Part 2 Chapter 4

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It's about damn time I finally whooped her ass and I don't care if my dad or Zara are mad at me but it was worth it. Alana always walked around as if she owned the place,never cared about anyone but herself,evil and conniving, and my ex. Well i don't know if you call being her experiment counts as an ex but we are. I'm openly bisexual I have been since I was a teenager and Alana being Alana aka a fucking slut started to come on to me one night. I remember one day she seem so sad and I went to talk to her. Apparently the guy who she was talking to at that time was cheating on her and she wanted revenge on him. So me being a dumb ass I told her that I'll cheer her up and we ended up fooling around that night. After that it became a thing I would fuck her behind her boyfriend's back and she would be happy with him. It all went to shit when I caught feelings and she told me she wasn't into me like that and this was just for fun then she turned around and go with Derek. Knowing that I told her that I was crushing on him she ended up getting with him. She claims that I never told her that but I know for a fact that I did. And to top all the "fuck you serena" off she gets with my dad and fucks him then turn around and have his kids. It's like she wanted me to hate her this whole time and I did. I can't stand her I can't stand to be around her every time I look at her I go back to when she shrugged me off like I was nothing to her. Now here i am still hurt and sitting here with a busted lip.
"You have got to get over your little obsession with Alana." Zara said to me. She threw a towel at my me and went to go check on Camilla.
"I'm not obsessed with that bitch I just hate her with a passion" i said
"But for what though? I don't understand how you can hate someone your whole life for no reason at all."
Oh there's a reason. I rolled my eyes and looked in the mirror. One thing about Alana is she was always a good fighter she had to be. People thought just because she's small she couldn't defend herself and she does.
"What? Her fucking our dad behind our backs wasn't enough for you? I guess not you two are like two peas in the pod. Always on her side never on mine." I said truthfully.
It hurts me that Zara always chose Alana over me. She never was on my side except for once and that's when the shit hit the fan between Alana and our dad. But she obviously forgave Alana as well as everyone else. But me no she hurt me too much she broke me down as a person and for that I will forever hate that bitch.
"No one cares about that anymore Re. If you haven't realized mom is getting remarried next year. Dad and Lana are happy and planning on having another baby."
"Another baby?" I asked
"Yeah i know Lana thinks she got dad where she wants him so they can have one more baby." Zara said laughing.
I shook my head at the thought of our dad giving Alana whatever she wants. Everybody always give her what she wants. Ever since we were kids people bowed down to her always and forever. You know what's funny I never knew why my dad always bought Alana everything and had to get Lana something whenever he went out but it bothered me. He used to say that it was because he saw her as another daughter but now I know it was because she was sucking his dick on the low. I mean she's fucking pathetic and a whore. She could have chose anyone else but she chose to go after a married man. And the funny thing is I still have some inkling of feelings for her.
"You know Serena you shouldn't be fighting knowing that you're pregnant. I hope that baby in there is fine also when are you going to tell dad about this baby?" Zara said
"I was planning on telling him at the party but Alana had a whole mental breakdown when she saw Derek."
"You know why she did that. You saw what Derek did to her hell you heard the rumors in school. He's evil and you know he is but being that you hate Lana for whatever reason you had to sleep with him. Now look at you pregnant." Zara said
"Why you going hard on me like you ain't the one with the baby daddy that is also Alana's ex. You're not better than me and she was actually going to marry that man but she ain't say nothing to you. Why is it always me?!" I yelled
"Because you know just like I know that Alana didn't want to marry him she was bluffing just so dad can come to his senses and he did. Alana did have a talk with me about him too FYI and you knew she wasn't in love with Terrence. But you definitely know how Alana feels about Derek. You know he's a soft spot for her you know that you know all of this and yet you still ended up with him!" Zara said
"Whatever I'm going to bed goodnight." I said dismissing everything she said.
Zara looked at me one more time before closing the door. I walked downstairs to get something to drink and I saw Alana in the kitchen getting something to drink and fixing some food. I instantly stopped and looked at her just for a minute. I couldn't help but go back to the old times when it was me and her. I remember us laughing and smiling. I remember being happy with her but she ruined it.
"Are you just going to stand there?" Alana said
"Yeah I'm calming down to make sure that I don't kick your ass again." I said to her.
Alana chuckled at me and then dropped everything in her hand to look at me. She was ready for whatever and i can tell.
"You won't win Serena so you need to shut the fuck up. I'm sick of fighting with you but apparently you're still obsessed with me." Alana said in a bored tone. Now I was the one laughing. Obsessed? Me? Hell no. Alana walked towards the stairs but I grabbed her. I can't believe that I meant nothing to her.
"So I really didn't mean anything to you?" I asked
Alana stopped and stared at me for a second. She mumbled something under her breath but I couldn't hear what she was saying.
"No you didn't." Alana said again in a bored tone.
"So for those six months I was fucking you and loving you, you felt nothing."
"That's right." Alana said
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Yes I am. You know what what do you want me to say? I'm not into girls Serena I was just experimenting with you."
"Yeah i know that but you had to have felt something when you were with me all those months!"
"No I didn't. Look we were teenagers it meant absolutely nothing to me I'm sorry you fell for me but what you want me to do? I can't magically get feelings for you." Alana snatched away from me and tried to walk up the steps but I stopped her again. I could tell Alana was getting frustrated by me but I don't care. She was a crush I did love her and she blew me off and ended up with my boyfriend.
"Look Serena this hatred you got against me for not wanting to be with you, you need to let it go. I'm happy where I am and you need to get over yourself. I tried to be nice to you and you want to hate me but I'm past the drama. So ima say this one time and one time only. Stop obsessing about me and move the fuck on."
"First you hurt me then you get with my boyfriend behind my back." I said ignoring what she said
"Derek wasn't your man and you think i would get with him if I knew that?"
"Yeah probably because you got with my dad knowing he was still with my mom." I said folding my arms.
Alana threw one hand in the air and walked upstairs. She knew that I was right about Derek and that I was right about my dad. She's a hoe and she likes to sleep around behind peoples back's not caring who she hurts along the way. As long as she got her way then everything was fine with her.
"You know what ReRe I'm not going through this whole Chandler thing with you but Derek told me he was single when he asked me out. You got him now so I don't know why you care. Also seriously you know what he did to me and you don't care. If you loved me like you said you did you wouldn't get with him but obviously you didn't. So whatever have him and don't be surprised when you end up mentally fucked because of him." Alana said
"I do have him and I'm pregnant." I said smiling.
"You have fun with that. I'm done with this conversation."  Alana said waving me off.Alana made her way upstairs and I walked into the kitchen and got scared when the lights cut on. I saw that it was Terrence standing there smiling at me.
"I knew it." Terrence said
"You knew what?" I asked trying to act clueless.
"So Alana really does get around and you fell for her just like everyone else."
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"I heard you basically confessed you love for her but whatever my lips are sealed." Terrence said smiling.
"But mine aren't." Zara said
"What did you hear?" I asked
"Every last word." Zara said staring a hole into my head.
"I heard that you and Alana had something back whenever. I knew it I knew you and her had something. Why did y'all hide it?"
"Because she had a boyfriend plus she's not even bi she used me to get back at her man. I was stupid enough to fall in love with her it's fine Zara." I said trying to leave.
"It's not nothing you love her and she hates you. And you obviously not over her."
"I AM ZARA! I just hate her okay damn let it go!!!" I yelled
"STOP YELLING IN MY DAMN HOUSE!" Alana yelled from the top of the stairs. We heard her stomp back towards her room and close the door. Before she closed the door I heard my dad telling her to stop messing with me. Terrence started laughing at Alana and Zara sighed at me.
"So you seriously over her?" Terrence asked
"Yes I am. Like I said before it's no big deal I'm over it!" I said
I walked away from them and down the hall towards the guess room. I'm over Alana I'm seriously am. I just want her to apologize to me for everything.

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