Raisin face

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This has video has nothing to do with the story but eh.

                                                                                    Keith's POV 

Lotor looks like a raisin. 

And he's laughing...great so now I can clarify my girlfriends in the hands of a psychopath raisin face. Just amazing! 

I watched on the screen as Lotor cupped his fingers around Y/N's chin. No, no, no I do not consent this.

 I shook my head and closed my eyes  'where are you red?' I bit my lip as I heard red snapback that I should be patient and stop acting like an old man. 

Okay, that was just rude. 

But the most important thing was the lions were coming. 

                                                                                         Y/N's POV

By now Lotor had composed himself and was smiling sickeningly into my eyes. I cringed and glared stonily at him "ok first off, don't call me sweetie or sweetheart. Makes you sound like a creep". 

Lotor's face then twisted into scowl "do not tell me what I can and cannot do, you pathetic princess". That, now that set me off. "I'm not the one who's on space drugs" I quickly muttered under my breath. 

Well not under enough as Lotor's sharp ears pricked up. 

His scowl turned dark as he shook his head "you will not speak until spoken to". I furrowed my eyebrows "but you are speaking t-" 

I was cut off by a harsh slap on my cheek.

It was so loud you could call it a clap as it vibrated and stung. Anger bubbled inside of me as I looked up at Lotor. 

"Well that wasn't very cash money of you". 

                                                                               Author's POV 

The paladins watched in horror at Lotor's actions. "We have to go beat the hell out of Lotor!" Keith yelled, his violet eyes gleaming in anger. 

"I agree with the short angry man!"

Shiro quickly stopped them "no need". He stroked his chin thoughtfully "just wait for it". 

                                                                               Y/N's POV 

My hands tingled whilst my anger built up. THat good frothing son of a biscuit! Lotor chuckled menacingly "Let's go, sweetheart, everything has been carefully calculated for your arrival".

Did...did he just call me sweetheart again. 

In an instant a bolt of blue energy emitted from my palm, blowing Lotor back into the sand with an audible thud. I sharply pulled my arms to my chest resulting in the two guards holding my arms to crash into each other. I shook myself free and began to run as fast as my legs could take me to the ship.

With about a bajillion soldiers behind me.

"You'll be back!" 

I heard Lotor scream, I rolled my eyes and continued to run. My cuffed hands fumbled around my mission suit before producing a communication, I clumsily turned it on. "Where the quiznak are the lions!" I screamed into the navy blue device. 

There was some crackling. "Create a detour Y/N, back-up is on the way!" I heard Shiro's voice reply. I sighed before spotting a nearby rock up ahead. I rolled behind it to catch my breath and shoot a couple sentries. 

'L/N if you can hear me I really need you so could you do a paladin a favour and hurry the quiznak up or I'll be toast!' I wailed internally, hoping L/N would receive my mental message. 

But considering on how I crashed her into the moon...I wouldn't hold my breath.

I shifted to the left to let a few bolts fly from my fingertips, a few sentries blasted into bolts but a worrying amount was nearing closer towards me. If only he team were here we could cover more ground. 

"Need some help sis?". 

 Lance grinned cheekily at me before leaning on my right to blast come soldiers (with perfect accuracy) into oblivion. "Got a plan?" My brother shrugged casually "Nah, Shiro just said 'fend off as many soldiers as you can'". 

I nodded as we stood and moved forward a couple steps, Lance shooting as many soldiers as he possibly could with his bayard and me shooting bursts of energy from my fingers. Where were all these soldiers coming from? "Anyone else coming?" 

"Sup Losers"

A soft cheer left my lips as a neon whip curled wrapped around 10 sentries before decapitating them cleanly.  Pidge cackled before repeating the movement. "Anyone else joining the part?" I asked hopefully. 

Pidge shrugged "Hunk's doing some engineering stuff to the cruiser to help us whilst the lions are taking their sweet time to get here". 

She grunted before slapping another soldier with her whip "Keith and Rachel aren't allowed to come on the battlefield at the moment because Rachels screaming in Spanish about...well most of its definitely profanity". 

Lance snorted "that's Rachel alright". 

I sucked in a breath as Pidges whip crackled before electrocuting a few more unlucky victims. "And Keith?" 

"Well your royal highness your knight in shining armour couldn't attend this battle as Shiro cannot be sure if our dashing prince will be able to tell his enemies from his teammates".  My elbow nudged Pidge in the side "hardy har har". 

She flipped her short hair "I know I'm hilarious". 

                                                                         Author's POV 

All of a sudden there was a faint patter of footsteps, which quickly turned into a thunderous beating on the sand "what in tarnation?" Lance murmured. 

"Vamos a quemar este lechón en el suelo!" 

"What she said!". 

Two blood-curdling war cries ripped through the air, two formerly blurry figures in the distance gradually cleared up to be Keith and Rachel. 

And boy did they look pissed. 

Keith's bayard flew through the air and stabbed into the heart of 3 soldiers. Rachel's chancla managed to lodge itself into the head of a sentry. 

The two raging teens ran past Pidge, Lance and Y/N to being to mercilessly attack the cohort of sentries. Y/N blinked a couple times.

"My God."  

Jefferson the runner-up which makes him the vice president.


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