year.

You saw it and you were surprised that THE Spider-Man actually liked your work. You, of course, responded in a professional way: "@TomHolland1996 as a matter of fact, yes! I'll be releasing a book this year. I'm actually working on it right now as we speak. It's a children's book."

From then on, you both started talking a lot and somehow ended up dating. You've been dating for two years now and you loved every second of it. Both of you were really supportive in each other's passion and career. Sometimes, he would even help you in writing a plot. In return, you would help in practicing his lines. You'd also help him and Harry with the script that they were working on.

Your life could've been better if it weren't for that person on Twitter who had a lot to say about you. That person tweeted something about you stealing ideas from Chris Colfer.

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