I got tagged!

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Haha so I know this isn't a real chapter but like I got my first tag from taes_thighs so thanks love! 

Haha so I know this isn't a real chapter but like I got my first tag from taes_thighs so thanks love! 

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1. Your nickname 

Pop or ella. 

2. Eye color 

Black. Like I'm not even kidding I can't see my pupils. 

3. Hair color 


4. One fact about yourself. 

OOh I've been playing the violin since I was four. 

5. Favourite Color 

Pink (but it depends on the shade) 

6. Favourite place 

Mall definetly

7. Favourite celeb 

Tom Holland 

8. Favourite animal 

Unicorns all the way  :)

9. Favourite Song. 

There are so many songs in hamilton but I'm gonna have to pick satisfied. 

10. Favourite book 

Ahh Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. Once you enter that fandom there's no coming out.

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