chapter 29

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the first day of defense of the dark arts is... interesting. mad-eye is definitely a lot to take in. he spends the first class showing us the unforgivable curses, something i think no other teacher would imagine doing. after that double period on friday afternoon, i have a hour of free time before lunch. i walk out of class with draco, planning on going to the library to work on our potions paper on the properties of a scarab beetle.

"you promised me you would apologize" i say to draco as we make our way to the back of the library, "you're insecurities about owning up to your mistakes are not my problem"

"no need to be so harsh" draco scowls, hitting me in the arm with his books as he pushed past me to sit in the couch

"you're one to talk" i chuckle, taking a seat next to him, "... seriously draco. you must apologize tonight"

"fine" draco groans, "you're coming with me though, right?"

"nope" i shake my head, "then they'll know i've put you up to it, although i'm sure they'll be able to figure you wouldn't do this of your own free will" draco glares at me, "but it will seem more sincere if you're by yourself"

"alright. i'll do it at dinner" he sighs, pulling out his textbook, "moving on?" he raises his eyebrow and i nod, moving closer so i can read the text over his shoulder.


i look over my shoulder as we eat, constantly checking the gryffindor table to see if the golden trio has arrived yet.

"if they don't show am i off the hook?" draco chuckles across from me

i turn back and glare at him, "wipe that smirk off your face and get up" i roll my eyes, looking back at the entrance, "they're here"

i can hear draco gulp behind me as he gets up from his seat, crossing the end of the table and coming to stand in front of me, "you say it just like we rehearsed draco. i swear if hermione tells me you-"

"i know i know" he says in a bored tone, "i'll play nice" he mocks what i told him earlier, and lets out another large sigh, turning and walking towards the gryffindor table.

"you really think he'll give a decent apology?" daphne says

"not a chance" i say, not taking my eyes off him as he lands in front of ron and harry, "but the way i see it, any apology from him is pretty impressive"


draco's pov

i make my way to the gryffindor table, my head down and hands stuffed in my pockets. i run through all the things y/n told me to say in the library quickly, as i get closer and closer to where harry and ron sit.

"get away from here malfoy" harry says as soon as i stand in front of them

"listen potter" i snap back, before clearing my throat. play nice. y/n's voice rings through my head, "i wanted to speak to you and weas-" i remember she said it was nicer to say their first names, "ron"

they both look at eachother, confused, but don't say a word. i take a deep breath again, taking my hands out of my pockets, "reading the paper out loud, earlier this week... i shouldn't have done it" i say, "and i shouldn't have said your mum was fat ron" i pause, thinking that may have come out wrong, but then i continue, "she really isn't, she's just a little-" i stop myself again, "sorry.... is what i'm trying to say"

once again, harry and ron look at eachother, before hermione nudges ron and nods her head toward me, getting him to stand up, holding out his hand, "thanks, malfoy" i shake his hand awkwardly, and he gives a forced smile.

"well if that's it..?" harry says, still glaring at me as though he's unsure of my intentions

"yeah um.. i'll be going" i nod my head to them, turning around quickly and hurrying back to my table. i'm greeted by cheers as i take my seat, y/n smiling brightly at me from across the way.

"you've done it!" her grin widens as she reaches across the table, patting my hand in congratulations, "see?! that wasn't so bad"

"you're talking to me like i'm a toddler" i roll my eyes, trying to fight a smile from coming up on my face

"how could i not, when you act like one?" she says back, smirking and standing from her seat, "well now that that's all sorted, i have some work i want to get finished before the weekend" she smiles, grabbing her bag and saying goodbye to us all before cheerfully skipping out of the great hall. i smile at the thought that she's so happy.. because of me.

"better be careful malfoy" daphne says, tearing my eyes away from y/n, "she's actually making you halfway decent"


your pov

i head out of the great hall, ecstatic that i managed to get draco to actually speak to harry and ron. i'm heading to the library to meet someone, that part i left out when i said goodbye to my friends. before they arrived at dinner, i made a stop at the hufflepuff table, asking cedric if he could meet me in the library afterwards to go over my muggle studies paper. he happily obliged.

i get into the library, giving a small smile to the librarian before walking further in, looking around each bookcase. we never specified exactly where to meet so-

"y/n! over here!" i turn and see cedric a few stacks away, sat along a bench between two bookcases. i walk over to him, throwing down my bag and sitting next to him, "i wasn't sure where you would want to sit. figured you would find me if i was in this section" he points up to the sign at the end of the bookcase, reading "muggles"

"this is fine with me" i smile as i reach down into my bag, pulling out the scroll i have my paper written on. i hand it over to him and he begins to unroll it, "thank you so much for looking at it"

"yeah no problem" he shrugs, and i can see him begin to scan the words, "your writings excellent" he remarks after a few minutes, flipping the scroll over to read the back half.

"thank you" i reply quietly, beginning to blush.

"i'd say you don't need any of my help" he chuckles, rolling back up the scroll and holding it out to me, "i would give you perfect marks on that essay"

"really?" he nods, "oh well that's great news" i tuck the scroll back into my bag, "i guess i didn't have to pull you away from dinner, then"

"well that's alright" he looks back, checking to see if madam pince is listening, "you know, our common room is right by the kitchens. they're probably through with serving dessert in the great hall, but i know a way in to still get us some" he whispers to me, smiling mischievously

"how long until curfew?" i say

"still got an hour" he raises an eyebrow

"let's go" i smile back, grabbing up my things and quickly following cedric out the library doors.


hey hey i heard some requests for more romance and i PROMISE you fourth year is the year that will start to happen :) there will be some hiccups along the way obviously but her and draco will get there lol
next chapter will be out tonight!
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