17 seconds remaining

76 2 0

I stared at this picture for hours. No joke.

Y/N narrowed her eyes at Lotor, blue energy tingling at her fingers.

17 Seconds till completion.

In a flash, the galran closed his slender fingers around her throat tighter. "Now, now Princess don't be so unruly". The E/C eyed girl gasped for air as the sudden motion black dots danced aimlessly around her vision.

16 Seconds till completion.

"Hey, let go of her you sorry excuse for a grape". A voice spoke. Keith's voice spoke.

15 Seconds till completion.

Lotor turned around to face Keith glowering at the purple prince. With a smirk Lotor let go of Y/N, she fell to the floor with a thud.

14 Seconds till completion.

"Let's make this quick". Lotor sneered, eyeing up the red paladin.

13 Seconds till completion.

With a roaring battle cry, Keith lunged at Lotor throwing a punch only to be blocked. A flurry of punches came Lotor's way. Every single one dodged with a flourish. "So loud, but yet slow".

                                                                         Y/N's POV

The black tendrils around my vision seemed to fade away. I let out a shaky breath and looked up only to see Lotor and Keith fighting. Keith was losing. Badly.

12 Seconds till completion.

I scanned the room and smirked when my scythe came into view. Without a second thought, I scrambled up, grabbed my weapon with one hand and raced towards Lotor on an adrenaline high.

11 Seconds till completion.

My heart raced as I grew closer and closer to the two. I began to pick up speed, the pounding of blood in my ears.

10 Seconds till completion.

I raised my scythe, watched the tip glint in the fluorescent lights before it sliced through the air with a fair 'whoosh'. And before I knew it. I had struck Lotor in the side.

I let a shaky sigh of relief escape my mouth before I glanced down at Lotor's crumpled figure.

9 Seconds till completion.

Suddenly my eyes widened in shock and pure horror. Spilling out of Lotor's side was not crimson blood but black, vicious oil spilt out onto the silver floor.

This. was not Lotor.  

                                                                                Author's POV 

"Emporer Lotor the clones identity has been compromised". The real glaran twisted part of hi s luscious snowy white hair. 

"Fine then, make contact with Sedndak as soon as possible". The soldier nodded and scuttled out of the throne room. 

Lotor chuckled smugly and smiled like a creep. "Soon my pretty, soon".

Ahaha plot twist! Bet ya didn't expect that one!  


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