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Rachels eyes widened with surprise. The Cuban girl raised her 'weapon', ready to defend herself and her two younger siblings. Lance turned around and pursed his lips before sighing "Y/N could you take care of this please". 

Y/N let out a small groan before pointing her scythe at the soldiers. With a roll of eyes, electric blue spilt from the tip and completely blew them back into each other. The young girl furrowed her eyebrows and turned back to Lance, not noticing Rachel's look of pure disbelief. 

Rachel was shook 

Rahel was shaken 

Rachel was shooken 

Rachel was Shooketh. 

But before the Cuban girl could open her mouth to exclaim in amazement a blaring alarm suddenly went off. 

"Paladins of Voltron! We have you surrounded. Give yourselves up!".  

Y/N bit her lip before muttering "oh sweet cheese wiz".  All of a sudden the screens began to blink from sinister purple to sky blue "Pidge what's going on?" Shro asked, rather frantic as the screens rapid colour change was worrying. 

"The galra! Those damn cheaters hacked into the system!" 

The green paladin angrily exclaimed whilst Lotor's face showed up on the screen  

"Paladins of v- 

"¡Eres tú! Usted madre fricking uva! Voy a conseguir a mis madres la chancla y rasgar tus extensiones de cabello de tu cráneo!"

Lotor was interrupted by Rachel's scream of anger is rapid Spanish. Her ocean-blue eyes widened in fury. Y/N let out a snort and Lance smirked smugly at the very confused prince. 

"Well there's no need to be rude about It" Lotor huffed like a child before straightening himself out. 

"We now have you locked down with our fleet. Give me princess Y/N and we'll leave your pathetic planet alone". The teasing trill of his tone began to enrage the red paladin as he glared at Lotor.

"We're giving you anything. You shrivelled prune!"

Allura growled lowly "besides, we still have a few Vargas. You said so yourself!" Lotor chuckled maniacally "oh did I? I don't remember". Hunk's eyes swirled with irritation "what is wrong with you?!" 

A strand of silky white hair twisted in between the galran princes' fingers. "Just give me what I want". He tilted his head noticeably "and earth doesn't blow up into smithereens". He imitated an explosion. 

"Shiro, what do we do?" Pidge murmured. Her eyes darted to the screen, hoping Lotor wouldn't be able to hear the conversation. The black paladin shook his head before murmuring to Pidge "I have a plan". 

"Fine then. We'll give you Y/N". 

Short chapter. I know but I hope this one will keep you 


Oh my god I love hamilton

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