chapter 16

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after lunch i go to the library for my free period, before going to muggle studies. no other slytherin's take that course, unsurprisingly, so i sit with hermione during that class.

"draco's really got you on a tight leash hasn't he" she laughs slightly, referring to him calling me away from her, ron, and harry earlier

i shrug, "i know his limits, but sometimes it's just better not to argue with him" i look at her, "the boy has.... reasons for being the way he is" obviously i don't want to tell her about how draco's dad treats him, but i figure that has a lot to do with how he treats everyone at school.

"of course" hermione sighs as she opens her book, "i just wish we weren't the target of so much of his hatred"

"me too" i laugh, "i do try and talk him out of things, i swear, he's just quite stubborn"

hermione nods as our professor walks in, so we drop the topic of draco and focus on class. after two hours of learning about various muggle customs (most of which hermione has to help me understand.. obviously she knows it all already, i think she just takes the class to earn more credits), we head out to dinner together.

when hermione and i walk into the great hall together, i can see heads turn from both the gryffindor and slytherin table.

"well i don't think you're the only one who's going to get yelled at by their friends this time" hermione laughs as she walks away from me, over towards her table. i can see dean and seamus whispering frantically to her, still looking at me as i walk over to sit by daphne.

"you're lucky draco hasn't come down yet" she comments, "he would be furious with you"

"he'll have to get used to it" i place down my bag as food magically appears on my plate, "none of you say a word though" i eye blaise and goyle, sitting across the table from me. they nod quickly, looking back down at their food.

"hi guys" draco says as he enters, pushing goyle and blaise aside so he sits directly across from me, "what have i missed"

"nothing" we all say in unison. draco furrows his brow for a moment and then shrugs, beginning to eat his food. he eats rather quickly and doesn't engage in our conversations, before getting up and walking out of the room. the second he's out of earshot, everyone turns towards me.

"did you say anything to him earlier?" blaise says in an accusatory tone

"why's it always my fault if he's upset?" i counter back

"because it usually is" daphne shrugs, "he never gets that pissy when one of us argues with him"

blaise nods just as pansy comes and sits down, "did you guys see draco? he just shoved past me in the hall"

"yeah i think he's still annoyed about me talking to potter earlier"

the table falls silent

"potter?" blaise laughs, "y/n you're dead meat"

"i wish you luck" pansy smirks, "one time i dropped my quill and harry picked it up for me. i don't think draco talked to me for a whole week after that" the table laughs, i'm sure she's exaggerating, although it does sound like something draco will do

"oh well" i shrug, "he'll learn to get over it" i say as i finish my last bite of food, "i'm off to study" i get up and they all say bye to me as i walk away from the table. i fiddle with the ring on my finger, wondering if draco stills means for me to meet him in the library, he did seem quite cross a moment ago. i stop in one of the girls lavatories and fix my hair a bit before deciding to walk to the library anyways. maybe alone draco will tell me what has him so upset.

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