chapter 22

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hello y/n,

it was good to see you last night. glad we could talk things over.

i've spoken to blaise, and while i won't relay the details of the conversation, i would kindly ask your permission that i teach him a lesson once we're back at school. i'll do it if you don't.

i was wondering if you were free this weekend to come over. my father will be having the governor's over saturday for a meeting and i would like an excuse out of it. let me know if you are available.

- d.m.

"who's the letter from?" my mum asks me. my owl just flew threw our dining room and dropped it off as we eat breakfast.

"draco" i say, finishing reading it, "is it alright if i go to the malfoy's this weekend? saturday."

my parents both look at eachother, and then back at me, "sure you can sweetheart" my mum smiles, "what are you going over for"

"not sure" i shrug, standing and grabbing parchment and quill to write back to draco. i say goodbye to my parents and walk up to my room, writing my letter.

hello draco,

it was great to see you as well.

you really won't tell me what blaise said? i can come over saturday, just let me know what time

- y/n

i send my letter to draco and receive an answer back by the end of the day. draco tells me to arrive at noon. i fold his letter, placing it my drawer and going back downstairs to spend time with my family.


on saturday morning i wake up fairly early, eating breakfast quickly before going back to my room to get ready. i put on a short, pleated white tennis skirt and a loose black t-shirt. pulling my hair back into a ponytail, i jog downstairs to the sitting room, telling my parents i'm leaving before going to the floo room. i jump into the fire, saying malfoy manor and then disappearing into the flames.


"hello y/n" i gasp a little, surprised by draco waiting on the couch in front of his fireplace

"jesus malfoy you scared me" i clutch my chest, stepping out of the fire as the flames fade

"sorry" he stands up, "i didn't want you to arrive and then wander the house trying to find us"

"well... thanks" i smile as i walk toward him

"the governors will be here soon" he starts walking toward the door, "we won't want to be here when they arrive, awfully boring conversations. we can go to my room"

he walks out into the hall and i follow him, "are you really not going to tell me what blaise said?"

"no" he says without turning around, continuing up the stairs towards his room

"come onnn draco" i whine, speeding after him, "it's no fun to keep secrets"

"it doesn't concern you" he says, coldly, opening his bedroom door

"i'm pretty sure it does" i laugh, following him inside, "last time i checked you were speaking to him about me" 

draco purses his lips, seeming to consider what i've said as he sits back in his desk chair, crossing his arms, "you really want to know don't you?" i nod, sitting down on the chest at the end of his bed, "alright, then" draco clears his throat, spinning the chair around and opening his desk drawer. he pulls out an envelope and holds it out to me, "read it for yourself."


hello draco,

glad to hear your summer has been well so far. geneva was great, thank you for asking.

so you saw y/n? i figured you two still weren't speaking. she was correct in telling you that i haven't spoken to her either. my family went to geneva with the greengrasses, daphne's family. i spent lots of time with her sister, astoria, i assume you know her. daphne doesn't know.

i thought back to christmas, when you didn't write to pansy. i know she was upset at first, but it all worked itself out by the end of term, so i figured i would do something similar. by the time school gets back i think y/n will have gotten over it.

we're back at our manor now, your family should come by at some point

best, blaise


i sit holding the letter in my hands, feeling my eyes water slightly as i end the letter. i push back the tears and place the letter back in the envelope, handing it back to draco.

"are you alright?" draco says cautiously, i nod, standing up and beginning to pace, trying to process the letter, "i didn't want to tell you. i thought he was a bit harsh"

"harsh is an understatement" i say quietly, sitting back down onto draco's bed, "so he really just.. moved on to someone else?"

"seems like it" draco rips the letter in half, throwing it into the garbage, "he's downgraded if you ask me"

i smile slightly, tossing the pillow behind me at draco, he laughs, "don't say that, astoria's nice" i shrug , "but thank you"

"what will you do? once we're back at school"

i sigh, "i feel like once i see him i'll be angry again. but right now i'm not particularly upset. more confused" 

draco nods, "i'm quite angry with him" he mutters

"well i don't want all this to get in the way of your friendship-"

"why would i still be friends with him after he did this to you?" draco scoffs, "i can't look at him the same"

i smile slightly. i haven't seen draco care about things like this before, "that means a lot draco"

he nods slightly, giving a small smile, "would you like to go into town? we could get some food"

"i would like that" i smile back. i grab my bag and follow draco down to their sitting room, where his mother is

"hello mrs. malfoy" i smile at her as we walk into the room

"oh hello y/n" she smiles back brightly, standing up, "i hadn't realized you had arrived yet" she gives me a hug, "where are you two of to?"

"hoping we could go to hogsmeade?" draco asks

"of course darling" she smiles at him. i'm glad to see one of his parents is sweet to him. draco smiles at his mum and then directs me to their fireplace, sprinkling in some floo powder. we hop in the flames and wave goodbye to narcissa before saying "hogsmeade" and flying away.


sorry this chapter is a bit short... i had a bit of writer's block today but i have a good idea for the next chapter so i should have that done by tmrw morning :) this chap has all the tea on blaise, we're mad at him now lol so that should b fun once they're back @ school. #cancelblaise2020

anyways vote/comment/share :) see y'all tmrw

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