Missed Chance

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*Clicking furiously* Yas queen yaas

The paladins groaned at Pidge's sentence but turned their gaze back to the large ship in a split second. "Shiro, what do we do?" Hunk frantically asked, you could practically view him shaking in fear. The black paladin snapped into action in an instant


In a few moments, the lions were all over the place. Dipping and rolling from the fighter jets that proceeded to spill out of the mother ship.

"Aw crud nuggets, how are we going to get to earth now?" Lance grumbled, the blue lion somersaulting and freezing a couple jets in the process.

"Team we need to form Voltron!" Shiro yelled, the black lion barrel rolled out of the way of an ion cannon. Pidge grunted in distress before speaking "Uh, Shiro we are kind of occupied!" Voice, rising a couple of pitches.

"Oh, man. What are we going to do?!" Hunk squealed, the yellow lion quivering as hundreds of fighters were on his tail. Y/N was about to reply when a bright purple beam emitted from the mother ship.

It was a hologram, Lotor's lotion loving face showing."Paladins". His voice smooth and powerful. 

Almost like L 'Oreal shampoo 

"We have your planet earth under siege. "If you do not appear ready to hand over Voltron and Princess Y/N in 10 Vargas your pathetic little planet will be blown to pieces".

A sadistic smile crept across his lavender face causing the paladins to glare at the galran prince. A cruel, hollow laugh escaped his thin lips before switching off completely, leaving the paladins fuming. Even Queen M/N who had no idea what earth was like was seething.

"That walking L'Oreal commercial!"

There was silence before Y/N spoke up. "Where is that ship going?" As if to answer her question. A portal opened up. "This is our chance!" Keith yelled, the red lion gearing up to race into the portal.

"Keith's right. Let's go, team!"

The swirl of crimson, mauve purple and inky black was quite a distance yet the team was sure they could make it. Each team member using all their energy to race into the portal, it's pretty colours mocking them individually.

                                                             Y/N's POV

The massive ship and fighter jets slipped into the portal effortlessly. But we were almost there, just a little more. Energy coursed through my veins, a steaming hot feeling in my blood. Anger, vengeance maybe?

It didn't matter. All that mattered was getting into that portal and whooping Lotor's ass.

Suddenly the portal began to shrink, the swirling colours becoming duller and duller. "No, no!" I yelled, pushing L/N's thrusters further. We can't miss this chance to get to earth. The portal began to shrink almost rapidly.

"Come on guys we can't miss our chance!" Shiro roared

                                                             Author's POV

The paladins all silently agreed, hearts racing at the thought of finally being home. Sweat tickling their faces. Almost there.

The portal was shrinking.

"Come on, come on" They each murmured almost in turn.

The portal was shrinking.

Their home, their planet at stake. Lives were at stake. Their families were at stake. 

The portal disappeared in a mere blink of an eye. 

I never knew I was capable of writing this. 


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