Fuck, We're Screwed - T. Holland AU

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Hotel manager!Tom x Events organizer!Reader
3k words

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You never knew that you would meet the man of your dreams and when you did, it was perfect. He was a receptionist at a hotel that you frequently organized events at. You guessed that your clients loved it there and you admitted that it was lovely.

Grand Elite Hotel was the place. The first time you went there, you were just one of the customers. You never would have guessed that in the years to come, you would organize events there. It was fresh to be on the other side of the event. You were always the guest and it was refreshing to organize the events this time. It made your job easy because you knew what guests wanted and didn't want.

Tom was just new on the job that time and he was assigned to direct the guests to the events hall. If someone asks about the said event, he would direct them there. Tom did great and when all the guests were there, he went back to the reception.

A few hours later, the event was finished and everyone was packing up at the events hall. Tom knew it wasn't his job, but he just wanted to check out the particular event hall that he kept directing everyone to. He peeked and entered as soon as he saw everyone cleaning up. Then, he saw you. You were busy stacking the chairs and he went over to help you.

"Hey." Tom said softly as he handed you a chair. "I'm guessing you're the organizer for this event."

"You guessed right." You chuckled and shook his hand. "I'm Y/N."

"Tom." He smiled and let go of your hand. "If you don't mind me asking, what was the event?"

His question made you roll your eyes. You didn't have a problem with him. He seemed nice. You just had a problem with the event itself.

Tom saw you roll your eyes and he assumed that he said something that might have offended you. "Oh, did I say something to hurt your feelings? I am so sorry!" Tom said nervously.

You quickly shook your head, "It's not your fault, Tom. It's just the event itself."

"What's the event anyway?" Tom asked as he stacked a few chairs.

"It's a kid's seventh birthday party. I hate kids, but as an events organizer, I shouldn't be picky with my clients. They paid me a huge amount of money and I'm super grateful for it." You said.

"I can sense a 'but' coming." Tom chuckled.

"But the kid is such a brat!" You exclaimed. "You should've seen this whole place before packing up. It was like a Disney princess shit in it, I swear!"

"Everything was pastel pink and there was random shit on the ceiling. Y'know, the balloons and the paper lanterns and the lights. Then each table had fancy candelabras made of glass as centerpieces. The fucking giveaways were put in a really expensive purse. And as if the whole thing wasn't expensive enough, inside the purse there's a Chanel lip gloss in the shade of 'tender rose', a baby brush from Tiffany's, a sparkling pink heart bracelet from Pandora and to top it all off, personalized keychains also from Tiffany's." You ranted.

"Then we went ice cream tasting one day and she hated everything! We ended up trying EVERY SINGLE STRAWBERRY FLAVOR at different ice cream parlors." You added.

"Jesus, she sounds like a nightmare." Tom shook his head.

"May I remind you that she's only seven. I don't want to imagine what it would be like when she's sixteen or older." You sighed as you finished stacking the chairs before looking around to see if there were other things needed to clean up that your crew forgot.

"Damn. I could imagine." Tom rolled his eyes as he put his hands on his hips.

"I fucking hate kids." You muttered under your breath, but Tom heard and looked at you quickly. You turned to him and apologized thinking that you offended him or thinking he had a kid of his own. "Oh my god. I'm sorry if I offended you or anything. You probably have a really nice kid and—"

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