chapter 9 (draco's pov)

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after quidditch practice with y/n, we go to meet up with our friends in hogsmeade. 

"i'll meet up with the girls and you go find the boys" y/n says, walking frantically into town, "give us about an hour and a half and then meet at three broomsticks"

i nod "i understood the plan the first three times you said it, and i understand it now" she rolls her eyes at me as we part ways. i head towards zonko's joke shop, figuring that's where the boys would have went.


"pansy seems to really fancy you" blaise observes as we sit on a bench outside of zonko's. we already got out things but crabbe and goyle are taking forever.

"i suppose" i shrug

"and daphne" blaise adds, pulling out some candy they must've gotten from honeydukes earlier. he offers me some, but i decline, "you know, i think y/n might fancy you as well" i hear a hint of jealousy when he says y/n's name.

"y/n?" i say as blaise nods, "you're off your rocker if you think that"

blaise shrugs, dropping the subject as crabbe and goyle join us to walk over and meet the girls.


i'm sitting at three broomsticks with the group, mulling over what blaise said to me, as goyle asks stupid questions about our charms class, when pansy opens her mouth.

"do any of you lot know who fancies y/n?" pansy says out of the blue. i look up quickly, now slightly more interested in the conversation.

"pansy" i hear y/n mutter under her breath. does she know who fancies her? does she fancy them back?

"what? if you won't tell us" she turns to y/n, smirking, "maybe one of them know" she looks across the table at us guys, her smirk only widening.

"what're you on about?" blaise says, placing down his mug and leaning forward a little. i think i'm the only one that notices a hint of concern in his voice. i also think i'm the only one who's not completely oblivious that he's sweet on her. i scrunch my face, trying to block the idea of blaise and her from my head.

"don't worry about-" y/n starts, looking right at blaise. i can't help but feel uneasy, but still keep my mouth shut. 

"don't listen to her" daphne interrupts y/n, "she's got a saturn necklace on and won't tell us who its from" 

that's when the panic starts. more surprise first. they're just now finding out about the necklace? it's been two months since i gave it to her and she... kept it a secret? does she not want people to know we're friends? then it sets in that everyone's going to think i like her if they find out about the necklace.

"you're kidding" blaise says, and i can hear the smirk in his voice. i try and get all of my thoughts out of my head. i almost feel... hurt. like she's ashamed of me and wants to hide what i got her. i realize i do want everyone to know that the thing around her neck is mine.

i look back up, seeing y/n looking at me with concern. i realize i must look mad, quickly grabbing my mug and taking a sip to cover my face. 

"well i've got no guesses" blaise shrugs, leaning back a bit. crabbe and goyle nod along. they're to dense to catch on even if i did fancy her. i mean, even if anyone fancied her.

"no one fancies her" i blurt out. i pause, now realizing that all eyes are on me. maybe that came out too defensive, "if someone did, she would tell you" i add. i look at y/n and attempt to smile, but i know it fails.

"that's a good point" pansy sighs, giving up the subject for the rest of our outing.


after dinner we all spend the evening in the common room playing chess. i beat everyone with ease. i'm quite proud of my chess skills. just as i'm about to exit to my dorm to get some rest, i feel a tug on my arm. before i can process what's happening, i'm being pulled into another room by the mysterious force. i get my bearings and look down, seeing y/n standing before me.

"you didn't tell them about the necklace?" i say the first thing that comes to mind

"well... no" she shrugs, looking confused, "i didn't think you would want me to"

why would i not want you to is all i want to say, but instead "right" is all that comes out. i clear my throat, "well then.. thanks i guess" internally, i roll my eyes at myself

"yeah" y/n says quietly

"did you have something to say to me?"

"huh?" she looks up at me, finally making eye contact.

"you're the one who pulled me in here" i scowl

"oh um" she looks away, seeming to think about what she'll say next, "no no that was it"

i nod and turn away, clearly she doesn't want people to know about the necklace, and that's fine by me. all the better actually. if we're not friends "publicly" i ought to stop giving her so much attention. maybe i will consider pansy. i shake my head, no i wouldn't do that. my thoughts are interrupted when i walk into the dorm, the guys bombarding me with all of the pranks they bought at the joke shop. 

i'm distracted for the rest of the night, but as i lie in bed once the others have fallen asleep, i can't help but recount the events of today. i don't even know what i would say to y/n the next time i see her. things already feel... so different then they did this morning.

i don't think i speak to her for a week after that.


everyone goes through rocky stages lmao. hope everyone has a good day! chapter 10 will be out tmrw :) if u didn't read the previous chapter, it is chapter 9 but from YOUR pov... so make sure to check that out!

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